
These filthy peasants! They are revolting!

Forward Synthesis #elitist #wingnut datasecretslox.com

[Universal franchise] made things worse. Abolishing the vote for most of both blacks and whites would be preferred, but I'm not a believer in absolute equality to begin with, so I don't care if we get there by bits and pieces. You're getting into the danger zone as soon as the voters don't comprise a small aristocracy of people who all know each other and have a vested interest in upholding a foundational constitution. Every little step away from ideal is bad, so yes, letting blacks vote more easily was worse for long term societal outcomes.

Fschmidt #elitist #psycho #god-complex saidit.net

I am a reactionary. As a reactionary, I voted for gay marriage in California in the 1990s when it lost the vote because I believe that the government has no business regulating marriage which was historically a religious institution and should be that way again. As a reactionary, I strongly support abortion which is eugenic and kills unborn liberals and is supported in the Old Testament and not opposed in the New Testament. Christians who claim that the Bible is against abortion are ignorant morons. As a reactionary, I hate conservatives and liberals equally.

Balaji Srinivasan #elitist #wingnut newrepublic.com

To fully grasp the current situation in San Francisco[…]you must listen to Balaji Srinivasan[…]
“Balaji has the highest rate of output per minute of good new ideas of anybody I’ve ever met,” wrote Marc Andreessen[…]in a blurb for Balaji’s 2022 book, The Network State: How to Start a New Country[…]
In 2013, a New York Times story[…]described a speech in which he “told a group of young entrepreneurs that the United States had become ‘the Microsoft of nations’: outdated and obsolescent”[…]
Last October, Balaji hosted the first-ever Network State Conference[…]In a podcast interview one month before[…], Balaji laid out a more disturbing and extreme vision

“What I’m really calling for is something like tech Zionism,” he said, after comparing his movement to those started by the biblical Abraham, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith[…], Theodor Herzl[…], and Lee Kuan Yew[…]Balaji then revealed his shocking ideas for a tech-governed city where citizens loyal to tech companies would form a new political tribe clad in gray t-shirts[…]
Grays would also receive special ID cards providing access to exclusive, Gray-controlled sectors of the city[…]The Grays would make an alliance with the police[…]
Once an officer joins the Grays, they get a special uniform designed by their tech overlords[…]Then, in a show of force, they’ll march through the city together[…]
Everyone would be welcome at the Gray Pride march—everyone[…]except the Blues. Srinivasan defines the Blue political tribe as the liberal voters he implies are responsible for the city’s problems. Blues will be banned from the Gray-controlled zones, said Balaji, unlike Republicans (“Reds”)

“Reds should be welcomed there, and people should wear their tribal colors,” said Srinivasan, who compared his color-coded apartheid system to the Bloods vs. Crips[…]
“Ethnically cleanse,” he said at one point, summing up his idea for a city purged of Blues (this, he says, will prevent Blues from ethnically cleansing the Grays first)

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #elitist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "America surely going down with a whimper, and not a bang"]

Automatons have no inclination to fight for anything, even when their own interest or survival is at stake[…]Automatons will actually cheerlead for the enemy and tyrant to take on more Authoritarian control and influence[…]
Expiration Dates are becoming much closer to the dates of purchase, due to less than expected purchase activity[…]
Massive layoffs are about to roll out week after week as we head into August, which is a hot month for warfare[…]
Automatons are 100% selfish and useless, as people. This is why essentially, they need to be killed off from the population, and in fact, this is why the Illuminati is pursing the depopulation agenda[…]
If you have a homogenous population [assuming it is of GOOD RACIAL STOCK] and that the people are largely NOT Automatons, there is a general sense of concern and “reflexes” that ought to emerge[…]
Americans generally also do not have experience with life under Communism or the telltale signs of Communist or Dictatorial Takeovers, and that the first signs of routine food and supply shortages including inferior grades of meat and produce are signs[…]
Under Democratic Forms of Government, there is no process of “making history”

All so-called “historical events” that occur under Democratic rule, are always planned, entirely scripted, and have no spiritual or lasting significance[…]
Under a Democracy, it is a sterile ground for people like Philosophers, Inventors, Scientists, Engineers, Poets, and other truly unique brains that make remarkable imprints that people look up to in admiration and splendor[…]
The US runs a shadow government and operates more “for show” not only because America is actually officially owned by the UN and other subsidiaries[…]
Is it any wonder that the whole January 6th so-called “insurrection” was a setup by both Political Parties

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #elitist #racist #fundie #magick prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Discovering the reality that most people are indeed, worthless"]

I believe that more and more people[…]are coming around to recognizing just how much more worthless the majority of humankind is

There are many theories about Human Origins[…]and there are many people alive today who deny that the original Human Creation had been cut from Divine Fabric[…]
There are some topics I am reluctant to speak of in great depth outside of our inner circle relating to some religious matters and Human Genetics[…]
Christian Bible[…]is a watered down version of a story told about the Genetic Altering of the Original Humans, but without letting others know that Humans existed long before the alleged figures “Adam & Eve”

Adam & Eve, were actually metaphorical figures for an extraterrestrial invasion of Mankind, and it essentially was the downfall of Man[…]
Religions[…]diverts Divine Mankind from knowing that it had been subjugated by very vicious and horrifically oppressive entities and other altered Humanoid species, and that the takeover by these beings, including their inter-breeding into the Divine Population, is what caused Mankind to fall[…]
You will always hear about people claiming “prophecy is being fulfilled”, when in fact the Bible, similar to the Protocols of Zion, is just a blueprint to explain to you what the World Controllers are intending[…]
Mankind has been under subjugation by nefarious forces for Aeons, even during periods of Human history when times were relatively good[…]
Keeping Humans ignorant, including Divine Humans, has been an on-going project and one of necessity by those who control the World Order[…]
Egalitarian views have brainwashed most people to believe all people deserve rights or are equal or deserving of equity in this world[…]
If the ratio of worthless people begins to breach 20% of the population, your civilization is in trouble

Dairugger #dunning-kruger #elitist #wingnut archive.ph

Omar's daughter decries 'hypocrisy,' says anti-Israel students are '100% targeted' after suspension and arrest

Yeah... when you make an ass out of yourself and break a whole slew of laws you are targeted and punished. In other words Fuck Around and Find Out!

Here's the real kicker she going on mommy's talking point of being subjected to a chemical attack... somehow getting a snoot full of a novelty crap spray you can get off Amazon for $10 pales in comparison to Chorine Gas, Mustard Gas, VX Nerve gas, Agent Orange, or Zyklon B!

Dale Partridge #dunning-kruger #elitist #enbyphobia #fundie #interphobia #homophobia #sexist #transphobia amazon.com

Jesus and My Gender: Affirming Your Child's God-Given Gender


In this rhyming book for children ages 3-10, pastor Dale Partridge masterfully lays out a cohesive theological presentation of biblical gender. The content of each page is supported by Scripture references and, at the end of the book, is a 5-question biblical catechism to instill these truths in the minds of young people.


Before the creation of the world, God designed boys and girls.


God said boys and girls are equal, before their lord in soul, but they were made uniquely, with completely different roles.


The crown of girls is quickly seen when people start comparing - a special privilege given them: the blessing of childbearing. The female body is extraordinary, the boys cannot relate. The girls can carry babies amd nurture those they make.


He built his boys for rough and play, just how they ought to be. They’d pounce and battle for the day, and even jump from trees! He made them strong to guard their friends, to protect the weak, and make amends.

Send_Ford_To_The_Chopshop #elitist (reverse) #ableist wehuntedthemammoth.com

The very reason neurotypicals are considered “typical” is BECAUSE they’re abusive. They built civilization, which is to say they took more from nature and their fellow humans than they deserved, bullied everyone around them into following their ways and raped anybody they could get their hands on to spread their poisonous genetic material far and wide. Hatred and revenge should be human rights provided they’re against those responsible for bullying.

