
RosheaR #fundie direland.typepad.com

Something Americans who support Heterosexual Agenda, and loathe the sad, pathetic, dead future of the Homo's that prey on children to destroy their minds, hearts, and lives, without thought except to pursue their own lusts, but don't consider the cost when the teens turn to drugs, alcohol, addictive lifestyles that destroy their souls, and any homosexual knows what I am talking about don't act like you don't, and this is what you want to spread? Haven't you learned that your disease is destruction. How even George Soros' laughs at the homo agenda and Obama because your being used to destroy a nation, but like all Socialist they turn on those they use. Don't believe me. Learn. Watch what Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao did with homo's. First used them then destroyed them once their objective was reached. Think Obama cares? Huh, he cares about using people like stepping stones to achieve his goals. He has proven that with the poor blacks, and hispanic/latins, and now they are waking up to the find Obama has left them far behind. George Soros is the inspiration behind the agenda, anyone knows this who reads about him. He is using homo's to destroy America because he hates America. He doesn't hide this fact. Look on his web sites he even admits it, how does it feel to be used?