
Lemon #fundie rpgcodex.net

There are dozens of reasons to bar women from combat roles. There's the risk of sex, rape, and pregnancy. There are the issues of strength and the ability of women to endure the wear and tear of combat arms. Smaller bodies break down faster. Men will also go to great lengths to protect women in danger, it's an instinct that overrides any training that soldiers experience. That in turn undermines combat effectiveness. Women will also turn sex to their advantage. For example -- women will flirt with their peers and charm them into carrying their load for them. Women will sleep with their superiors to earn a better fitness report. These are things that have happened, do happen, and will continue to happen. As we've seen in the past, training standards are flexible. Once we enact a policy (such as the new Marine PFT for women) the standards will be adjusted to meet the required outcome. That's just politics. I can see only one real reason to integrate combat units, it's not a manpower shortage it's to feel better about ourselves.

There are many roles in the armed services that women are just as qualified at. Allowing women to join was the right decision, allowing them into combat arms is not. They are less capable, and their inclusion will undermine the performance of men in the field.