
Grace #conspiracy theherald.com.au

(She's referring to Satanic Ritual Abuse)

If you haven't experienced SRA , keep your opinion to yourelves ! It is very real insidious , YEP it seems unbelievable ! Hello! Why do you think they get away with it and make others who are trying to make a difference look Like religous nuts ! It's called walk in a survivors shoes then and only then you can voice your opinion ...

Lucy #conspiracy theherald.com.au

Sadly Satanic ritual abuse (SRA, also known as ritual abuse, ritualistic abuse, organised abuse, sadistic ritual abuse and other variants) is alive and very real. And yes it is still happening here in Australia, children are abducted &/or bred for sacrifices, pornography and prostitution. Please note* It is called SRA because the perpetrators openly worship satan, they tell their victims they are evil and belong to him and call THEMSELVES satanists*

BUT this is just one of the many types of abuses that victims who have long suffered in silence go to Heal for Life for the help they have not been able to find elsewhere, because there is nowhere else to go. This has to be THE most shocking, draining and debilitating field to work in and HFL is doing THE most work I can see or find, but it is also the LEAST supported, its no wonder the workers end up burnt out and disgruntled.

So rather than tearing down (with both words and public bullying) one of the only organisations that have been and continue to provide a place for help and healing, how about doing what you can to help these people by volunteering or supporting them with enough donations that they can afford to pay full time or on call counsellors to support their carers, support workers and volunteers!!!!