MilkBeer #fundie

Bullshiat, you guys think you're "smart." You think everything is "over people's heads" who don't agree with you, you think this is why YOUR "world is broken," YOU THINK TEACHING EVOLUTION MAKES A DIFFERENCE...... Evolution is horrifically assanine and it insults my intelligence to have idiots come on here charging that its a right of passage EVERYONE and should be mandated that this specific area of study MUST be mandated while all of us Accountants are like hey!@!!!! WHY CAN'T WE MANDATE TEACHING TAX LAW TO CAPTIVE AUDIENCES WITH UNDERDEVELOPED MINDS!! PEOPLE HAVE OT DO TAXES RIGHt? or phsychologist saying HEY, WE NEED TO MANDATE TEACHING THE AFFECTS OF CRACK!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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