
Dr. Jason Lisle #fundie creationstudygroup.org

Does It Matter? Jason Lisle sets the record straight.

Does it really matter what we as Christians believe about the Biblical account of creation? Some Christians are plagued by this question. Others ignore it in hopes it will “just go away.” Regardless of what where you stand on the question, the answer has profound impact.

In a recent article, William Lane Craig, a prominent Christian apologist addressed this question with the following:

“I think that [Young Earth Creationism] YEC as a scientific hypothesis is quite hopeless—.But YEC as a hermeneutical hypothesis is quite another matter. I want to approach the text with an open mind, despite the terrifying prospect that YEC might actually be correct as a hermeneutical hypothesis. In that case, we would face some very hard choices. Given YEC’s failure as a scientific hypothesis, we should have to conclude that the Bible teaches scientific error and therefore revise our doctrine of inspiration to accommodate this fact. That is a route one would prefer not to take.” (emphasis added)

Craig reveals the essential struggle with any old-earth view applied to Scripture – it impacts the hermeneutic. What we believe and know from God’s Word and from the creation regarding God’s self-revelation is either negatively or positively impacted by what we believe concerning the creation.

Dr. Jason Lisle offers an exceptional response to William Lane Craig. While giving an exceptional point-by-point refutation of the thinking that elevates human reason over Biblical revelation with regard to knowing what is true, Dr. Lisle points out the necessity that both our scientific and Biblical hermeneutic must agree. What we know from science depends on the fact that the Bible is true.

“But the method of science is itself predicated upon the literal truth of Scripture, starting with an historical Genesis. Namely, our expectation that there are patterns to be found in nature is justified by the biblical revelation that God has imposed order on creation (Genesis 1) and upholds all reality by the Word of His power (Hebrews 1:3), in a consistent way with discoverable cycles (Genesis 8:22). Our expectation that our senses can reliably inform us about nature is founded on the biblical historical fact that God created our senses (Proverbs 20:12). Our presupposition that our own reasoning ability has at least some capacity to distinguish truth from error makes sense only in light of the Genesis historical fact that people are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27). Science is only justified if the Bible – including biblical creation – is true.”

Read all of Jason Lisle’s response. You will be blessed and encouraged.

Additionally, you may wish to view the presentation by Dr. Ronald Marks, Does It Matter?