
Xantrawler #fundie libertydwells.com

Look for you non believers let us start at the beginning. First billions of qwantrillions years ago before time was discovered there was... Nothing. Got it, nothing existed. Now this nothing sat inside another big nothing and inside both nothings there was nothing. Then one day (I'm not sure which day since there was no days back then, just nothing) the nothing blew up and became something. Now the nothing was something and it spread all over the nothing that was now something. Within this something's nothingness dust grew into a flowing orb and spewed forth the Earth, upon which over time two nothing something came together and formed an ape. The ape being an animal and not knowing any better leaped from the trees and in midflight discarded its apeness and walked upright and called its self man. There does this explain everything to you, no God involved, just nothing. Hay this is what they believe and they say we are nuts for believing in God.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

[The instant someone actually disproves evolution with solid proof, scientists will abandon it.]

Bullshit. Evolutionism isn't a science. It's a cultic, naturalistic religion that is zealously and mindlessly adhered to by people who are utterly terrified by the implications of the only alternative. They cannot disavow it because that would be an admission that they were wrong, and they will seek to destroy any "infidel" who strays from the fold of the pseudoscientific religion of Darwinism.

Ask any scientist about the dire professional and social consequences of daring to express doubt about the doctrines of the cult of evolutionism.

Evolutionism's "science" consists of drawing the curve and then plotting the points. It starts with the desired outcome and bends, warps, twists, tears and shreds the evidence to make it conform to their religion's dogmata. They ignore, suppress and censor any evidence that is not in lockstep with their cultic doctrines. They enforce exclusivity in academia by the power of the legislatures and the courts.

One would think that if the jackasses are so confident of their braying, they would relish the opportunity to confront creationists in a neutral venue so that they can once and for all dispense with those "Bible thumpers". Howeveer, they resolutely oppose any public debates with competent, informed creationists. Why? A: because each and every time they have tried it, they have lost the debate, usually decisively. ETBs are accustomed to controlling the setting, and when faced with a worthy opponent who is not cowed by their bullying tactics, they fold.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

[DoctorDoom's letter to the people at A&E over Duck Dynasty.]

Sent to the feedback email address...

Writing as a mature, responsible, self-respecting, self-controlled, Christian gay man, I strongly encourage you to reconsider the foolhardiness of "suspending" Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty because of the screeching and wailing of the mouthy, militant minority of the gay/lesbian community. You have done yourself no favors by catering to the strident, obnoxious, highly overrated handful of queer hyperactivists.

Was it for ratings? Have you asked yourselves where you are going to get enough gays to compensate for the loss of viewers that your obsequious submission to a few tantrum-throwing faggots (yes, the term is offensive, but no more so than they are) must certainly provoke?

Do you seriously believe that the regular viewers of Duck Dynasty appreciate your obvious obeisance? You know as well as I do that the bitching queers who led to your unwise decision have never watched the show and never will do so. IMO, this folly will reflect negatively on your Nielsens.

Far too many businesses fail to grasp that the high-profile thugs such as GLAAD do not represent the majority of gays/lesbians. Their aura of significance is generated by the fawning media and companies who give them far more relevance than they merit.

Penalizing Mr. Robertson for privately expessing a politically incorrect view in order to appease a microminority will prove to have been a major error of judgment. I for one hope that the entire cast walks out and leaves you with nothing to replace the show. And if these reports are true...

• A&E tampered with the show by bleeping words that were in no way offensive in order to give the impression that there were vile words spoken by Christians;
• A&E demanded that the name of Jesus not be used because it might "offend" Muslims, as though your Muslim viewership is even a blip on the Nielsens;

... you demonstrate that you are unworthy of having the show in your lineup.

Bob R

Franko #fundie libertydwells.com

Actually, after going through all the 'complexities' of the theory of evolution, that DOES pretty much sum it up. Molecules to Man evolution is impossible according to observational science. Molecules to man evolution is a joke.

None of the claims of 'molecules to man' evolution (let's define terms) are observed in the real world. NEVER is seen a true increase in genetic complexity, and even if a mutation/recombination resulted in something beneficial, it's either not because of an increase in complexity, or if new information, not shown in any test to be able to be sustained for any length of time to result in an eventual improvement in genetic complexity. It fails. What is shown is that any kind of 'new' information (to elaborate, the variations possible are already coded into the system) happens by design, not by accident or blind watchmen or anything else. Programmed. From the beginning. Nothing Darwinian at all. The God deniers will go to any lengths to avoid the obvious, make up any just so story. IN THE REAL WORLD, wolves don't change into fish and then back to land into pigs. Only in the make believe world of evolution, the wonderful wizard of whack. IN THE REAL WORLD DNA AND RNA actively prevent changes outside of what is already coded into a system. Dinos don't become birds because they aren't coded for that. Fish can't ever become mammals because they aren't coded for that. But no, evos declare - Uhm, if you leave a pile of dirt on the floor for a million years out pops a total babe. wow. and then retarded butt sex happens.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

Evolution is a big lie perpetrated, not by autocrats or Big Brother, but by people who fancy themselves intellectual and scientific. Such beliefs prove one thing: intelligence is no guarantee of wisdom.