The Meme Policeman #elitist facebook.com

Many have highlighted the Ayn Rand Institute (and other similar groups) taking PPP funds as hypocrisy. Their thought process goes; Rand opposed welfare, they are getting government assistance, thus hypocrisy. This is a shallow and mistaken view of her philosophy and the reasoning behind taking these funds.
-The ARI didn’t secretly apply for PPP loans, hoping no one would notice. They wrote an article back in May proudly announcing the move, “we *will* take any relief money offered us. We will take it unapologetically, because the principle here is: justice.” So how could taking government money be justice?
-Ayn Rand herself explained in a 1966 essay. She explained the recipient in such a case is morally justified “so long as he regards it as restitution and opposes all forms of welfare-statism.” Those who support such handouts, “have no right to them; those who oppose them have. If this sounds like a paradox, the fault lies in the moral contradictions of welfare statism, not in its victims.”
-Rand recognized that the welfare state (the taking of some people’s money by force to give to another) was wrong. To advocate for or support this was also wrong, but what about those who oppose redistribution but are still stuck in the system? “The victims do not have to add self-inflicted martyrdom to the injury done to them by others; they do not have to let the looters profit doubly, by letting them distribute the money exclusively to the parasites who clamored for it. Whenever the welfare-state laws offer them some small restitution, the victims should take it.”
-Similarly, if someone advocates for private roads, but given the current system there’s only government roads, they are not obligated to refuse to use all roads, that would be absurd. To get taxed for the road and not use it out of some sense of principle would make one unnecessarily suffer. And for what? The same holds for programs like Social Security, Medicare and certain government scholarships and grants.
-As for the PPP funds, the government shut down most of the economy, adversely affecting virtually everyone (including ARI and their donors). They then offered money to virtually everyone to ease the pain. But the government has no money of its own, so essentially it is taking from all to give to all. Money that will likely not be paid for through taxation, but through inflation and deficits, which will effectively take from all productive people in the future. To refuse some of this restitution, so that others who might be indifferent or wholeheartedly support government redistribution can solely benefit, is not standing on principle, but enduring yet another sacrifice.
-Rand lists some other factors to consider in accepting money. One must not compromise their values or views and continue to advocate against the welfare state (the ARI was clear in their article that they would continue to fight for laissez-faire and their efforts wouldn’t be affected). And they shouldn’t take part in providing moral or ideological support for such programs, nor help in enforcing immoral laws.
-Rand admits these are often difficult moral questions. “It is a hard problem, and there are many situations so ambiguous and so complex that no one can determine what is the right course of action. That is one of the evils of welfare statism: its fundamental irrationality and immorality forces men into contradictions where no course of action is right.”
-One major drawback to these stimulus programs is it forces almost everyone into these moral quandaries. Essentially, it’s a free-for-all for government money, should you take yours or simply let everyone else benefit at your expense? There’s no purely virtuous move, but the fault of that lies with the stimulus programs themselves.
-She concludes with this caution in accepting government money, “The ultimate danger in all of these issues is psychological: the danger of letting yourself get bribed, the danger of a gradual, imperceptible, subconscious deterioration leading to compromise, evasion, resignation, submission. In today’s circumstances, a man is morally in the clear only so long as he remains intellectual incorruptible. Ultimately, these problems are a test, a hard test, of your own integrity.”

Jesse Watters #dunning-kruger #elitist #mammon yahoo.com

Fox News’ Jesse Watters said he thought getting paid $20/hr was around six figures annually.

In a PBD podcast episode that aired on Saturday, Watters and host Patrick Bet-David discussed California recently raising the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20/hr in the state. Bet-David asked Watters for his view on the law. The Fox News host responded by asking Bet-David to work out the math.

“If you're making $20 an hour to work at a fast-food restaurant, is that six figures?” Watters asked.“No, 40 grand … Just two-x it and add a few zeros,” Bet-David replied. “$40k a year, full-time.”

“Okay, 40k a year. So and then if your husband or wife is also there you're making a hundred thousand dollars as a family … both working at McDonald's,” Watters said.

“80 grand,” Bet-David replied.

“That is crazy,” Watters said. “Because that job really doesn't require much so it's inflating the entire labor sector.”

Global_Meet_375 #elitist #sexist reddit.com

Most homeless men are r*pist

Alot of homeless men can't maintain a job or even get one because they can't control there sexual desire. They would stare at women on the street they would grope women and even r*pe women yet women are expected to feel sympathy for them and were expected to donate money to them. Most people who donate to charities are women yet were blamed for male homelessness and male homelessness statistics are used to gaslight women and keep us quite about our issues.

70% of homeless people are male meaning that most of my tax money goes to men. Most of my money goes to funding rapist on the street but I'm considered a greedy bitch if I don't think pads and tampons should be tax.

Andrew Stiles, Washington Free Beacon #ableist #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia #biphobia #elitist #dunning-kruger #interphobia #wingnut freebeacon.com

Analysis: What If Woke Liberals Didn't Get To Label Everything?
Introducing the Washington Free Beacon Alternative Style Guide for Reporting on Issues of Controversy (ASGRIC)

It goes without saying: The mainstream media is run by liberal activists. This ideological bias manifests itself in several ways, including the words journalists are allowed to use when discussing controversial issues.

(1.5 paragraphs of hyperbolic whining about how journalists are forced to write)

The woke words and phrases used in media reports would make a lot more sense to the average American if these people weren't in charge—if journalists were forced to abide by the Washington Free Beacon Alternative Style Guide for Reporting on Issues of Controversy (ASGRIC):

Undocumented immigrant → Foreign-born fugitive from justice
Gender-affirming care for minors → Child abuse
LGBTQQIP2SAA+ rights → Gay rights
Drag Queen → Gender appropriator
Abortion → Extrajudicial fetal assassination, anti-life health care
Death penalty → Justice affirming care
Assault rifle → Freedom friend, justice dispenser
Racially inclusive → Racially obsessed
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion → Six-figure consulting fees
Black Lives Matter → Scam PAC
Pro-Palestinian activist → Jew hater
Teachers' unions → Anti-child activists
Tax cuts → Restorative justice
Democracy dies in darkness → Democracy thrives on Jennifer Rubin columns
War on Women → Kinetic military action against individuals with an active uterus
#MeToo era → Brief period of anti-male activism from 2017 until Tara Reade's credible accusation of sexual assault against Joe Biden
Speak truth to power → Leave Joe Biden alone
Hillary Clinton → Crooked
Long Covid → Mental illness
New York City Subway → Public toilet
WNBA fans→ Liars
Soccer → Performative falling
Bicycle → Morally abhorrent nerd-conveying road hazard
Happy Holidays → Merry Christmas
God bless you → God bless America

Sally Wald and Larry Cook #ableist #crackpot #elitist #quack #wingnut twitter.com

Sally Wald

“By 2035 at our current rate 1 in 2 children will have autism. Are You ok with that? It will be the demise of the United States. We won’t be able to mount an army. You will either have autism or being caring for someone critically ill.”

Larry Cook

“If we dissolve the vaccine industry we dissolve 99% of new autism cases.

Which do you choose?


Pastor Matt Baker #ableist #elitist #fundie wptv.com

The Private School Trinity Christian Academy cancels Autism Awareness Week after Lead Pastor calls it Demonic.

"The word 'Christian' means 'Like Christ,' and it was given to the followers of Christ because they acted just like Jesus. Remember those bracelets from the 2000s that asked, 'WWJD?' If Jesus Christ led Trinity, would HE have an Autism Awareness Week? Of course not! Why? Because anything that exalts itself above the name of Christ should be brought down. Also, anything that teaches our children to have their identity in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic. Let me repeat myself just so I am not quoted out of context: any philosophy, teaching, or program that teaches our precious children that their identity is found in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic. Period. The world, in its rejection and hatred of Christ, often devises programs such as 'Autism Awareness' (and cultural figures like the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause, etc.) to get the benefits of His teachings (compassion, kindness, feeling love, and self-worth) without acknowledging Jesus as the ultimate authority and the source of all life. These initiatives imply that Jesus alone is insufficient, and we fail to recognize just how deeply they have permeated into our daily lives as Christians. As a result, we have 'a form of godliness but deny its power (2 Timothy 3:5).'"

Wotans Krieger #racist #wingnut #psycho #elitist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

During the 12 years of the Third Reich attempts were made to re-establish the link between Blut und Boden, recognising that amongst the German peasantry (not to be misread in the modern sense as a pejorative term) the purest Germanic and Nordic blood was to be found, for by this time the German nobility had become bastardised by the blood of middle-eastern money lending families. We see this today with the supposed English Royal Family that will forge marital alliances with the most unlikely people, the mercantile class, which has its origins in mediaeval Jewry and money lending. Crowns can thus be bought for a few shekels.

In the Reich that is to come these bastardised noble familes will have no place of honour for they are enfeebled distortions of the once racially pure Germanic aristocracy. Thus we must begin again the restoration of the caste system. Building on the vision of the Rigsthula I propose that these reconstituted castes be as follows:

Kon-This must be a recogniseably priestly caste, separate from the one below. In contradistinction to Julius Evola I regard the mystic, priest and shaman to occupy a more important role than that of the Ksatriya warrior-noble. The present nobilities of Europe have long since lost any abilities which they once had, no doubt a consequence of their race-mixing with Levantine elements.

Jarl-The Aristocracy of regenerated Aryan man, occupying positions of leadership in all aspects of Germanentum. They must take their instruction from their spiritual superiors.

Karl-The producers and farmers of our folk. The term peasant must have its honour restored and once again represent the very best in Germanic man. The Karl must recover his mystic link with the land of his ancesters. England must once again become an agricultural not an industrial economy. Thus we can assist the earth to heal itself and we in turn will reforge our lost link with the sacred earth.

