
Jonathan Gardner #homophobia #fundie fwcon.wordpress.com

I have to wonder what is going on here. If homosexuality is perfectly normal, why would anyone be ashamed to be caught kissing another member of the same sex? Or do people who are homosexual not truly believe it is normal? When they try to convince us that it is normal, maybe they are simply trying to convince themselves.

Let me explain. I do things that are different from others. Some of them I am quite proud of, and even if I were the last man on earth doing it, I would continue doing it. If I were discovered, even if I tried to keep the act hidden, I would not be ashamed of doing it. If people ostracized or abused me or even threatened my life because of my behavior, I would feel a bit sad, but I wouldn’t stop doing the behavior, and I certainly wouldn’t commit suicide.

The reason why is because I believe the behavior is fundamentally right and good and honorable. My view doesn’t depend on what others think of me or my actions; I have made a conscious decision and that’s what I have decided is right.

I get the feeling that the suicide problem in the homosexual community is not because there are people who think it is odd or unnatural behavior, or even because some people think it is sinful behavior. Instead, I believe the reason why homosexuals tend to commit suicide when they are discovered or mocked is because they know the behavior is wrong, and have no self-control to correct their behavior to match what they believe to be right. In the end, when people point this out through ridicule, they are incapable of dealing with the cognitive dissonance and are lead to believe that only suicide can help them escape the anguish of that state of mind.

In other words, they aren’t committing suicide because of the actions of the people around them; they are committing suicide because of what they believe on the inside.