Churchwork #fundie

An atheist will accuse a Christian for what he perceives to be the evil of God of the Bible for the flood and telling Israel to annihilate tribes in Canaan, but if God is not real then these are just events of nature, so the atheist would be accusing naturalism of being evil, but this contradicts the high and mighty morals an atheists purports to have for believing in and accepting such naturalism. Otherwise, the atheist would have to admit that he is a bad person, evil to the core in which case Christianity proves its point that the atheism is evil.

If the atheist reverts back to being agnostic this also will not do, because if he rejects Christianity because of natural disasters, he is rejecting also atheism which has natural disasters. Therefore, the agnostic is not being honest, for he is claiming in one fell swoop both Christianity and atheism to be false and is not open to either of them being true which goes against agnosticism. The agnostic is lying about being agnostic. The agnostic is therefore accusing himself unwittingly of claiming nothing is true which is impossible, for obviously this universe does exist.

Since no other system fits, either atheism is true or Christianity is true. Christianity explains why these things happen and atheism finds itself in a contradiction as was explained, so we are left with no option but Jesus is God.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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