As far as the non-Nordic, non-Germanic and non-Aryan caste of the Thralls is concerned they will be banished from our sacred ancestral lands. Once our people and land have been freed from the dual poisons of capitalism and industrial exploitation the Thrall will cease to have a purpose and non-Nordic elements will be banished from our lands. The Rigsthula makes it clear that this caste was an alien one. The very presence of the Thrall in our lands represents a very real threat to our biological survival as a racial community. Some of these Thralls may outwardly appear to be people of our own blood but the obese, the sexual degenerate, the drug addict, the alcoholic and the career criminal should be regarded as part of this slave under class and the necessary corrective measures undertaken. They are the Untermenschen much prized by the liberal elite.

The Woden Initiate of today will form a part of the Kon caste of tomorrow. It is imperative that we focus our time and resources in building up our spiritual knowledge and powers in preparation for the age which is to come. Our descendants will together form the priestly caste which has been built from our loins and give the spiritual direction and leadership that our people need.

Arthur Gordian #elitist #racist socialmatter.net

A Brief Defense Of The Hereditarian Caste System

Returning to the topic of Indo-European mythology, there are two distinct ways that Indo-European societies organize themselves. The first is by means of caste, which Georges Dumézil defines as an order built on the concept of function. He argues that the Proto-Indo-Europeans organized themselves into three groups, the famous trifunctional hypothesis of Priests, Warriors, and Laborers, and that this caste system evolved into the various manifestations we see from India to Ireland. While there were numerous permutations of this system, each changing in some way the specific character of the castes, the same foundational rules applied across the board, namely that society should be divided along the lines of the function men play in the maintenance of order.

The alternative method of organizing society, also indigenous to Indo-European societies, is the class system which dominated the post-Medieval world. The major distinction between class and caste is that class system organizes people by socio-economic status rather than social function. What one does in society does not matter in a class system. What matters is the amount of wealth and status you can accrue from your function. Members of the upper class can be politicians, businessmen, or generals, but these roles are insignificant to the class system. It is certainly true that upper-caste members tend to be wealthier than lower-caste members in traditional economies, but the material differences are incidental to the caste system and central to a class system.

In Dumézil’s Mitra-Varuna and his two volume work on Ancient Roman religion, the author shows the conflict which emerged in the Roman Republic when the class system began to eclipse and replace the ancient religious caste system. Like most European religions, especially among the Germanic peoples, the priestly caste was largely absorbed into the warrior caste and retained only ritualistic significance, which Dumézil traces in the various priesthoods of the Monarchy and Republican period. What distinguished the Romans was the rise of a system where men were divided into socio-economic classes, such as the Senatores, Equites, Proletarii, and so forth. While there were hereditary roots to these classes, after the Republican period they were primarily economic, as the poet Juvenal tells us:

Would you not like to fill up a whole note-book [of satirical writings] at the street crossings when you see a forger borne along upon the necks of six porters, and exposed to view on this side and on that in his almost naked litter, and reminding you of the lounging Maecenas: one who by help of a scrap of paper and a moistened seal has converted himself into a fine and wealthy gentleman? – Satire 1

Juvenal’s complaint should sound familiar to modern ears: unscrupulous foreigners who lacked any respect for the Roman virtues or laws usurped the positions of power, authority, and wealth from the native Roman population. The openness of the Roman system, which transitioned toward the class structure after the Servile Wars in order to permit qualified plebians to serve in high military office, allowed the complete disenfranchisement of the Romans themselves.

—when a guttersnipe of the Nile like Crispinus —-a slave-born denizen of Canopus —-hitches a Tyrian cloak on to his shoulder, whilst on his sweating finger he airs a summer ring of gold, unable to endure the weight of a heavier gem—-it is hard not to write satire. For who can be so tolerant of this monstrous city, who so iron of soul, as to contain himself when the brand-new litter of lawyer Matho comes along, filled with his huge self; after him one who has informed against his noble patron and will soon despoil our pillaged nobility of what remains to them—-one whom Massa dreads, whom Carus propitiates by a bribe, and to whom Thymele was made over by the terrified Latinus; when you are thrust on one side by men who earn legacies by nightly performances, and are raised to heaven by that now royal road to high preferment—-the favours of an aged and wealthy woman? – Satire 1

As hard as it is to tear ourselves away from the masterful writing of Juvenal, let us return to the point; the openness of a class system, which reduces all social order to that of wealth and popularity (to which Juvenal has more to say, but I’ll desist), creates the opportunity for the erosion of social values and cultural goods by removing one of the core limits on superbia, the overweening ambition of the opportunist.

The rise of the low-caste man to a position of absolute power is bad enough, as history has demonstrated, but the greater danger is that such a society is a magnet for every two-bit con man and grifter across the globe. People with no attachment to the land, culture, or society can use class systems to free-ride on the cultural and social capital of a well-ordered society until even the greatest community is brought down under the overwhelming weight of parasitism. Rome became that magnet, attracting the scum of every corner of the Mediterranean to pull down the greatest civilization before our own. When wealth alone determines social status, anyone willing to violate the norms and unspoken rules governing society can elevate themselves, because when their actions transform society into a cesspit of corruption and despair, they can simply pick up again and move on to the next target. The weight of social disapproval, which ensures a functional society’s consuetudines et usus, the unwritten customs, values, norms, and beliefs which undergird social order and protect against anti-social disruption, does not function on the alien. Cicero declared the fundamental character of a community to be a common language, common “ius[1],” and common weal. There is no common language, “ius,” or weal in the Rome Juvenal is portraying to us, and that is largely due to the Roman class system.

Thus, we return to the notion of caste, in which function and heredity primarily determine one’s social position. I am under no delusion that I am a “secret aristocrat,” as the liberal slur goes. My heredity is pure redneck back over five hundred years. Under a strict hereditarian system, I would most likely be prohibited from receiving enough education to read Juvenal. Nevertheless, the reactionary in me says that my personal situation is irrelevant, and I ask of my reader to keep that in mind themselves as they read the following. If I must be a farmer in order that my people should be free and my children be assured a place, no matter how humble, in their own homeland, then that is a price I am willing to pay.

No functional society is possible without a hereditarian caste system. The arrogance and superbia of Man is such that there must be hard, unbreakable limits on personal ambition, along with strict disincentives to opportunistic parasitism. I am not saying that there cannot be any movement, or that every son of a farmer must be destined to farm forevermore. Even Plato did not suggest this. Every system has some level of flexibility, both ethnic and caste. It is no coincidence that English populations on the borders of the Danegeld, Wales, and Scotland show DNA markers for Nordic and Celtic genotypes. Nor do I deny the various Ciceros and Charles Martels who rose from middling ranks to preserve and protect their homelands. However, the flexibility inherent in any caste system is a weakness in the armor of a nation, and every exception to the rule justifies the waiting masses of alien grifters, who undermine the whole of social order for the material benefit of himself and his tribe.

Hereditarianism is perhaps the most important safeguard to any society because social stability rests on consuetudines et usus, unwritten norms and ethics tied to particular ethnic and cultural groups. It is no coincidence that Ethnic and Ethics arise from the same Greek root. One does not routinely scam one’s neighbors because they are kith and kin; their essential connection to you is the bond and guarantee of equitable relationships. We mourn the day when “a man’s handshake was his bond,” but that handshake wasn’t the true bond. The bond, (in legal terminology, the collateral of a contract) is the reputation one has in the community, which is built upon common heredity. Honor matters because it is the mark of approval from the community that one abides by the unwritten rules which make society spin. The alien neither has honor, nor cares for honor, because he does not care for the community with which he shares no blood.

In any caste system, the alien is either the lowest caste or outside the system altogether. The merchant, who surrenders his identity for a cosmopolitan existence, is also low on the scale, even when he shares blood with the community. This is because a caste system is a fundamental barrier to dyscivic practices and free-rider scenarios, and these two groups have the most to gain from undermining the system and replacing caste with class. When wealth replaces blood, who becomes the highest members of society? It is no coincidence that the word “liberal” was nearly always preceded by “bourgeois” until the 20th century; they are the beneficiaries of the replacement of the medieval caste with the capitalist class system. Likewise, the replacement of caste with class is the only means wherein the alien will be permitted to rise in status over the native-born.

Caste and blood are the only protection that native-born labor have against oppression and loss of self-determination–hence the traditional support of the rural working class for reactionary politics. The upper-castes, the priesthood and aristocracy, are limited in their oppression by those very customs which make society run, but the alien landlord or banker is not so constrained by the cultural limits on power and is free to grind the working classes into dust. When a reactionary says, “neither capitalist nor socialist,” it is a recognition that both are symptoms of the same social breakdown.

The destruction of social order epitomized by the English Whigs and the resultant socialist working-class backlash to an out-of-order bourgeoisie have their roots in the rejection of the role of blood and heredity in determining a social order. Bourgeois rebels against custom and order create socialist rebels by destroying the functional limits on power in society which rested in the hereditary aristocracy.

