
Sparxz #conspiracy totalfascism.com

I read our article and agreed with it, ‘until’ you started praising zionist-banker puppet “Adolf Hitler”. The zionist bankers created so-called national socialism(oxymoron), and Nazism(Ashken-nazism), as false leaders of nationalism to discredit legitimize positive nationalism. Well famously the Germans willingly and foolishly offered themselves up to the task, and are under ‘multi’-foreign occupation ever since.

Jarl Hyperborea #conspiracy totalfascism.com

I would like to say that there is a global pedophile ring. That much is true, but the perpetrators are Israeli Jews and their shills in the US and Europe, not Satanists. Just as with drugs, at the highest levels human trafficking is dominated by Mossad and CIA groups. They are also big on organ trafficking, and every once in a while you will see some Jew in Israel being tried for selling organs harvested from Palestinian kids to rabbis.

Andrew Anglin #racist totalfascism.com

Just as the Black is a fierce warrior, having originated in the savage land of Africa, the Yellow is a diligent worker having originated in the highly organized agrarian East Asia, and the White is a contemplative creator, having originated in a frozen land which required innovation for survival, the Jew is a bloodsucking parasite. We don’t really understand his origins, but as long as history has been aware of him, he has attached himself to the societies of others and exploited his hosts for the profit of his tribe.

The Jew is not the only race which has developed as a parasite. The gypsy, probably a genetic cousin of the Jew, has also functioned in this manner, and in Southeast Asia, there is a race of “sea gypsies” called the Badjao, which allegedly used to fish for a living, and now do nothing but beg on the streets. However, begging and scamming are not the methods of the Jew, who is much more deviously intelligent than the gypsy. The Jew, in order to exploit the people it lives amongst, aspires to infiltrate and subvert the entire society, involving itself in all aspects of the social order, from high finance, to business, to culture creation. In this way he not only drinks the blood of his host population, but shapes the entire society to meet his own standards of what is comfortable.

It is important to note the reasons why I believe the Jewish Question needs to be viewed in biological, genetic terms. I do not believe that the Jew consciously understands why he does what he does. Most Jews probably don’t even consciously understand what they are doing, but the intellectual Jews, which do understand that they are purposeful in their subversion and exploitation of gentile societies, almost certainly do not consciously understand why. The UCLB professor, Kevin MacDonald, has explained exploitative Jewish behavior in terms of an evolutionary strategy, and thus an internal biological drive; because they are not adapted to work or to create, they instinctively exploit a host population, and because they play this role of exploiter, they must continually subvert and weaken the society so as to prevent blow-back. Given this, I do not view moralizing arguments as particularly relevant or helpful. The Jew is only as “evil” as any other predatory animal.

That isn’t to say that metaphorically speaking of the Jew as “satanic,” is necessarily counterproductive, but we should keep in mind that snakes and predatory animals, as well as disease, have often been couched in the metaphor of otherworldly evil.

Andrew Anglin #racist totalfascism.com

The best thing for the lower races – really the only option in my opinion – is to put them on nature preserves, and merely let them do what they do. It was the Jew who wanted all of the resources in these peoples lands, it wasn’t fair to them and it wasn’t fair to us. I don’t hate these people. It is simply clear that they are incapable of existing in a modern setting. The Arabs are something in between the level of Whites/Asians in civilized development, and could possibly be allies in some sense if they were in their own lands. The Persians I have known are intelligent and empathetic in a manner very similar to Whites.

I don’t believe Asians are in anyway better than us, it is simply a fact that they have proven themselves capable of running advanced countries, and behaving in a civilized manner. It seems to me they are our natural allies; even though they are not particularly creative, they have something to offer, and are anyway capable of existing on their own. The Latinos, Blacks, East Indians and most Muslims simply act as parasites and/or predators in our society, even if they remain in their own countries. They are not capable of existing on their own in the modern world.

Andrew Anglin #racist totalfascism.com

The emerging global race war is between the black and brown races of the planet, led by the Jews, and the White Aryan man. Presently, in most White countries, the Jews are waging war through soft kill methods, but a hot war has already been launched in South Africa, where 70 thousand Whites have been murdered by blacks since the end of apartheid.

