radishman #sexist incels.is

RE: [JFL] My [25F] fiance [29M] became upset when he heard that I have done sex acts with exs that I don't want to try with him

My [25F] fiance [29M] became upset when he heard that I have done sex acts with exs that I don't want to try with him

"It's true that he asked before and I said it's not something I want to do, which is true. I'm not sure how to explain it, but the act feels kind of degrading to me. I kind of enjoyed doing it in a wilder phase of my life because there was this appeal of trying something more "taboo," but only with casual partners. But I don't want a man I love and respect so much and who respects me to do that to me. The idea just sounds completely offputting to me."

Imagine having 8 partners with whom you ALSO have had anal. Aside from all of the other partners she had. HOW CAN A MAN COPE LIKE THIS

Funny how all the comments say he has no right to her body, well then why even be in a committed relationship?

Also even funnier how while he has no right to decide what she does, but he also has no reason to be upset. Love how it always works out that way.

Tale as old as time. They let chad rummage through their poop cavity, but not for their beta. And are SHOCKED AND SURPRISED when men find that disgusting and insulting. If this guy has any self respect he'd dump her. She admitted 8 cocks have been in her ass, which is a big fucking number at any age... but you know it's a lot higher since she watered it down.

Holes are fucking disgusting. Notice how they never want to do "degrading" acts with the men they supposedly love, but no issues with casual. Does that make any sense? Only if you understand that the casual guys are who she is truly attracted to and knows deep down any man who sees as anything more than a cumbucket would not want to have anything to do with her with that knowledge, chad obviously doesn't care because he ain't committing.

And you know damn well if she found out he did things for other toilets, but not her she'd be reeeing with the best of them. But that's different. Nope.

I'll stick with a fake woman, thanks.



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