There is a price to be paid in personal liberty for a caste system, true. I would never be allowed to become a scholar in a society where heredity ruled. The other option, however, is this:

Then up comes a lordly dame who, when her husband wants a drink, mixes toad’s blood with his old Calenian, and improving upon Lucusta herself, teaches her artless neighbours to brave the talk of the town and carry forth to burial the blackened corpses of their husbands. If you want to be anybody nowadays, you must dare some crime that merits narrow Gyara or a gaol; honesty is praised and starves. It is to their crimes that men owe their pleasure-grounds and high commands, their fine tables and old silver goblets with goats standing out in relief. Who can get, sleep for thinking of a money-loving daughter-in-law seduced, of brides that have lost their virtue, or of adulterers not out of their teens? – Satire 1

[1] It can mean law, justice, or Right. In this situation, it probably means all three.

Otto Bismark #elitist #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "Destruction of the Aristocracies"]

One thing that has been of keen interest to me as of late has been analyzing the differences between societies of the past and our dreary present, so as to not only trace their decline but understand the factors, when combined with others, that played into it. The subject that has been on my radar, specifically, is of the high society of the Old South and the important role that period played in ensuring stability and growth.
Historically, and in the South, when we discuss the Antebellum society, we associate the high class with those responsible for steering a great deal of societal culture. And, this was typically the planter or “plantation class.” The men of this aristocratic class (which can be interchangeably used to describe the planter or high class) were the South’s statesmen, her generals, and Dixie’s political philosophers, generally speaking.
The planter class never recovered from the War, and agrarian republicanism languished without its stewards.
Tracing the transition of the high society classes, which once ruled over various regions within the United States, but also the United States as a whole, we can see how gradually these high class societies were targeted for destruction by progressives (see communists). An aristocracy is hierarchal in nature; as such, it is antithetical to egalitarianism.
This was done through a number of schemes that benefited leftists – ranging from breaking up the aristocrats’ power and control, but also their wealth. In addition, progressives infiltrated Ivy League schools, traditionally attended by the children of the old order, for the purpose to manipulate, indoctrinate, and, subsequently, brainwash them to act not only against their own interests, but against their very country and people.

Thomas Dalton #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #elitist unz.com

[From “Democracy Is an Ideal Government for Jewish Influence”]

Joe Biden referred to “democracy” nearly a dozen times. Democracy, he said, was currently “under assault” and “under attack”[…]
Our polyracial vice president speaks in a similar vein. Regarding Donald Trump, Kamala Harris informs us that “we must recognize the profound threat he poses…to our democracy”[…]
Mainstream media is no better. The constant banter, on both the left and the right, is that democracy is all, democracy is under threat (by candidate X), and democracy must be protected and defended, no matter the cost[…]
There are several assumptions here[…]
These are:
•We actually have democracy
•Democracy is a good thing
•The only alternative to democracy is authoritarianism
•“Democracy” is a clear and obvious concept
Again, all four of these are false[…](1) Our current systems of government in the US, Canada, and Europe resemble true democracy in name only[…]
(2) Democracy is good for those who profit directly from it: the elite, the rich, celebrities, pop stars. But for the vast majority of people in the so-called democratic nations, the cost to their well-being is extraordinarily high[…]
(3) There are in fact several alternatives to democracy, most of which are superior to it—at least, if we believe our wisest thinkers on this matter. Even on the face of it, democracy, as a “rule by the people,” is actually mass-rule, or mob-rule[…]
(4) Throughout history, there have been many variants on the democratic model, so to speak of ‘democracy’ as a single, clear idea is ridiculous[…]
But the central point here is that, above all, democracy is a means by which a small, invasive minority—the Jews—have proven able to assume power, to acquire vast wealth, and to largely impose their will on a non-Jewish majority, all while keeping these facts largely hidden from view. “Democracy,” or rule by the people, is now a codeword for “Judeocracy,” or rule by the Jews

Russell Pearce #wingnut #elitist uspoln.com

The far-right former lawmaker who helped push Arizona’s “papers please” immigration law has resigned as a top official with the state GOP after making comments about sterilizing poor women. The state Democratic Party recently highlighted comments made by Russell Pearce, a former state senator, on his radio show. Discussing the state’s public assistance programs, Pearce declared: “You put me in charge of Medicaid, the first thing I’d do is get Norplant, birth-control implants, or tubal ligations—Then we’ll test recipients for drugs and alcohol, and if you want to [reproduce] or use drugs or alcohol, then get a job.”

Several days later, commenting on his statement which caused widespread public outrage, Pearce stuck by his position, saying he didn’t understand “what all the fuss was about,” adding “I was holding back pretty hard when I said what I did.” Asked to elaborate to see how far he would go, the former lawmaker argued, “Finding employment as a condition for having children, using alcohol and drugs is not even half of it. Right now our biggest problem are food stamps and that’s the part of the story nobody seems to want to deal with.”

“A lot of lazy people seem to have mistaken the government for a charity. That’s not how things were meant to work,” Pearce said. “And food stamps are draining the budget faster than it takes a drunkard to kill a bottle of whiskey. And this is not the case with Arizona alone, this is going on nationwide. We need to put this under control or else we’re looking at bankruptcy. And everybody is making jokes about it instead of trying to find a solution. Well, I have.”

Pearce then went on to explain how “we need to limit food stamp access to women who have been sterilized,” and how “that’s the only way of separating the ones who are willing to work for food from those who aren’t.” Asked whether that means women will, effectively, be made to give up the prospect of having children in the future simply because of the fact that they’re poor, the former state senator replied, “In order to be able to feed a baby, you first need to be able to feed yourself. That’s a pre-requisite in this case. What can I say, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.”

“Bottom line — if you want food stamps, you’re going to have to be sterilized,” Pearce summarized his proposition. “Of course, there’s also another aspect to this, perhaps even a more obvious one. If you’re already poor enough to be looking for food stamps, that means you’re incapable of being successful in our society for whatever reason. And if you’re unfit to be productive, and this might sound a bit harsh, but the fact to the matter is, we don’t need those kind of genes. We don’t need any more lazy people, so it’s actually a good thing you’ll have to be sterilized. Look, think of it in terms of being able to have all the unprotected sex you want without having to worry about pregnancy ever again. I’m telling you, it’ll be a hoot,” he concluded.

ShySaxon #elitist #ableist #conspiracy #racist incels.is

[Blackpill] Only the Elite should breed

The Elite want the world for themselves. They want the population down to about 500 million at the highest, so I say let them have it. Being born with disadvantages means you’re destined for misery.

Working class people shouldn’t breed because you’re just creating more wage slaves and capitalist serfs to toil for Mr Noseberg and his corporation. You’ll make a fraction of what he makes. Being working class also means you’re poor and at the bottom rung of the socio-economic hierarchy. You’re one of the “commoners”. The masses. You’re just another number. A non person. Being poor = death. You’ll have limited monetary options in life and your life is expendable.
You will especially suffer in the dating market where the modern woman doesn’t want an average Joe.

Ugly and short men shouldn’t breed either as they’re at a genetic disadvantage compared to their peers. No woman wants to date or have sex with an unattractive man (somebody they don’t find attractive). Personality is giga cope, a woman doesn’t date based on personality.

I’m working class and ugly so it’s double over for me.

TL;DR: Give up if you’re working class, poor and/or ugly.

John Hawkins #wingnut #transphobia #racist #fundie #elitist #sexist #homophobia rightwingnews.com

20 Basic Truths You Can't Talk about in America Anymore

1) People who want to change sexes should be treated by a psychologist, not deformed through surgery, given hormone treatments, and falsely told that they can change sexes.

2) Most people who remain poor over the long haul in America stay that way because of their own poor life choices.
3) Most black Americans are good and decent people, but percentage wise there are more black Americans in jail because percentage wise, black Americans commit a lot more crimes than white Americans.
4) As often as not in America, the people claiming to be “victims” are the real bullies and they don’t deserve anyone’s sympathy.
5) The reason most politicians in D.C. are shameless liars with no character is because most Americans will knowingly choose a shameless liar with no character who says what they want to hear over an honest man with morals who tells them the hard truths they’d rather ignore.

6) Illegal aliens are foreigners who knowingly broke the law to come here and Americans owe them even less than we owe other foreigners living in China, Sweden, or El Salvador because at least those people didn’t break our laws.
7) Life begins at conception and having an abortion is no morally different than strangling your baby in the crib.
8) Most liberals aren’t patriotic and they don’t love their country.
9) Our soldiers should make every effort to avoid civilian casualties, but when it comes right down to it, the life of an American soldier should be treated as more important than the life of a foreign civilian.

10) We’d be better off as a society if the people who are ignorant, ill informed, or who really don’t care one way or another, didn’t vote.
11) The only practical way to make peace between the Israelis and Palestinians is for the Israelis to transfer the Palestinians and take their land.
12) This is a Christian nation that has been successful because it adopted Christian principles and the more we move away from that, the worse off we will be as a nation.
13) Men are just generally better at some things than women, just as women are just generally better at some things than men are.
14) “Racism” used to be a big deal in America, but these days the people who cry racism are usually phonies trying to gain a political advantage or deflect from ethical shortcomings or poor performance.
15) Long term, the only way our country can pay its bills is by asking everyone who’s not dirt poor to pay as much in taxes to the government as they’re given in services if they want to continue to receive those services.
16) Nine times out of ten, a mother and father will do a considerably better job of raising a child than a single mother, a single father, two gay parents or their grandparents.
17) The Boy Scouts could never survive gay scoutmasters because no parents with a brain in their head are sending their male, teenage boy out in the woods alone with a gay man who may very well be attracted to him, just as the parents of Girl Scouts wouldn’t want to send their teenage daughter out alone in the woods with a straight adult who might secretly be savoring the opportunity to have her alone.

