
Dan Trabue #fundie stonescryout.org

There is no older, more universal institution on earth, than the Christian church. It was founded for the salvation of every tribe, tongue, people and nation. There is nothing human that is alien to us. There is no weakness with which we are unacquainted. We know 'diversity' in a way that the 'gay' movement hasn't the first clue.

That's why, unless we would break fellowship with Christ who delivers the Church from ignorance of God's will, and from sin and death, we will not make the mistake of thinking that sex with the same sex is a matter of being 'different'.

Jim #fundie #homophobia stonescryout.org

I'm not a movie prude; we check out many kinds of movies. And I expect most anything coming out of Hollywood, with any rating, to include something contrary to my values. I let most of it roll off my back. But with Happy Feet, I didn't expect my conservative Christian family to be assaulted with what we all recognized as a anti-Christian screed, with open mockery of traditional Christian preaching against values and lifestyles contrary to church teachings. It was abundantly clear that Happy Feet substituted homosexuality with dancing as the "different" lifestyle that was the unfair target of an Inquisition on ice. It was Dirty Dancing and Footloose all over again, but with the rhetoric and situation developed to make religious criticism of homosexuality counter to everything good and pleasing.