
Leondenardae #homophobia forums.worldofwarcraft.com

It amazes me how homosexuals can wonder why people are against them by stating that their activity isn't hurting anybody.

They seem to overlook the fact that everyone of them that admitted their homosexuality to their parents HURT THEIR PARENTS.

Parents just had to accept it and move on or disown their child. But the homosexuals put their parents in the position to have to do that.

Rowdie #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

As a straight man, I can marry a woman of my choice. I cannot, however, marry a man of my choice.

If I were a gay man, I could marry a woman of my choice. I could not, however, marry a man of my choice.

Hmm... seems like equality to me.

Making a specific allowance for gays to marry other men is discrimination against straight men; we are only allowed to marry women, but gays are allowed to marry either.

The fact that I don't want to marry another man, or that a guy man doesn't want to marry a woman, is not the point. Marriage laws are the same if the couple loves each other or if they enter into the contract for material benefit. The government does not recognize 'love', so complaining that straight men can marry the women they love and gay men cannot is moot (or moo).

Pastorb #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

[Commenting on the "kidnapping" of a eucharist]

You DO know he committed a crime right? Stealing something of religious value is dick like. Also, saying "it's just a damned cracker" shows lack of understanding of Catholicism, meaning I don't care about any death threats you may get.

[Regarding university professor who commented on the same issue]

And by the way, that's a hate crime. Crime motivated by hate. Hello, prison, good bye, useless cushy job!

Cheechoo #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

Obama was born in Hawaii

Obama was born with US and KENYA citizenships.

Obama's Kenyon citizenship expired like, what 10 years ago?

The "conflict" here is whether Obama is qualified because the current law states a person cannot be the President if he or she has/had dual citizenships.

Does it also not bother people Obama lied when he stated he's never gone by any other name beside Barack H. Obama? It should. Why would anyone use an alias unless there was reason? I'm not sure but maybe you can ask Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, Barack Dunham, or Barry Dunham.

The issue is whether Obama is not a natural-born citizen; and/or
Lost his citizenship when he was adopted in Indonesia; and/or
Has dual loyalties because of his citizenship with Kenya and Indonesia.
Numerous questions raised about Obama’s background have no satisfactory answers:

Where was Obama born?

Hawaii; an island off of Hawaii; Kenya; Canada?

School records list Obama as a citizen of Indonesia. Was he a citizen of Kenya, Indonesia and/or Canada?

Explanation of the names he has used: Barack Obama, Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, Barack Dunham, & Barry Dunham.

Illinois Bar Application – Obama fails to acknowledge use of names other than Barack Hussein Obama, a blatant lie.

Treemode #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

How about the fact that the Bible is the only book to ever accurately predict history?

‘I am against you, O Tyre, and I will bring many nations against you, like the sea casting up its waves. They will destroy the walls of Tyre and pull down her towers; I will sc##@# away her rubble and make her a bare rock. Out in the sea she will become a place to spread fishnets, for I have spoken’, declares the Sovereign Lord—’For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: From the north I am going to bring against Tyre Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon—They will plunder your wealth and loot your merchandise; they will break down your walls and demolish your fine houses and throw your stones, timber and rubble into the sea—..I will make you a bare rock, and you will become a place to spread fishnets. You will never be rebuilt, for I the Lord have spoken, declares the Sovereign Lord.’”

This is God speaking to the city of Tyre. A few hundred years later, Alexander the Great reduced the walls of Tyre to rubble, and built a causeway out of that rubble. Nowadays, 2,000 years later, fishermen dry their nets on that causeway.

Amerali #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

Q u o t e:
Why doesnt she just come clean on Troopergate?

Why doesn't Obama come clean on his Muslim faith? Do you think there's a problem with being a Muslim? No. If he was a moderate Muslim then he should just be proud of it, and stop trying to hide it, and having his democratic army cover up for him. Moderate Muslims are just as against Muslim extremists as we are, they're as normal in their religion as any other people are.

Is Obama a part of the extremest Muslim branch, if not, then why is he trying to cover it up, hide it, and not admit it? We hope to assume he's a moderate, because the last thing I want is a MUSLIM EXTREMEST IN THE PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE. Can you say 'good-bye, America'?

Hectic #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

That proves Darwin was right?

No it doesn't.

Evolution is ultimately about the theory that humans evolved from apes. Don't be stupid people.

None of those examples prove anything beyond what we already know and agree upon that adaptation occurs. Besides I don't believe we fully understand the appendix yet.

Teuton #racist forums.worldofwarcraft.com

We live in Jewmerica now where the holocaust is like religion. Cause basically it's the card that Jewish people play and they can't afford to lose it.

Hence why questioning the holocaust leads to all the anger and hate even if you're just really curious about facts and evidence.

