Political Moonshine #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy politicalmoonshine.substack.com

In the last article, we reasoned that the trans agenda was a component in the application of cultural Marxism to U.S. society. We reached those findings by relying upon substantial existing analysis and evidence that is discussed below and which is overlaid by evidence of a resurgence from Michelle Obama to become the 2024 Democratic Party nominee.
Transgenderism was hijacked for the Intelligence Community to be used as the contextual component inside of perception management operations.

Those operations, which are more commonly known as “psyops,” are designed to apply cultural Marxism to the population in a broader effort to overthrow and convert the United States to a communist nation under Globalist control.

In other words, Marxist communism is the chosen enforcement mechanism to keep the slaves in line and producing while Globalist elites tyrannically rule by their credence of “rules for thee but not for me”.

Therein, transgenderism is a herding and bullying component of cultural Marxism in the form of a mechanism, tool and weapon.
Our purpose is to therefore identify the moment in time that transgenderism was technically hijacked by U.S. politics as a mechanism, tool and weapon; and where it would become the spine of the public education system.
If the analysis bears-out as accurate, the Intelligence Community political continuum that I’ve branded ‘Dynastic Bush’ is operating to position Michelle Obama as the 2024 Democratic Party nominee for the purpose of continuity in the Executive on down.

Consider the tactical objective of continuity to be the primary objective of Dynastic Bush.
In such a case with Newsom succeeding Michelle for two terms, Dynastic Bush would extend its stranglehold on the U.S. by a 17-year margin.

By that time, our goose will have been cooked, eaten and the rest of it.

By that time, the U.S. will be China’s twin sister and there is no U-turn on that road.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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