
Rep. Steve King #fundie thenation.com

[On president Obama calling to congratulate Jason Collins for coming out about his sexuality but not calling Tim Tebow to congratulate him for being Christian]

“We’ve got Tim Tebow who will kneel and pray to God on the football field. Meanwhile we have a professional athlete that decides he’s going to announce his sexuality and he gets a personal call from the United States to highlight the sexuality of a professional ballplayer. These are ways that the culture gets undermined, where it gets divided. The people over on this side take their followership from that kind of leadership. One notch at a time, American civilization, American culture, western civilization, western Judeo-Christiandom are eroded.”

Dr. David Hager #fundie thenation.com

"You see...there is a war going on in this country, and I'm not speaking about the war in Iraq. It's a war being waged against Christians, particularly evangelical Christians. It wasn't my scientific record that came under scrutiny [at the FDA]. It was my faith.... By making myself available, God has used me to stand in the breach.... Just as he has used me, he can use you."

[Dr. Hager was George W. Bush's appointee to the FDA who was known for his staunch opposition to emergency contraception, abortion and premarital sex, authored books such as "Stress and The Woman's Body" in which he advocated certain Scriptural readings to alleviate headaches and premenstrual syndrome, and repeatedly sodomized his ex-wife for years while giving excuses such as "You asked me to do that" and "Oh, I didn’t mean to have anal sex with you; I can’t feel the difference." Yeah, right...]

Rachel Scott #fundie thenation.com

Rachel Scott, who calls herself a "one-woman Quiverfull activist," describes her conversion moment [to the anti-contraception movement]. One night after the birth of her fourth child--their third "oops" baby due to birth-control failures--when the prospect of tuition for four consumed husband Christopher and their pastor was urging vasectomy, Christopher saw a warrior angel in his dream. A "large, worrying warrior angel" with a flaming sword that he pointed at Christopher's genitals, telling him, "Do not change God's plan."