Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #homophobia #conspiracy

White people have been destroying white people for as long as I remember. I don’t mean only in military wars, such as WW I and WW II, which destroyed the English and Europe and left them as American vassel states. In wars of a different kind the damage has been as terrible. In fact, worse, because it is not only a genocide of white people but a genocide of their culture of freedom and accountable government.
So that this column doesn’t get too long for Americans to have the patience to read, I will start at an arbitrary point in time: The destruction of neighborhood schools. It began with Brown vs. Board of Education when an unintelligent and socially illiterate Supreme Court ruled that going to school with your own kind was “unequal” and a violation of the 14th Amendment of equal treatment under the law.
Leaving the destruction of American education by white Americans, let’s move on. It was whites who made whites second class citizens in law. The 1965 Civil Rights Act forbade racial quotas, but the EEOC, the regulatory agency in charge, ignored Congress’ law and imposed racial quotas that gave preference to blacks, then women, and eventually to the sexually perverted over while heterosexual males. Today despite the law forbidding discrimination, corporations and the US military openly declare that they discriminate against white male heterosexuals in favor of “people of color,” sexual perverts, and women. This flagrant violation of the 14th Amendment has been ignored by Congress and the courts for a half century..
I cannot think of anything, not one thing, that any Western government has done for their own white ethnic nationalities in the 21st century. White peoples have accepted their loss of rights and legal standing, their coerced financial responsibility for immigrant-invaders, their obligation to accept the legitimization of sexual perversion and Satanic morality.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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