Kayla Adanalian #fundie teapartytribune.com

(part of an article titled "Why Christians Should Support The Immigration Ban")

As Christians, it is detrimental to the preservation of or faith and our morality to NOT support and defend the ban. There is no biblical command to accept those who pose a threat to our American life, liberty, freedom. Radical islam is not a faith or an ideology that can be met with compromise or who we can find common ground with. Its sole enemy is Christianity and its goal to take over the west, “through immigration” (see the Quran). American Christians, with respect to recent events and the rise of radical Islamic terror, are worried for their families.
Recently, Bill O’Keefe, the VP of the Catholic Relief Service said, “The Christian religion is about love and fear is the opposite of love. As Christians, we need to overcome our fear and act on the basis of love.” This is completely tailored to his own personal agenda and beliefs. Fear is not the opposite of love, it’s its unfortunate counterpart. We fear because we love. If we didn’t love our country, we wouldn’t fear it’s demise. If we didn’t love our western ideals and way of life, we wouldn’t fear it’s downfall. If we didn’t love our lives, we wouldn’t fear death. If we didn’t love our faith and our Creator, we wouldn’t fear its subversion.
If we don’t do something to stop this now, Christianity will not only cease to be a force of good in the world, but it will cease to exist at all. We, not only as Americans but as Christians, are responsible for preserving the ideals that this country was built upon. We must also protect our people as to maintain the hegemony of the United States and not only continue to be but also flourish as the truest and most powerful force of good that the world has ever seen.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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