If the rest of this piece seems just a tad on the facetious, cynical side, it's simply because this writer has a hard time being serious while discussing such silliness as Darwinism. Nevertheless, where the context demands it, we will of course be properly pedantic.

A definition of evolution is in order: it is the theory that all life-forms evolved from lower forms, and in the beginning a single cell, which mysteriously appeared from non-living organic matter, was the great-great-etcetera-grandfather of all life. Everything evolved strictly by accident, random events, uncontrolled changes without logic or reason. There was no intelligence or purposefulness behind the staggering number of transitions that started with Cell One and wound up with ants and elephants and hummingbirds and oak trees and human beings, with frogs and philosophers.

To appreciate the absurdity of it, consider this mathematical trivia: if one of each letter from a Scrabble game is dropped in a pile and chosen at random, the probability of selecting them alphabetically, or in any other specified order, is 26 factorial, meaning 26 x 25 x 24 and so on. That comes out to one chance in a bit over 400 septillion (4 followed by 26 zeroes).


Now imagine, if you will, that the 3,568,489 letters of the King James Bible are spread out across a parking lot. A chimp is then assigned the job of picking up the letters and laying them in a row. Evolution's principle is that letter by letter the text of the Bible is perfectly reproduced.

Needless to say, the mathematical odds against accidental, uncontrolled evolution beginning with a single cell and ending with the diversity and disparity of life forms now on Earth are too enormous to even calculate. (It was estimated that the chance evolution of a horse involves odds of one in 10e60000, which is the technical way of saying 1 followed by 60,000 zeroes. Some odds!)

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

There's no place in the human race for that human-shaped mass of reeking, maggot-riddled, sewer rat shit, Andrew Cuomo. The best part of that son of a bitch ran down his daddy's furry hind leg and dripped on his Milkbone.

My list of hell-spawned assholes whose obituaries I would relish reading continues to grow. Where are the terrorists when they are really needed?

DoctorDoom #racist libertydwells.com

"I understand that Muhammad Ali just commented on Mandela's passing: 'fjhehpidjfbhgierbgb bfbfbf re4-g9rhtb5 nfvjnvhu mepvnbvn bneutowr infnvrngn'" -EveningStar

That darkie dialect is a real bee-eye-itch, hey? For anyone not familiar with it, the translation: "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, an' cap de honkies' asses, yo."

South Africa hasn't yet been totally destroyed. It's still coasting on white-rule progress. However, the nigs are obsessed with undoing it and turning it into Zimbabwe Part Two. Give 'em time.

ScottLC #fundie libertydwells.com

[In response to this Esquire article on gun control by Lt. Col. Robert Bateman.]

I want this sunuvabitch arrested, prosecuted, drummed out and locked away. No, that's not rhetoric or hyperbole...this clown needs to feel the full ire of a 100 million US Citizens. His position and oath do not allow him the luxury of promoting such a dangerous, downright traitorous agenda. I don't contact a lot of political hacks any longer. Don't write a lot of letters. But I am starting a mission tomorrow to fire up a third of this nation. I want this clown's career ended. I want him out in the cold to starve if we can't have him locked up for something. I want him hounded everywhere he goes for the rest of his days or until he desperately recants every word and begs for forgiveness his sorry ass does not deserve.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

I'm not.

• I'm one of those people who think that "President" Obastard is a sociopath, a narcissist, a pathological liar, a wannabe dictator and an enemy of the state.
• I'm one of those people who think that he is monomaniacally obsessed with destroying America.
• I'm one of those people who think that he has set back the cause of racial equality and harmony by at least a hundred years.
• I'm one of those people who think that he is a textbook example of the consequences of allowing ignorant or stupid people to vote.
• I'm one of those people who have only contempt for idiots who say that anyone who opposes him is a racist when they worship him solely because of his skin color.
• I'm one of those people who think that he is all the evidence we need that evil always prevails when good men do nothing.
• And I'm one of those people who are 100% certain that this country will not survive unless he and his treasonous bedfellows are removed from power and dispatched in the manner that has befitted traitors for millennia.