18) People who are homeless over the long term are overwhelmingly mentally ill or have substance abuse problems and the only thing we can really do to help them is round them up, put them into halfway houses and force them to get treatment in spite of themselves.
19) If you have good character, you should feel ashamed of taking food stamps, taking welfare, or being on a school lunch program.
20) We would be much better off as a nation if most of the immigrants to this country were well educated people from nations in Europe that shared our Western values as opposed to our current policy which brings in mostly less educated people from Third World nations.

chair0147 #elitist #crackpot #psycho reddit.com


Why the hell do these people get the most sympathy when they have almost zero impact on people's lives.

If a janitor dies, nobody notices because he gets replaced but if a CEO dies, people panick and stockholders start scrambling. So why do people always highlight the lives of irrelevant people who can't do jackshit??? I'm tired of people always talking about the poor, and how we should all help one another; HAS THE POOR EVER HELP ME?? Have they ever had ANY SYMPATHY FOR ME??? Fuck no, so why should't I reciprocate their indifference???

PEOPLE ARE SELFISH. Both rich and poor. We only care about what affects us; the only moment we start caring for others is when we got jackshit to do. That's why these billionaires are often the most generous, they got so much shit that they don't care where it goes anymore; and that's why they could now afford caring about the poor. CHARITY IS A RICH MAN'S LUXURY.

okko1001 #ableist #elitist reddit.com

so let the immune deficient ppl stay home instead of everybody. y drag the rest down with u because ur disabled?? thats like cutting off everyone elses legs just cuz ur in a wheelchair. the lockdown was for literal years and applied to everyone not just the sick. also most cant afford to say home when sick thats an Extreme luxury. I dont have problems with vaccinations I have problems with forced coerced and pressured vaccinations.
I would LOVE to stay home when Im sick but I cant afford it usually.
its not my problem some ppl are immunocompromised so they should stop trying to make it everyones problem that they are. most of those ppl are also that way by their own fault ie obese or theyre just super old in which case they already had their good run.

Various Commenters #elitist #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

RE: How a More Diverse Population Will Change America


"Ordinary Americans predict a white backlash."

I see no sign of that happening.

They have to blame white people for the increase in crime and destruction of social trust. How else are they going to prevent everyone else from noticing who commits most of the violent crime? Look at the "Stop Asian Hate" campaign. It is usually blacks committing random attacks on Asians yet the movement blames white supremacy for the crime.

(De ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Doc)
Patricia Kenny, one of the cherry picked, foolish voices for this WaPo article, opines:

“Diversity is the lifeblood of a healthy nation. “

Diversity is the the lifeblood of nations? Like the Mongolian empire of yore? Or the Austrian-Hungary Empire? Or the USSR? Or the British Empire? Funny how diversity saved none of those super-national entities.

“Diversity of culture brings new ways of thinking and problem solving. It is not a surprise that many of our Nobel winners and inventors are immigrants or the children of immigrants.”

Of the 900 Nobel laureates 20% are Ashkenazi Jews and a huge chunk of others, until more recent times, were of White European descent. Diversity is fairly narrow, when it comes to very high IQs. The immigration status is a moot point, as far as Nobel prizes go, since that characteristic contributes little to such successes.

A real White backlash would mean Whites having large families again and not miscegenating and encouraging more European immigration to our shores. We need MORE White people. Period!

For a young white person it seems to be a social obligation to marry a nonwhite and have half white kids.

Young urban white women, especially. Men.. less so, but they do they are inclined to Asian women for very obvious reasons... young urban white women.

Anonymous Commenter #elitist i.redd.it

>give normalfags access to the web
>a place where they can say and host anything
>they choose walled garden social media instead
>they ruin the entire web in less than 10 years

>give normalfags access to all the free audio, video, vidya, books, and contnet they could ever
>in better quality than any streaming service or cable provider
>they pay $10 a month to multiple low quality streaming services instead
>where content is constantly censored, removed, or edited to suit the opinions of people that don't
even watch it
>they ruin the entire entertainment sector in less than a decade as content providers produce
more and more low effort shit that caters to people that don't even play/watch/listen to it

>give normalfags access to hardware so powelful a nerd in the late gos would have murdered someone for it
>its so small they can carry it with them everywhere
>you can always get an internet connection
>normalfags use the device to take pictures of themselves to share with other normalfags
>this eventually morphs into short videos where they do retarded dances and point at slogans seen on screen
>ruin the concept of OC in less than a decade
>everyone producing high quality work is drowned out or gives up all together

>give normalfags access to the world's collective knowledge and archives detailing everything you can imagine
>instead of reading it, learning from it, debating it with others, and improving upon it they do web searches to find opinion pieces that
align with their existing opinion and beliefs
>they demand everything they personally dislike be censored instead of closing their eyes or the webpage they're viewing
>they incite campaigns to deplatform anything they don't like when they don't get their way
>took them less than 10 years to ruin free speech on the internet

Why do they ruin everything7 Why did we allow this to happen?

C.T. #elitist #racist #conspiracy westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Canaille!”]


Il y a une autre canaille à laquelle on sacrifie tout, et cette canaille est le peuple

In my recent articles, and on this site in general, I have expressed myself in a very derogatory way about the masses (and the System that empowers them: democracy), whom I have called as Voltaire called them, canaille, and I have also called them in a much worse way

After years of not seeing it, I have just watched one more time the 1995 film Indictment: The McMartin Trial, starring James Woods: one of the very few films I can recommend in this dark hour for our civilisation

The daycare sex abuse hysteria was a moral panic that occurred mainly during the 1980s and early 1990s and brought charges against completely innocent daycare providers accused of committing various forms of child abuse, including satanic ritual abuse[…]
Since the mid-1990s, the phenomenon has been discredited to such a degree that criminalists and law enforcement authorities have recognised it for what it was: a witch hunt that led to imprisonment and ruined the lives of many innocent adults. The film Indictment: The McMartin trial masterfully shows how a moral panic psychotised the masses in the decade I lived in California

In its heyday in the 1980s and early 1990s, similar in some ways to the Salem trial of 1692, such allegations reached grotesque extremes. Using invasive adult techniques in the interrogation of kindergartners, therapists elicited confessions riddled with fantasies[…]
Indictment is the best example of how the masses—yes: the canaille—react when they are in a moral panic: they simply trust the Jew-controlled media. The film vindicates why I speak so disparagingly of the masses or rabble and why I can only love the dissident individual

lifeisgreat521 #elitist #psycho foxnews.com

Very simple, efficient, cost-effective, quick and humane solution for San Francisco and all cities with a homeless, drug problem.
1. Cities enter into a contract with crematoriums.
2. The homeless (except vets) are given a dose of lethal injection.
3. Bodies are cremated.
4. Cities are fumigated.
Homeless vets are provided with food, clothing, and shelter.
It's a win-win. Cities are saving money. Crematoriums are making money. Our cities are cleaner and safer.

Bernard Lane #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #kinkshaming #sexist #transphobia twitter.com

Excerpts from a guy explaining why fan fiction turns girls Trans

“And ‘gay ships’ online, gay erotica, can provide a vector for the girl to explore relationships and sexuality with the male objects of her infatuation — without confronting all that resentment, insecurity, hatred and self-doubt that is triggered by female love interest and male-female relationships.

“When it's two men it can be very seductive, because these girls love men, and they don't want to see the women — and it's like this weird, perfect storm for them.”

“The fandom community is going to have that hierarchy — if you are a cis-het white person, you're evil, you're terrible, you're horrible, you're disgusting, you're an oppressor. But if you're trans, if you're gay, if you're not white, then you are amazing. And everybody needs to be super nice to you.

“The LGBT spectrum is really elevated in these fandom communities, partly because of that love of the male-male pairings where these girls are obsessed with the very idea of gay men. They almost think they're being pro-LGBT by sharing gay fan fiction.

“They're developing an aversion to male-female relationships. They can start to over-identify with the ‘gay ships’, in this [online 24/7] environment where there are no checks and balances on the fantasy. It's all these young girls identifying as trans together, ‘shipping the ships’ together. It's so easy to have your identity lines blurred, to start to over-identify with being a gay trans boy. And then gender ideology comes along and says, this is all a sign that deep down, you really want to be a boy.”

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #fundie #elitist #conspiracy pepelivesmatter.substack.com

It's been difficult at times to feel super jazzed about reporting on the news lately except when the narrative boom comes along like with the Putin interview and the Epstein documents. In between the huge moments has been a dull: Oh look they are sending more of our money to Ukraine or more disheartening news about the border or Trump's legal persecutions.
Your money was being siphoned by the military-industrial complex underneath your nose for generations. The foreign wars we fought were shams.

