Patsy Lambert #fundie

God is great and God is good

Christmas Day has come and gone, but the Birth of Jesus will linger on. For every child of God we celebrate the Birth of Jesus each day that we live.

How wonderful to know that God lives within our heart.

As we begin a New Year let's always remember what God has done for each of us. We try to make resolutions to do better, go on a diet, and so many other things. The most important thing we could ever do is accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and live for Him.

If He comes today are you ready to meet Him? Would Heaven be your home? It is so important to know for sure that you are saved.

God forgives all sin no matter how big or how small. The good part is He remembers them no more.

"As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us." Psalms 103: 12.

Satan will try to bring them back to our mind, but think of God's Mercy and Grace. God is greater than anything we have to go through.

God is great and God is good.

Happy New Year everyone.



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