
tealhill #fundie guardyoureyes.com

[tealhill recommends Atzat Nefesh and JONAH as two Jewish organizations good for "conversion therapy."]

Both these organizations are in favor of therapy methods which Wikipedia says "are denounced by all mainstream medical organizations". But as Arthur Goldberg writes in his book Light in the Closet, this may be because many gay lobbyists and supporters have good jobs and no kids. So they have lots of money to spend on influencing people's opinions however they want to.

Shmuel Nagid #fundie #homophobia guardyoureyes.com

It is unimportant whether people are attracted to men, women, children, animals or blow-up dolls. Nor does it matter if these perversions are innate or not. What matters is how they ACT. The Torah calls the ACT of homosexuality an abomination. Those who claim to be "gay" are welcome to their twisted attractions. However, once they ACT on those attractions, there is a crime and there is a punishment, no different from rapists or child molesters. A Jewish State should investigate and punish the ACT of homosexuality, lest we all suffer divine retribution fro the actions of a few deviants.

It is 100% true that the gay movement is a complete fraud. Every person has the ability to change. It is not easy for some but that does not mean it is impossible. We are all born with certain inclinations and character issues that we have to work on over our lives. Changing ones attraction is certainly possible Unfortunatly the media has glamourized this lifestyle and many people who could avoid this temptation see no reason to try anymore. That is a real crime. The whole thing is a fraud. We must do everything in our power to stop it.

I believe that just as no one is born a murderer or a theif, but they become one from their own decision to act out, so with homosexuality. The Torah would not forbid doing something which a person is powerless to refrain from doing. G-d created humans and He gave us urges which are evil so that we can come to understand and choose what is good. The power of suggestion and wide media coverage of every abberant behavior has made the forbidden seem permissible.

I too was once challenged in my sexuality, not yet having the chance to mature into the man I am today. When I was younger, several homosexual men made a serious play for me. I was still maturing, still growing in my 'who-I-am' thing, and was tempted by their strong advances. I knew I wasn't homosexual, but their constant advances made me think twice. They preyed upon me at a very impressionable age. I was attractive to both them, and women, though because I was also shy at that time, I did not have any luck with women. But I recognized this as a spiritual attack. This should not be missed.

If you believe that HaShem looked into the Torah and created the world -using the Torah as a blueprint, then you cannot say that it is normal to be gay. The Torah strictly forbids it. From a religious perspective Homosexuality should be dealt with as one deals with adultery, pedophelia, and incest. Those who suffer from these desires surely suffer greatly and need concerned individuals and organizations to help them.