This was clear to conspiracy theorists before but now this truth has become so blatant that many are joining our intellectual side. I mean they are now giving billion to an unwinnable war to literal nazis in Ukraine while Biden can barely complete a coherent sentence. Us conspiracy theorists told you President's were puppets but Biden has manifested this reality like no one thought possible. You can practically see the strings attached to the corpse of what used to resemble an idiotic person.

When you detach from the everyday happenings though, you find it almost miraculous that we have come this far. The country has inexplicably not imploded despite all that she's been put through. America still stands.

And so do anons.
2020 was years ago. It's 2024.

And the election is right around the corner. And God knows what else.

I take solace in the breadcrumbs that God leaves along the way.

Like the fall of Roe v Wade, the prophetic event of the Georgia Guidestones blowing to smithereens, and the massive awakening occurring around the world.
Don't let the draining news of today rob you of the ability to extract joy. Just think of how far you've come. We've all had transformational experiences along the way. God is using these hellscapes, these trials and He's creating a path forward. A proverbial parting of the waters. Onwards to an Exodus. A fall of Babylon. A great jubilee with hardened and tried and tested people.

We will make it.

DryRecognition_6671 #sexist #elitist #pratt reddit.com

It’s getting harder and harder to find a high quality woman in America. I’m leaving…

It seems their expectations and standards have only risen in the past few years. The 6/10 women (6s, 7s, 8s) who ALSO have a decent personality accumulate for less than 5% of the overall American female population. That’s millions of men competing for the top 5% of women. America lacks quality control and I’m not sure if things will ever change. Time to leave ✈️

Emanuel Pastreich #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy globalresearch.ca

The opportunity that I had to study at Yale College as an undergraduate and later at Harvard University for my Ph.D., and to learn to think, learn how things work, from distinguished scholars, was a point of stubborn pride for me when I started my career as a professor, but that legacy had devolved into a nightmare, into a travesty.

I watched up close how the thoughtful and insightful men and women who were my classmates at Yale and Harvard, who were my colleagues as a professor, responded to the horrific institutional decay of the United States over the past two decades. Sadly, I observed how they, as intellectuals, as lawyers, doctors, engineers, executives, professors and government officials, how they betrayed their fellow citizens and buried the wisdom they had obtained at those temples of learning deep in the excrement of fraud and hypocrisy.
Then came the collapse of the twin towers, the last card in the Tarot deck, a modern miracle that belongs the Book of Revelations. In other words, a massive fraud that any high school student who has taken a semester of physics could see through.

And yet again, my colleagues from Yale and Harvard were silent; in many cases, they appeared at think tank seminars, on television, to promote this blatant fiction.
I am an extremely limited man and I cannot claim any remarkable achievements, but I can say that it was obvious to me that the 2000 election, the 9.11 attacks, and the drive for war with Afghanistan and Iraq were a fraud and I spoke openly, and unambiguously, about these crimes at that moment.

I felt that it was my obligation as an educated American. It was, in a sense, the entire purpose of the education I had received.

My efforts, my dismissal from my job, and how I was forced out of the country, remain taboo topics for my colleagues from Yale and Harvard. Mentioning what was done to me, and to others like me, for opposing the COVID-19 fraud is also a no-no in the best of circles.

Mauricio #wingnut #magick #psycho #elitist westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Before I die”]

How I wish to witness this Malthusian disaster [energy devolution] first hand

I practically live for this reckoning, this Final Solution to the Christian Problem. Everything else is a distraction

The oil wells eventually dry up. Industry and commerce slow to a crawl. Mass unemployment. Skyrocketing inflation until money becomes worthless. Poverty, crime, riots. Anarchy rises

The System becomes increasingly draconian. Border conflicts erupting everywhere. Infrastructure is gradually destroyed. Mass starvation follows. Mercenary armies murderously repress rebellions. Armies turn rogue and create small enclaves. Then the nukes drop. Cities evaporated. Huge clouds of radioactive dust. All that useless human trash starving and rotting

Kalki’s age indeed. I must see it before I die

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #elitist dailystormer.cn

[From "France: Macron Wins by Massive Margin"]

I said repeatedly, from the beginning, that there was no way Le Pen was going to win this election. Frankly, I didn’t even bother covering it very much, as the only interesting part were the Zemmour memes

But frankly, I had no idea that the gap was going to be this big. I thought it would look more like an American election, with a slim margin of victory for Macron[…]
The left keeps talking about how democracy has failed because their candidates don’t get elected. I would like to assert that democracy has failed because my candidates do not get elected[…]
Both right and left agree that democracy has failed, so we need to accept this reality[…]
This never made any sense, this universal suffrage idea[…]
How can you possibly believe that peasant rabble has the collective intelligence to guide the ship of state?[…]
The Founding Fathers spoke at length of the problems of democracy before it was ever even implemented at scale

This is why it is so frustrating to hear Tucker Carlson ramble on about how “real democracy has never been tried”[…]The 2020 election was hoaxed, but this was primarily a result of extreme Jewish neurosis – it’s not like Trump was ever going to actually do anything[…]
I believe strongly that Trump came in in 2016 thinking he was going to do something. Then it became clear that the Congress would refuse to go along[…]
Trump was trying to repeal Obamacare, and John McCain came in[…]
Trump’s election was a quirk, a glitch in the system, but the system was able to easily deal with that[…]
I think the initial American Republic idea was fine. This had voting, but only stakeholders – determined by land-ownership – were able to vote[…]
I would also not be opposed to any kind of new system that established some kind of tyrannical autocracy based on vulgar populism. An autocracy can actually be held accountable

Pasco Cruz #conspiracy #wingnut #elitist #dunning-kruger fringeculture.home.blog

While the Christian in me still has me running around cautioning everyone to not fall for the deceptive “New Age” aspects of “Great Awakening”, that doesn’t mean I am not going to acknowledge the reality of what’s happening here and that JFK Jr. is very much alive. I’ve even gone as far as to speculate that he will be this long anticipated, highly charismatic Anti-Christ figure who will soon take the reigns as world leader. He fits the bill PERFECTLY. But I’m not going to lie about what’s going on. That boy is living…

The debunking efforts are PITIFUL & outright EMBARASSING if you ask me. The people attempting to debunk this, in one instance by using Gematria decodes, oidn’t even know what Gematria was(his “subs” told him to do it) and couldn’t even pronounce it right.
I realize that this may be new information to many out there. I’m not going to be an arrogant little prick and not post about just because it’s old news to me. Its still fascinating that they have been able to pull this off for as long as they have. The fact that Trump is hated so much by the press is why they have been alt to stay under the radar for so long. I can’t wait to see what the DemonRats establishment does when this finally comes out. That’s what I’m so anxious to see. The DemonRat leadership squirm.

Especially when they also realize that Jimmy Carter is JFK Sr. A conspiracy that I seem to be quite alone, yet still content with.

I’m also pretty sure that JFK Jr. is Juan O’Savin at this point

Fschmidt #elitist saidit.net

I just watched the Putin interview. I wonder who Putin thought he was speaking to. Putin doesn't seem to realize that the American people are retarded. All of the American elite, Tucker included, speak publicly with a clear understanding that they are speaking to retards. So the interview was just very strange with Tucker asking questions appropriate for retards and Putin giving intelligent answers. It is a reminder that Putin is truly human while all modern Americans are subhuman

Mike Johnson #crackpot #elitist #fundie #god-complex newsweek.com

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is receiving a fresh wave of backlash for his alleged ties to Christian nationalism after a video was shared online of the Republican leader comparing himself to biblical figure Moses.

A segment of Johnson's speech has since circulated online, during which he compared his path to speakership as a "Red Sea moment."

"The Lord told me very clearly to prepare. 'You ready?' 'Be ready for what?'" Johnson told the crowd, according to a clip shared to X, formerly Twitter, by the project Right Wing Watch Wednesday afternoon. "'We're coming to a Red Sea moment.' 'What does that mean?'"

Johnson said during his speech that the House speaker's race, which took three weeks, was the "Red Sea moment" that God told him to prepare for. He also said that he assumed "at the time" that God was going to "choose a new Moses" and that he would act as "Aaron," Moses' brother and a priest in the Old Testament.

"And so I work to get Steve Scalise elected speaker, that didn't happen," Johnson said. "And then Jim Jordan, who is like another big brother of mine. No, that didn't happen."

"Ultimately, 13 people ran for the vote," he said. "And the Lord had told me to wait, wait, wait. So I waited and waited and then, at the end, when it came to the end, the Lord said, 'Now, step forward.'"

Henry Okello Oryem #elitist bbc.com

Many have deemed Henry Okello Oryem's comments tone-deaf

In 2022, more than 2,200 people died of starvation and related illnesses in north-east Uganda, a report by an official human rights body said

But Mr Oryem argued that given Uganda's favourable climate and fertile land, people should be able to grow food for themselves

"It's only an idiot, a real idiot, that can die of hunger in Uganda," the state minister for foreign affairs told the NTV Uganda television channel

"If you work hard, there is land in Uganda. The climate is right in spite [of] climate change. If you make a double effort to make sure that you go out in the morning, you till your land, you plant the seeds, you maintain your plantation, surely, how do you fail then to get food?"