This soft kill procedure involves various methods, but the key to it is the flooding of White countries with non-White immigrants. The numbers have been escalated to an insane level, and the invasion shows no signs of letting up. These people are driving down every aspect of our society, making White cohesiveness impossible. They are feeding on us as parasites, looting everything that our ancestors built, and instead of being appreciative, they despise us for our weakness – which, I must say, is fair enough.

Because we subconsciously understand that we are under attack, our birthrates have dropped. Subversive Jewish media aimed at the psychology of Whites also contributes to the decline of the Great White Race. Women have been turned against men in a sickening and bizarre fashion, and men have been convinced by the Jewish culture that a “real man” does not mate, but instead behaves as a deranged sexual deviant, having sex with as many whorish women as possible to fill the void left in his self-image by a society that does not permit men to be men.

The rates of both male and female homosexuality among Whites continue to rise as it is pushed with greater and greater force in the media. They are pushing race-mixing heavily – after decades of utterly nonsensical “anti-racist” propaganda, it is finally considered socially acceptable for Whites to engage in interracial sexual relationships, an act which amounts to nothing more than bestiality, and destroys the genetic heritage of our ancestors.

Andrew Anglin #racist totalfascism.com

One of the most popular conspiracy theories pushed by the likes of Alex Jones is that this secret group of Satan-worshiping pedophiles he is so often talking about – collectively referred to as either “the Illuminati” or “the globalists” – have a secret plan to “depopulate” the planet, for unclear reasons that somehow relate to satanism. I have written about the problems with this ridiculous alleged “theory” before. Today I would like to talk about what is actually happening: the Jews are committing a genocide against the White race, using the black and brown races as a proxy army.

The reason the Jews are intent on crushing the White race is that we are the only people who have proven ourselves capable of standing up against them, as they learned during the reign of the Great and Mighty Adolf Hitler. The other races, for better or worse, lack the intelligence and critical thinking capacities to identify and eject the Jew. The Jews wish to rule the world, unchallenged, and as long as the White man exists, they will be incapable of doing this.

Andrew Anglin #racist totalfascism.com

Once elected, we will immediately enact decisive measures to the end of establishing White racial homogeneity in these United States.

Firstly, the US armed forces will be deployed within the United States to deal with non-white immigrants. Our revolution will not recognize the citizenship which has been granted these non-European immigrants as legally valid, nor will having been born in the United States give a non-White any special legal rights. They will be rounded up and interned in concentration camps until they can be shipped back to wherever they are from. This will be done in a manner that is just and avoids denigrating the immigrants as much as possible, but is nonetheless quick and decisive.

David Elliot #fundie totalfascism.com

This is what happens when you allow liberalism and the idea of “equality” to take hold. Where does it stop? It never does. It always snowballs. Once one type of sexual deviance is more or less “accepted” as normal, they have the next one on the batting plate, getting you ready to accept that one, too.

I’ve told multiple people in my life that we will live to see the day when pedophilia is not only legal, but would be a celebrated facet of sexual behavior. I was laughed at by all of my friends, but I simply uttered these words,

“If it was 70 years ago and I told you that you’d be supportive and in favor of homosexuals parading the streets in the nude as a country celebrated their mental disease, you would have laughed at me just as you did now.”

Aryan Jim UK #racist totalfascism.com

While I do agree that the Jews generally do seem to have compassion & empathy deleted from there genetics, You have to admit Andrew there are Blonde haired blue eyes Jews, Black Jews, Chinese Jews & of course the typical hook nosed Rat Faced semetic Jews. So to be honest how can they be all that Genetically simlar, I mean you wouldnt call a black man white cause he had a white ancestor 5 generations before would you? So obviously there must be a lot of Planning, theres things going on that are way to complex to not be well organised, whether It be world ecomomics or 9/11 etc etc, Also while I agree the average Jew is Evil & degenerate, there is clearly an elite that are even more evil, the whole ‘Satanism’ stuff is simply Judaism & they do sacrifice Animals & even People. Etheopian Jews for example practice animal sacfifice openly! In my opinion there is a spititual element to this aswell, Im not religious, but do believe in a spiritual component to the universe, there is clearly a dark force on this Earth right Now (call it satan or lucifer or whatever name is irrelavent) & the Jew is this forces Servant. & no I havnt got this from David Kike but my own life experience.