MShakur #homophobia

The Homosexual Movement: A Mass Conditioning Exercise

One of the most pervasive and perverse mass conditioning exercises in recent years is the lowering of tolerance for homosexuality that gradually desensitized the minds of the people to perversion.

It was a â planned psychological attack primarily orchestrated by two homosexual social scientists and activists from Harvard, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen who wrote a homosexual manifesto in their book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's The authors predicted Americans would be cured of their opposition to homosexual perversion, whether they like it or not.

In order for a new neonazi fascist state to be imposed the current culture has to be broken down, replaced, corrupted. Not that this society was ever very morally hospitable to Black people anyway but the principle is our focus here.

People are being made to believe that this is an alternative life style or that one is born that way. It is being suggested to people that they are gay through propaganda the same way a doctor suggests to someone that they need an operation when they really don't.

These men and women are not that way by nature. If that were true, the world could never have been populated. It is a psychological/sociological issue. It is circumstances that make people susceptible, then some one or some form of propaganda suggests to them that they are homosexual.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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