
Courage #fundie hubpages.com

(This was a reply on a page about met addiction being a demonic plot)

I tried it a few times, it made me so sick I didn't do it again. But there was one incident when I joined friends at their home, they have been using for at least 3 or 4 days without taking a break from it. I was invited over to smoke some weed with them, I came to the house completely sober. When I walked into the room I could feel the negative energy from everyone and the chemicals in the air; I closed the door behind me and when I turned away from the door, I saw a man in the corner with no eyes at all. It was a creepy figure, as soon as I looked away for a sec it was gone. All the people there high on meth looked at me all confused when I told them what I had seen, they didn't believe me. But I could still feel something there, not wanting me there; giving me an uninviting feeling. So I left after I was done smoking my blunt. I was not feeling the energy and atmosphere of that room.

This Is Your Brain On Drugs Award

Team Wiseman #fundie hubpages.com

Using Crystal Meth as Witchcraft

The most popular way to use crystal meth is by smoking it out of a glass pipe which can be purchased at almost any convenient store. They sell these witchcraft gadgets for only three to five bucks. Many people prefer this method of use but it is shot up using a needle, crushed and snorted or even eaten. The crystal meth pipe is hidden by its user and protected from the view of strangers. After smoking crystal meth from the pipe the user typically crushes and buries the broken glass... like a dog does a bone. Anyone who has used crystal meth with a pipe knows that when it breaks... replace it or all hell breaks loose. When using crystal meth, you might as well consider yourself a witch or warlock, and the pipe is your magic wand and this video you see here helps to prove that people are using this drug to be 'enlightened' by the evil realm and perform black magic spells on people around them and to even influence law enforcement with mass confusion.

Lee #fundie hubpages.com

All sounds familiar

My son sees ....hears....and claims I'm evil itself and recites verses from the Bible when he is high....on heroine.....crystal meth....and the newest drug easy to get for $5...

He was finally freed from the drugs....Baptized....going to Church....going to Mental Health apps. and back on the right medication...

The devil is busy....waited till he had gotten free then sent 2 of his puppets to put him in jail months after the fact....over a tv set....even though they were offered a tv much better than the one that was taken....

The devil has his puppets in schools to....ever met an athiest?

Don't let your child stay in there class....

They are there to bring a child down....he brought mine down and quit teaching there the very next year...

The door opened and drugs entered my sons life at 10.....demons are real....they live in people..

I've seen the shadow figure twice....I wasn't on drugs or drinking. ...I've seen a person's eyes turn jet black.....one of the scariest moments in my life....

Phine #fundie hubpages.com

It's important for people, especially people who call themselves christians to realize that if people aren't staying away from you, if they aren't giving you a hard time because of your belief and understanding of the bible (Word of God), then you really are not a Christian. If the Master was hated; the servants and children will be too. Jesus was killed. The Master was hated to death.

So when I see Christians living a krispy kreme life; I know one thing; they are not talking to anyone about their beliefs and understanding or they are not really following Christ. Thanks to you brother for a powerful article.

Phine (man of God)