
sunshinemary #fundie thewomanandthedragon.wordpress.com

First, many Protestants accept divorce in the case of abuse even though no such escape clause exists in the Bible. Some say that it means divorce is okay so long as no remarriage occurs, but that only refers to a legal divorce, not whether or not the abused wife is still married in God’s eyes. In fact, she is still married in God’s eyes, which is why the Bible is so clear that whoever marries a divorcee is committing adultery; you commit adultery when you sleep with someone God does not give you permission to. In cases of extreme physical abuse, then physical separation is entirely reasonable. But even if you obtain a legal divorce, you are not divorced in God’s eyes.

deti #fundie thewomanandthedragon.wordpress.com

I completely agree that men must love their wives by washing of water through the Word.

The problem is that many women, including Christian women, don’t like what that “washing of water through the Word” looks like and feels like. Most Christian pastors will say that that true “washing of water through the Word” is emotional and spiritual abuse.

A man who undertakes to do this has to insist on his spiritual headship and on her submission. he has to have the final say in everything; i.e. if the two don’t agree, he breaks the tie and they do it his way. She submits even if she disagrees completely. He has to insist she give up control. He has to take control of things. He puts her on a budget and insist he stick to it. He insists on being consulted before major purchases.

He insists on knowing her general comings and goings, the routine and rhythm of her daily life. If she goes somewhere, he has the right to know where she’s going, if he decides to ask. If she does go somewhere, she accounts for where she was and who she was with if he asks. He insists on knowing generally who her friends are, who she associates with, and what organizations she belongs to; and she must tell him. Sometimes, he shows up unannounced at her work, her club functions, her friends’ homes, simply to satisfy himself that she really is where she said she would be. If she’s an SAHM, he shows up without warning at home in the middle of the day, to make sure she is doing what she needs to do and is where she claims to be. If she is talking to someone on the phone, he has the right to ask whom she was talking to and what it was about. He has the right to know anything and everything going on in his house, involving his house, and in any way touching or concerning the people who live in that house and the things in and around that house [...]

But you see, women do not like this. What I’ve outlined above is considered abusive, controlling, and sick. Women rail against this and claim they are “being controlled”.

sunshinemary #fundie thewomanandthedragon.wordpress.com

(Part of a much larger post)

You must have sex with him. The problem is that most men find grudging, duty sex from their wives unappealing. Your husband would like to feel that you are actually attracted to and aroused by him. Therefore, you will need to increase your attraction to him, and here is why. It is not for your satisfaction and fulfillment, it is for his. I say this in love, but understand that you are a whore and you deserve to be dragged to the city gates, stoned to death, and cast into hell. But Jesus Christ has paid the sin debt that you owe, and now that you are in Him, you are no longer condemned to be cast into hell. Your man was willing to take you into his home and give you his name. You are blessed to have him and you will now set aside your lusting after personal happiness and instead seek to obey the Lord by pleasing your husband. You will please him by being sexually attracted to him.

You must behave as if he were far above you on the sexual attractiveness scale, and this is not to be about his looks. This will be an attempt to recalibrate what you find sexually attractive, and you must do these things while beseeching our gracious Heavenly Father to rewire your brain so as to remove or reduce the effects of sleeping with other, more alpha men so that you may please your husband by becoming sexually attracted to him.