Anonymous #fundie

Recently the Lord told me to get rid of my 3 generation old game called MAH-JHONNG... This game has tiles made of ivory and bamboo or bakelite, that are hand carved in China and are demonized. My children said they felt like something was watching them or following them up the steps when they were in the basement, and I continued to bind and deal with a HUGE spirit of FEAR when I tried to pray in this same environment. The Lord exposed this DEMON and told me to get rid of MAH-JHONNG. I researched the game on the Internet and found through the "International League of Mah-Jhonng" in New York, that the spiritual aspect of this game is designed to WORSHIP BUDDHA! There are actually BUDDHA discs that accompany some of these games, mine didn't. PRAISE GOD for HOUSECLEANING! I burned the game in an All-Church EPHESUS burning.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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