Porscha #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

Evolution has about 10-15 years left in it before the evidence against it will be overwhelmingly undeniable. It already is pretty obvious that it didn't happen that way, the tide is shifting in the academic world but still too many scientists have made a career of promoting evolution so they won't be changing their tune this late in the game.

It helps alot that evolutionists are so incredibly arrogant and dogmatic too, slandering and insulting anyone who has a different opinion. This should speed up the rate at which the world grows weary of this silly little wive's tale.

Maloryn #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

Q u o t e:
The fact of Evolution, that organisms have changed through time, has no reasonable alternatives. It is a fact that organisms are all related and share common descendants. The only arguable part of evolution is the theories explaining how, like Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. By even suggesting that it has not occurred is willful ignorance akin to saying the earth is flat.

This one irritates me, simply because evolution is no more testable than God is. Sure, you can talk about the "fossil evidence" and the observation in hindsight, but you can't actually go back and observe the process in the entirety it's espoused. You see evidence of progressive genetic change, I see evidence that God created a large amount of things using a similar blueprint (at least in reference to macroevolution; I could more readily accept microevolution).

Warbirth #racist forums.worldofwarcraft.com

If all people were equal, why would there be more blacks in prison than in college? And why would blacks, who comprise 12% of the country, make up the majority of the prison population? And why would 90% of NFL and NBA stars be black? People aren't equal. Equality is an idealist liberal pipe dream.

Minimus #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

The way I have heard it, is that Dinosaurs (as reptiles) grow throughout their entire lives. And before the flood, the atmosphere had like 2x the oxygen, and science has shown that most extremely old fossils/bugs that have been found in sap had 2x the oxygen and lived alot longer. (more than 2x longer) Therefore, dinosaurs used to live really long, and therefore grew really big.

There have been tons and tons of finds of smaller dinosaurs, but most of the time they're put to the side for the big ones. So, some dinosaurs died in the flood, and others lived, but could not grow to be as large, in which case became similiar/the same as the reptiles we see today.

Also, reptiles as large as some prehistoric dinosaurs have been found in more recent days too, there was a dinosaur pulled out of the ocean and they have pictures of it, and a video, and it was still breathing, but had been injured or something and the people on the boat through it back out and kept some samples... will try to find article.

EDIT: If you want to bring Noah into this... he probably would've taken younger (~ smaller) animals on the ark.

EDIT: Found article: http://www.weirdasianews.com/2007/01/24/first-living-dinosaur-found-in-japan/

EDIT: http://www.creationinstruction.org/index.php

Zebulan #racist forums.worldofwarcraft.com

Q u o t e:

i admire what al sharpton represents, but he has to realize that sort of thing is done and gone in the US. the 60s are over. racism, while far from no longer being an issue in this country is not as prevalent or deep-seeded as it once was.

that being said, while i have been the victim of racism in america, its usually met with a laugh.

it is my opinion that the children of this generation will have a completely different understanding of race than our parents did

dream on, dreamer.

Blacks are the biggest racists in the world, don't tell me otherwise.

What will a group of blacks do to me if I used the n-word in front of them?

But they can use the n-word all they want AND call me a cracker as well? But they are not racist?

As long as idiots like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are in the public eye, racism will never die because they won't let it die because it would take them out of the public eye.

When Sharpton and Jackson are gone, some other black racist will take their place and keep the "dream" alive.... for generations to come.

Yesmassa #racist forums.worldofwarcraft.com

I voted for Kerry in 2004 but I am NOT voting for Obama because he is black.

There are millions of others who are doing the same.

Oh, BTW, a big democrat talking point in 2004 was that Bush would bring back the draft.... still waiting on that.

Nooneightlol #conspiracy forums.worldofwarcraft.com

Are idiots trying to say religion is the cause of millions of death again? Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, they all make the crusades like a playground fight.

Don't say "Hitler was a Christian LOL" either. It was all part of the plan to destroy Christianity from the inside out. He just couldn't piss off the Christians before he became powerful.

Brielé #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

Q u o t e:
She is a creationist. Creationists are not bright people and are not fit to run the country.

To say that the Iraq War is a task from God is not acceptable, and you would be an idiot to defend that. She is dumber than any other candidate who has made it this far, ever.

Oh give me a break! Rubbish! Who are YOU to say what her faith has to be or the many who believe what she does, isn't allowed? What harm is it doing you?

So she prayed for soldiers and hoped this was a task from God they were sent on. You know, as in God, who doesn't like to see people oppressed?

You're just a God-hater and you have no right in this country, the land of religious FREEDOM.

Jinpo #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

He is a muslim. This is not the first time it has slipped through...remember the 57 states he has visited?

What I find amazing, however, is that Palin and McCain are crucified for "trying to force their religion on us", yet Osama bin Biden are long time practicing Muslim and Catholic, respectively.

