
XenonII #fundie perspectives.com

Men should stick to blue and women should stick to pink. We dress babies in the right colors so why can't we do the same as adults? It is a sin to wear clothes that belongs to the opposite sex and women are particularly bad at violating this rule. Men don't wear dresses (apart from a few sickos) so why should females wear pants? It's a sin! Most women today are transvestites and abominations. [...]

So please dress like a man if you are a man and dress like a woman if you are woman and stop flaunting your satanic lifestyle and defiance of God. Thanks.

XenonII #fundie perspectives.com

[He's known on the board for being an asshole and a bible thumper, and we usually mock him willingly. But you do NOT mock Martin Luther King Jr!]

"Martin Luther King was a liar, a cheat and a filthy commie. He is not the sort of person that America should be paying respect to or honoring by dedication of a national holiday. Quite the contrary in fact. REPEAL THE HOLIDAY FOR AN EVIL COMMUNIST ADULTURER NOW! Stop glorifying a depraved person who lived a satanic lifestyle!"

freedomboy3 #fundie perspectives.com

I really have nothing against liberals as people; most are good people whom mean well. The problem is their love of an oppressive all-powerful federal government and their obedience to their ruling lunatic fringe. If they regain power we will have to reform our militias and bury some of our guns. Participating in a militia is a lot trouble, but it will have to be done, and burying guns is dangerous, they could always be found by children. And we may even have to kill some liberals. I don’t want to do any of the things especially kill people and especially my own countrymen.

Clark #fundie perspectives.com

Everyone knows what I am talking about, the majority of Americans are disgusted with the ACLU as it continues its assault on Christianity and limited government, every patriotic American must understand what is at stake: our liberty and freedom. Our hope as Americans lies in the foundations of America that, though undermined, still exist today. Though seemingly esoteric, the founding and moral principles present a hope to our country. George Washington said, "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports." While it is these “pillars of human happiness” that the ACLU has sought to destroy, Americans have the ability stand up to the ACLU and reclaim America.

littlebit #fundie perspectives.com

please help me with a bad feeling that my family has about this new election. in revalations you can see discussions about clintin ,not for battom but please read now hillary is running and if you add up the letters of each of her names it comes up with 666 plus the fact of before war relations with powers that embedded with terrist against our christ!!

AryanPrideAmerica #racist perspectives.com

White people are the reason why America is the great country it is today. It wasn't till our Nation was settled by the Europeans when we truly became powerful.

We don't need Mexicans, Muslims, liberals, or "diversity." These impurities are slowly but surely overtaking what was once our great and purely American nation.

XenonII #homophobia #fundie perspectives.com

Homosexuality is a filthy sick disgusting lifestyle which is a choice. Homosexuality is a mental disorder (despite what the jews say). Homosexuality is one of the leading causes of spreading AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Homosexuality is a miserable unfulfilling existance: homosexuals are at high risk of suicide, drugs overdoses, alcoholism and other destructive behaviours. Homosexuality is a mental disorder that fuels other mental disorders such as depression and pschiophrenia. Homosexuals can't reproduce because homosexuality isn't natural (It was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve). Homosexuality is a very serious sin which the Bible demands the death penalty. In most countries this crime against nature is still illegal and can be punishable by death. That's just some of what's wrong with being a "gay". Instead of creating special rights for this repulsive abomination it should be seen for and treated as the illness it is.