Dr. Don Boys #fundie #transphobia donboys.cstnews.com

Most modern Americans are so shallow and media-struck, they can't think normally. Homosexuals don't exist, only heterosexuals who do awkward, abnormal, even abominable things with the same sex. Likewise, transgenders do not exist, only uncertain, unstable, and unwise people who mutilate their bodies in search of an elusive dream-that always becomes a nightmare.

Look, it's rather simple. A child is born. His or her attending physician holds up the new-born, slaps his or her rear, lays the child on his or her back (don't get hasty, we'll get to the gender soon) and after a quick glance writes "male" on the birth certificate. That settles it and he will be called "Bob," "Bill," or maybe even "Bruce." His parents think they have a boy but he later decides he is a she. Much later in life he enjoys wearing female clothing and identifying with females. He looks down at himself and appears to be a man but "feels" like a woman. The trouble is you can't trust your feelings. Your eyes are telling you the truth while your feelings are lying to you and will end up making a fool of you and destroying your life.


I suggest that each person keep his or her parts that they were born with and not listen to the "voice within them" since it is their body parts that will be removed, not those of the voice within.

No, transgenders do not exist.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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