As well as killing many people, the food shortage in the north-east left nearly half-a-million people in "acute hunger", said the report by the Uganda Human Rights Commission, which was established by the constitution

The minister's comments have sparked outrage

Moses Aleper, a legislator for Chekwii county, which is part of the affected Karamoja region, told the BBC that Mr Oryem's views were "not right" and "unfortunate coming from a minister who knows what goes on in this country"

"I'm from one of the most productive parts of Karamoja where there is adequate rain and we produce food. But in situations where weather fails us, the weather vagaries set in, we definitely fail to get food. And normally people definitely get famine and eventually hunger strikes"

Mr Aleper also said that hunger in the region is often caused by "other issues beyond even human control"

Christopher Calvin Reed #elitist #fundie twitter.com

That's not how Christianity works
.. we can't really condone religions that we know lead people into eternity apart from God.... it's cruel to not give them the truth because at least if we tell the truth of the gospel they may repent and be forgiven.... but if we say nothing to those we know headed down the wrong track.... is it because we care about them or because we care about ourselves? Being confrontational is uncomfortable but so is an eternity away from God. Always love people enough to share the truth with them.

Pleiadian Message from Akasha via Jen Freer #ufo #magick #conspiracy #elitist freerspirit.com

Greetings Precious Ones!

We want to congratulate those of you who put in the admirable work to raise your vibration and expand your consciousness and awareness high enough to anchor yourselves into the higher 5D timeline of the Earth Matrix Simulation. Welcome!

We know many of you are still feeling a bit groggy, perhaps wobbly, and a bit stiff and sore with continued ascension symptoms such as headaches, joint and muscle pain, and tinnitus. It will still be important for you to eat natural foods and stay hydrated, as you are in the very early stages of continued healing, DNA repair and a variety of crystalline upgrades to your once carbon-based bodies. You are in a transformation process, so please be gentle with yourselves physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Some of you are wondering why you’re still interacting (or interfacing, if you will) with individuals who are still exhibiting 3D/4D fear-based vibrations. This is because you’re still in the Earth Matrix Simulation, but, because of your ascension to the higher timeline, you now have the upper hand, and those lower-timeline beings can no longer abuse, hurt or harm you in any way. They have been sealed off into the lower timeline. The issues that may surface between you and lower-timeline beings now are for the purpose of observation and elimination, so that you may heal from the trauma(s) and continue on your ascension process.
Once you are healed, your next task on the higher timeline is leadership training. You have been handpicked to serve as leaders on the new 5D Ascended Earth Plane(t). Some of you like to refer to your physical home as a “plane,” while others prefer “planet.” Both are correct. You will notice there are no words such as “matrix” or “simulation” when we refer to 5D Ascended Earth. That is because there will be no duality/polarity games or “rules of engagement,” and this is why full 5D healing is required before you can move to your new plane(t).

Lawful Evil Award

If you want a picture of André du Pôle's vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

André du Pôle #elitist #wingnut #psycho #sexist #fundie returnofkings.com

5 Essential Life Lessons From The Hindu Law Code Of Manu

Most ROK readers should find the idea of vocation intuitive. Women have purposes specific to their sex and should not attempt to steal or destroy manly places. However, the caste hierarchy and relative leveling of vocations may seem extraneous to American readers: the US were founded over the idea that neither a centralized Church nor a nobility should exist. Did not the Founding Fathers reject the caste system from the start? Indeed—but I am neither American nor conservative enough to put them on the same footing as sacred texts.


A hierarchy where manly men have authority over feminine women works well. Each one has a role fit to its nature and can realize one’s own purposes with the help of the other. An inverted, matriarchal hierarchy where women would rule, on the other hand, is dissatisfying: women would look like caricatures of men by being bossy, let their defects such as conformism and group-thinking tendency express, and turn men into slaves or short-term driven pleasure-seekers. None of the parts would be able to realize its better tendencies, such as loving and caring for women, or meeting with challenges for men.

Likewise, the four-caste hierarchy is the good or fairer one. A society following it and having proper individuals at each level would be the most harmonious one, even in poverty. When the regular order gets messed up, so does the whole society: Kshatriya pretending to spiritual authority start subordinating it to political interests, just as the Protestant princes of Europe did in the sixteenth century; Vaishya pretending to power end up commercializing everything, turning politics into a marketplace where lobbyists and sellouts abound. “Inferior” castes cannot help but bring their essential ethos with them no matter where they go or what they pretend to be.

The lesson, here, could be that modernity has been mostly synonymous with a “vaishya-ization” of society: universities have turned into an academic niche market, politics have become a market as well, and the process have been aggravated by women trying to play men—especially upper bourgeois women pretending to political power. Each “inferior” caste denythe “superior” ones their rights and prerogative have made the world poorer.

As for myself, I have no problem with the idea that some, even men, should not have the right to financial independence: libertarianism may work well among men of Mensa, but a 70-IQ people clearly need some paternalist management not to drown into their own stupidity.

“Even a capable Shudra must not accumulate wealth, for when a Shudra becomes wealthy, he harasses Brahmins.” (10.129) Some wealthy people fund seditious, divisive groups such as BLM, some who enjoy a small authority act like power-tripping small chiefs, some women get beta orbiters and management power— A fair hierarchy is not one with equal chances or opportunities to get promoted, but one where each one can reach his rightful place.

Alt-Right blogger Lawrence Murray contrasted Buddhism, which enjoys some cultural status and association with the upper classes in the West, with an “intensely alien Hinduism.” Practicing yoga, reciting a handful of mantra and mingling with other bourgeois bohemian while sipping fair trade green tea seems indeed easier than vindicating such a frankly non-modern order.

Modernity in general and the so-called American Dream in particular entertain a deep trend of anti-traditional, anti-dharmic thinking which promotes an abstract and formally autonomous individual able to do has he wants. “Gender” or the negation of biological sex in the name of a chosen or psychological sex is but the last product of the trend.

If you could choose between a society where Hillary Clinton had won the election and a society with castes and sacred fires, would you have the guts to choose the second option—knowing that women would be women but also that you may be, say, a Vaishya and thus not entitled to (for example) give a scholarly opinion about what the Bible says?

Whatever your answer, remember that modern ethical theories come and go with the Zeitgeist, whereas dharmic cultures still exist today side by side with modern technology. I could bet anything that in a hundred years the Law Code of Manu will still be studied while Anita Sarkeesian’s name will be forgotten.

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist pepelivesmatter.substack.com

"Why can't we go back to the status quo? At least, we had comfort. Trump is too chaotic and wild. A man of war."

My response:

The previous status quo was nothing but war, hidden slavery, murder, the military industrial complex thumb on a world and people tell me that was a great time.

No, you simply felt comfortable because no one was challenging their power in a substantial way.

When Trump decided to push back against the globalist cult, he pushed for a real war. A war that actually meant something meaningful and good.

If you don't believe me, read the Georgia Guidestones, which now lies in rubble.

We are talking about a seismic shift. A pivotal moment in history. We were born to live in this special moment.

So, no, thank you.

I don't want to return to that status quo. I'd rather fight and believe to cross into that promised land than sit like a slave and reject the destiny that lay before. Not me or the many anons longing for a better world.

I choose real freedom.
Anon character has grown beyond what people can measure. Our patience is tremendous. We've been through a fire. Both personal and collective trials have hit us like rain drops pouring from the heavens.

Yet here we are. Still standing. Still believing.

Look how far we've all come.

We are an enigma.

History will look fondly upon the anons.

We've endured the precipice with knowledge the normie simply refuses to accept. That burden has made us tough as nails. Be proud, anons.

There's one way now and it's through. Whatever may come, that day draws near.
You came by the tens of million to become part of a historic movement the likes of which they have never seen before.

We are the only ones who can stop them.

They aren't coming after me, they're coming after you.

I'm standing in their way.
We are going to see this battle through to ultimate victory.

Trump is going to finish what he started.

I'm proud to be MAGA.

Proud to be a digital warrior for the bravest man I've ever seen.

We the People.


QuantumInnovator #psycho #crackpot #elitist deviantart.com

William Shakespeare wrote many plays, stories and poems. But did any of the works of William Shakespeare make the world a better place? I think not.

However, Colonel Paul Tibbets did make the world a better place on August 6, 1945 by dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, the first atomic bomb dropped in warfare. When a second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki a few days later, the Japanese finally did the right thing and surrendered. Yes, the two atomic bombs killed thousands of people in 1945. But the other option, an all-out invasion of Japan similar to the D-Day invasion of June 6, 1944, would have cost at least two million lives of both Japanese and Americans. And that's assuming it worked.
So not only did the invention and use of the atomic bomb save lives by accelerating the end of World War II, it also prevented World War III by creating the threat of mutually assured destruction. The two atomic bombs used in warfare in 1945 did more to change the world in fractions of a second than William Shakespeare's writings did to change the world in over 400 years.

