Kribensis12 #fundie

Okay. This is a VERY hard thing to think about. Now, are we talking abortion? If so, I view it like this:
It's the mom's fault she got knocked up, and she needs to take responsability. So, if the babey could kill her in the pregnancy, let it. ( i know, a bit harsh).

If it is a non-abortion situation:

I think that the wife should live. The wife can have another kid. The wife also may have a job, helping support the family. If she died, and the baby lived, the husband may not have enough money to keep the house ect. and keep the baby. If the wife lived, sure, the death of a child is devastating, but she could get over it. She could have another child( if it suits her). Besides, a baby should have BOTH a mother AND a father.



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