A #fundie sports.yahoo.com

[On Ian Thrope coming out as gay]

The only ones who place any importance on these periodic public outings seem to be gays. It has become tiresome and almost passé to people not involved in your personal affairs and lifestyle. If your truly proud of being gay and feel it's perfectly normal why do you feel you have to convince everyone else? Since when does pride in oneself have to be proven or approved by others? Like it or not it seems that your the intolerant ones. Your agenda is to force the majority of your fellow citizens to think just like you and to just put up with your insolence and bullying. Do you really think that by mocking straight people and traditional institutions such as marriage, the military and competitive sports that you'll be more accepted? You may want to rethink your strategy as it appears to have many similarities and tactics of another group of bullies who without question do not accept you. That group being Muslim extremists.



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