Happy Veteran's Day.

Nick Fuentes and Vincent James #elitist #pratt #wingnut #racist rightwingwatch.org

Vincent James and Nick Fuentes: The Rosa Parks And Martin Luther King Jr. Of White Nationalists

James: “We’ve reached millions of people. There’s a big benefit to that but it’s something—I’m not saying that I regret it, I’m just saying that it’s not easy. It’s not for the weak, that’s for sure. To go through the things that we [have]—journalists stalking us and shit like that—it’s not for the weak.”

“The fact that we have sort of paved the way and made it easier for people to talk about these things, you’re kind of jealous. It’s like, ‘What the fuck man?’ It’s like, ‘Dude, I lost my job, all these things happened to me, I lost my bank account to say these things.’ It’s kind of like, almost, you know, Martin Luther King in a way, kind of, or Rosa Parks.”

Fuentes: Yeah, We’re the first ones. We’re the ones getting beaten down and firehosed.”

James: “Yeah, it’s kind of like that, It’s almost exactly like how those Blacks were hit with fire hoses.”

roman_mir #elitist #wingnut slashdot.org

Except this is completely backwards in a true Orwellian fashion. It is not the wealthiest, who are gaining most from society, it is society, who is gaining most from the wealthiest.

What is society gaining from all of the bums living on the dole or all of the homeless?

How much is society gaining from one single billionaire?

Of course the society turns it upside down and sideways, insisting that the billionaires are not paying some magic fair share, the reality is that if all billionaires were to disappear today, tomorrow this society would descent into poverty that hasn't been seen for hundreds of years.

vpn #elitist themotte.org

I haven't egged, paintballed, or beaten any homeless and don't intend to start, but I firmly believe that any city will be worse off if a "compassionate" genie magically conjured up 100 homeless people to live its streets; no comment on whether I think a city should welcome a "cruel" genie who's able and willing to magically poof away the same. I also understand second order effects and believe people respond to incentives. It seems to me, then, that every compassionate Times reader equals something like 0.0001 compassionate genies, and every cruel Kalispell resident 0.01 cruel genies. Mechanics and process aside, the end result is a San Fran full of growing compassion and ever more unhoused, and a Kalispell with a cruel lid on the homeless, and maybe even a reduction down the line.

The part I struggle with is, how does a society argue against compassion? Even if the rational counterarguments are themselves obvious, it seems like a fundamentally losing messaging game. We raise our children to be compassionate and we look for spouses who are compassionate. Trying to shout from the rooftops that compassion is actually bad when it comes to the homeless feels akin to telling the world that generosity is bad when it comes to tipping. Which is why I'm resigned that no matter how many articles are written about the tipping culture being out of control, it will creep up to more industries and circumstances and higher preset amounts. Similarly, I'm resigned that more tax and charity dollars will go to the homeless and the homeless industrial complex ad infinitum, because you can't argue against compassion, at least not outside of the ratsphere and among the voting masses.

John C. Wright #homophobia #elitist #kinkshaming scifiwright.com

{from 2014}

This has nothing to do with my religion. I joined the Catholics because they are against homosexuality. I did not become against homosexuality because I joined the Catholics.

There is no need for you to apologize. I am not the one who decided to act unprofessionally, and assault the character of a fellow writer int the field. Mr Hines is. I am not the bigot. Mr Hines is. I believe a certain degree of courtesy and respect is due to comrades, and that other loyalties exist aside from political loyalties: Mr Hines does not.

He is a member of a cult of hate; I am a member of a religion of love. I love mankind, love virtue, love truth, and love beauty to the same degree and with the same intensity that the Hate Cult hates all these things. There is no compromise, no quarter and no peace between us.

PS: Logically, your friend cannot have a 'wife.' Women cannot have wives for the same reason the mother of an orphan cannot be alive. The word refers to someone who forms one half of a sexual dyad.

What your friend has is a desire for her friend to masturbate together with her, which creates sexual sensations without the sex act. The sex act requires mates of the opposite sex to perform. I have no doubt their love is as sincere as a pederast for his underage lover, a sadomasochist for his partner in chains, and so on. The sincerity of the love does not change the unnatural love to a natural one.

The fact that your language is so degraded and debased that you cannot even form a non-paradoxical sentence, that you cannot speak the truth, but instead choose to speak what you know or should know to be nonsense about the matter indicates an alarming lack of mental integrity on your part.

David Cole #ableist #racist #wingnut #elitist takimag.com

When I’m asked why I never had kids, my standard answer is, I’ve spent my life in mortal fear of being tethered to another human in a manner from which I can’t legally walk away if I choose.

That’s an honest answer, but it’s not the complete one. The second part, which I always leave out, is that I was petrified of having a tard. There’s no history of tardiness in my family. But no matter your family history, having kids is always a roll of the DNA dice, and I couldn’t face the possibility of having a child who would be, shall we say, more work and less payoff.

Yes, that’s a terribly unflattering thing to admit. But it’s true.
There’s no changing the reality of the child’s condition, so put the best face on it. “That millstone is a blessing! That albatross is actually a majestic eagle.”

When a problem is intractable, when “fix it” isn’t an option, you cope, and sometimes that means detaching from reality
That’s why the mentally ill shooter problem is intractable. Parents saddled with defectives must live with the hope that the condition is reversible. And most of the time they’ll live with that hope in the face of all evidence to the contrary.
The big nightmare is the very real possibility that the problems with black America are intractable. That there’s a disproportionately large segment of black America that’s simply not salvageable by love, lucre, or religion. A segment that at best can be kept in check with rigorous sifting via lifetime imprisonment of the worst elements, and even that’s a half measure.
Black unsalvageables are America’s “special needs” children. And we’re tethered to them. We can shift them from one city to another, one state to another, but there’s no avoiding the obligation. We birthed it, it’s ours. And I want to be very clear that this is as much a problem for high-functioning blacks as it is for whites. Hell, they have to deal with the burden of their special-needs kin more than anyone.high-functioning blacks as it is.

Luis Miguel #wingnut #elitist #forced-birth thenewamerican.com

[From “Ohio Pro-abortion Victories Show the Pitfalls of Democracy”]

The results of this week’s off-year elections in various states throughout the country have been fodder for much political analysis in the mainstream media, and the overwhelming consensus among Establishment pundits is that Republicans are losing nationwide primarily because of their defense of the unborn[…]
Is it really logical that only a few years after Republicans achieved a trifecta of federal government control[…]based on the promise that they would appoint Supreme Court justices who would reverse Roe v. Wade, the nation is suddenly overwhelmingly in favor of abortion?[…]
What the recent elections[…]really prove is the problem with democracy[…]
The Founders and the Framers of the U.S. Constitution were distrustful of democracy[…]studied the way in which ancient democracies tended to devolve into tyranny, including the dissolution of property rights and the erosion of public morality[…]
Created a system with so many layers of checks on the popular will. The president was not directly elected by the people; neither were senators or Supreme Court justices. There was no universal suffrage — many states had property requirements and religious tests in order for a man to be able to vote, and the Constitution did not forbid these practices

These ballot initiatives[…]are the main mechanism being used to advance abortion in the post-Roe era. And they have also been used to successfully enact leftist policies even in red states where such programs would never make it through the legislature

In Florida, for example, medical marijuana and the $15 minimum wage would never have been passed by the Republican majorities in the state Legislature or signed by the Republican governor[…]
This unfiltered majoritarianism is precisely what the Framers wanted to prevent. We are now reaping the fruits of democracy in America. A return to a constitutional republic is needed to stem the social decay

MedleyChimera #elitist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Oh fuck off with this bullshit, most homeless people choose to be homeless because they don't want to follow the basic rules of society, like be clean, and sober. And before anyone comes at me with that "but but they're mentally ill" bullshit excuse, believe it or not but a majority of homeless aren't naturally psychotic/suffer from psychosis, its rampant drug and alcohol use that has ruined them. Legit I have been homeless before not by choice but by act of nature, the amount of people in the street because they refused to follow the basic rules of the shelter is fucking astounding. I know anecdotal blah blah but I have literally lived that, and my lived experience is not invalid.

Ask anyone who has been legitimately homeless and has had to be in a shelter, a lot of them will vouch that a majority portion of homeless aren't "sad, down on their luck, poor unfortunate souls" but instead drug addicted assholes who accost you and just piss and shit all over the place with no moral human decency left in them.

Those who attempt or even succeed at getting out of homelessness and move on with life are those worth helping and saving, those who try are worth it. The filthy scum who lay in their own waste expecting handouts and the world to give them what they want because they are homeless are the scourge of the Earth and deserve nothing.

Oh and if the homeless are so fucking good why aren't all these self righteous assholes opening up their own homes or stoops for them? Oh yeah that's right its because they know how bad it really is. As long as its not their personal space they don't care who these people harass or impede.