Destroyx #racist forums.worldofwarcraft.com

he didnt win, heres the reality of it.

all these blacks, beaners, liberal college students and women on obamas nuts in the polls dont vote, heres why:

black people cant vote for 3 reasons

1. we all saw what happened in florida in 04
2. you have to be able to read to vote
3. they arent motivated

beaners dont vote because...

THEY CANT! surprised? lolol illegal immigrants

women dont vote because

1. it requires driving to get to the voting booth, and we all know why helen keller cant drive
2. they have food to make, dishes and laundry to do, and rooms to clean

liberal college students dont vote for a couple reasons

1. ill be guilty of this too... drinking too much the night before and having no desire to vote with a hangover
2. same reason im not voting reversed: they live in a red dominated state, and think its pointless for them to vote. i live in new york, and it literally is pointless to vote for mccain.

since husein obamas targeted demographic vote the least, but inflate the polls, i would be very surprised if he did win.

Briele #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

[On thinking obama is a secret muslim]

Islam is certainly NOT compatible with our government and it's never taking over. If you want to be Muslim and live by our laws, you do that. Don't you even think about bringing Sharia crap here or you can GTFO! I'm not stupid. I know the difference. I know it's because of the Quran that terrorism exists and it's because Allah told them to do it. Don't play stupid with me. I've done my homework. This is THE most violent culture today, period!

Guitar #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

Q u o t e:
Enjoy. Just keep it private, keep it in the home and the churches. Get it out of my schools, get it out of my government, and get it out of my throat.

Are you aware that it is every true Christians responsibility to spread the word at some point in their walk with Christ?

Pacotaco #racist forums.worldofwarcraft.com

how about the fact that barry soetoro or whatever his name really is hasnt produced a valid birth certificate and is delaying the trial till after the election?

i care about that.

its bad enough that there is a small chance we have a nigger for president, but even worse that its gotta be a niggerfaggot with big ears and blue lips that isnt even a citizen.

Jinpo #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

On creationism in schools

Q u o t e:

But she doesn\'t discount it as rubbish.

This is scary.

Neither does Osama.

Do you realize you represent 3% of the population? You really have no ground to stand on here. We know you hate God and the thought of personal responsibility, but you shouldn\'t force your minority beliefs on the rest of us.

Zapem #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

Q u o t e:
The fact that she is a lifelong member of the NRA who doesn't believe in evolution is going to make look even more stupid than we already do in the international community.


Evolution hasn't proven itself, stupid! They've changed their minds so many times it's hilarious! I bet you in 20 years they'll be siding with the Bible and you atheists will be crying in your soup. And yeah, why is only the ATHEIST evolution THEORY being taught in schools? Rather prejudiced and should be done away with ASAP.

As for the NRA, it's our constitutional right to have and bear arms!!! You go, Palin!!!

As for Barry, I think he's a sexist who doesn't like women and especially, women gunowners! lol

Destroyx #racist forums.worldofwarcraft.com

that saddest part is i live in nigger lover new york state. i have no interest in being sober the night before the election so i can get motivated to vote. its just a waste of a perfectly good monday night football drinking session.

but mccain will still be the next president, and all u nigs gonna try to move to canada but canada has a whites and asians only policy so you will join the other scum of the earth in mexico

Porscha #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

Evolution has about 10-15 years left in it before the evidence against it will be overwhelmingly undeniable. It already is pretty obvious that it didn't happen that way, the tide is shifting in the academic world but still too many scientists have made a career of promoting evolution so they won't be changing their tune this late in the game.

It helps alot that evolutionists are so incredibly arrogant and dogmatic too, slandering and insulting anyone who has a different opinion. This should speed up the rate at which the world grows weary of this silly little wive's tale.

Holybob #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

Why do Atheists continue to deny the undeniable? Why do they refuse to acknowledge the great sacrifice Jesus made for you?

God created this world.

It is not a difficult concept to grasp and yet people can not. They continue to bleat feebly about 'evolution', can there honestly be anything more ridiculous then claiming we came from apes? And the 'big bang'? I begin to wonder if these deniers of God are really trying at all.

These deniers are responsible for all the wrong happening in this world. Such abominations as same sex couples and a refusal to inform our children about how we came to be is sending us towards the abyss. If we continue on our current path our Lord will surely turn his back on us and we will be doomed for all eternity.

We must rise up, this 'seperation of church and state' crap can not continue. We must do what is right, we will be oppressed no longer!

Rengar #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com

Almost all Atheists I've seen act with blind hatred towards Christianity. I've never seen one criticize a religion deserving more scorn, like Islam or Bhuddism. Mainstream atheism is less about not believing in a deity, and more about bigotry towards solely Christians.