
Robert Byers #fundie rationalskepticism.org

[History and the Flood]

Any dates of human civilization that conflict with the bible are wrong dates.
Its just incompetent research that has any peoples existing segregated before about 2400 b.c.
You don't know Egypt had society before this date you simply accept the authority of those who write about ancient egypt.

[Note: not a poe]

Lion IRC #fundie rationalskepticism.org

[This post centres upon sea water concentration ... enjoy]

You have not explained what happened to the salt. What makes you think there was a change in concentration of salinity?
The biblical Flood simple moves existing water from 2/3rds coverage of the earth to 100%
No more or less overall quantity of salt. And where in the bible does it say the salinity of water was completely uniform around the earth and fixed for the duration of the Flood?

Dr. Nancy Malik #fundie rationalskepticism.org

["Modern medicine actually treats both symptoms (various painkillers) and causes (antibiotics), as well as act preventative manner (such as vaccines). Your assertion is based on no real knowledge of the field of modern medicine."]

Bacteria or for the matter of fact any germ is not the cause of disease. It's the environment which plays the decisive role

Louis Pasteur on his death bed recanted the germ theory of disease and said, "If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat---unhealthy tissue---rather than being the cause of unhealthy tissue."