Heartbrokenbrad #fundie flyleaffans.com

[ "So your saying if a baby is born with four fingers we should cut one of the fathers fingers off?" this is about when a man hits a pregnant woman in the stomach ]

no. you punish the man that hurt the mother. if it happens to be the father then yes.see God cares about all life and the idea here is that the punishment should fit the crime.

why do you think women are "unclean" while in their period? because the unfertilized egg was a potential life and thus it is the same as a baby that died. the hebrew word used for that kind of "uncleaness" is the same word used for corps contamination. a man is also "unclean" if he has any kind of unatural discharges.because the sperm was a potential life.

I think it's funny the semantics that so called "scientists" use today.they say "it isn't a live baby, it's a fetus". they don't mention that the word fetus means little baby.[..]

thats their whole reasoning as to why it's ok to kill babies. "because it isn't really alive so you aren't actually killing." the problem is that a "fetus" meats all 4 of the critirea necessary to be considered alive. so according to science a fetus is alive.



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