Lubbock #conspiracy libertydwells.com

I had a bad feeling about this Pope almost from day one. The minute I knew that his entire life focus had been "the poor" I had a feeling we were in for a Redistribution Pope, and there hasn't been anything that's come out of his mouth since that has changed that opinion.

This is not a slap at the Catholic Church. I have no quarrel with Catholics or the The Church. So far there hasn't been a single Catholic who has hijacked an airplane and flown it into a building, and to my knowledge, no Catholic so far has beheaded someone in broad daylight on any street of any nation.

I just don't care for this Pope in particular.

Outreach to the poor and needy is a cornerstone of every great religion, and it's certainly always been a huge part of the Catholic church, but this Pope is taking it to the extreme. I personally think he's a Communist --Communist is the new Leftist, Socialist, Marxist. I'm not using Leftist or Democrat any more. I'm calling them what they are: Communists.

Wyatt Junker #fundie libertydwells.com

Humanism sucks. Humans are assholes, by definition. Most of them are lost, lazy, selfish sheep. Humanism has nothing to speak for itself other than what most God-minus societies eventually evolve into as history shows.

But logic is easy enough to see where this all goes. If there is no god, there are no laws. If there are no rules, might makes right. When might makes right, bodies start to pile up like cord wood. Communism, the epitome of a God subtraction society, has the most social lethality of all -isms, so thank a humanist for that.

I've said it before, but people should be thankful for churches, which propagate life hereafter messaging. Take me, for instance. If I didn't believe in life after death, I mean if I really didn't believe it, then, as logic says, if I go to total memory wipe out of the hard drive, a black absence, then in this life I become a rapist and murderer first thing Monday morning. Its that easy. If there is no 'lid' on my behavior, I become the biggest humanist asshole on the planet. King of the Fking Mountain, get out of my way or I'll run over your ass.

Humanists just don't really believe their schtick. Poor souls. They have doubts. They should embrace their beliefs. If they really believed in total God absence, then get on with it already. Show me your faith.

DoctorDoom #racist libertydwells.com

["Larry Elder to the GOP: 'Stop talking to blacks like they are children'"]

Not children. Idiots. When the vast majority of members of a minority robotically support and vote for a party that that used to lynch them, that has fukked them over at every opportunity, and that has kept them on the plantation for decades, they are idiots.

Children rapidly learn new things. The negroid race has apparently been impervious to education and understanding for generations. Fuggem.

"f the party has any hope of attracting a significant percentage of the black vote, it must speak to that community honestly - and as adults." Larry, if the GOP were to do just that, it would make exactly how much difference in the blind, unthinking way that those idiots liplock on the asses of the DemonicRATs?

Lubbock #racist libertydwells.com

["Larry Elder to the GOP: 'Stop talking to blacks like they are children'"]

Hey, Larry! I hear this from my 16 year old grandson. Stop treating me like a kid.

The only retort is --of course, Stop acting like a kid. You want to be treated like a grown up, act like one. [He's at that age where he can either be a kid or a grown up, depending on how it's most beneficial to him at the moment --kinda like blacks.]

And by the way, Larry, it's the Communist Left in this country who have treated people of color like children; like plantation slaves having to be looked after and cared for and fed and housed by Massa.

It's Conservative America who fought the fight to free the slaves; we Conservatives have given people of color every opportunity known to man to grow up, but it's easier for them to sit in front of the taxpayer funded flat screen, swilling Budweiser, watching Bball, and whine that the flat screen isn't big enough.

The ones who escape the Plantation and take advantage of opportunity are roundly and soundly put down by the likes of you, Larry. House N*gger sound familiar, Larry. That's what your ilk calls Condi Rice. Uncle Tom sound familiar, Larry? That's what your ilk calls Clarence Thomas. 0prah say a whole bunch of us withe folks just need to die. How's that for bringing the races together, Larry?

Lazarus #conspiracy libertydwells.com

Maybe this will happen, but keep in mind, the Pubs will have to gain control of the Senate with tea Party Pubs, else we'll just see the RINO traitors vote to preserve Obama's Dictatorship... We must have a majority in CONSERVATIVE Pubs to win control of this situation...With a 51 vote majority of Pubs using the current population, we can't even put thru Impeachment proceedings... The RINOs will oppose such an action - They are in Obama's back pocket...

And Obama has three more years to continue his rein of terror... If he controls the DC Court of Appeals, the sky is the limit for whatever Obama wants to do - No one in the Judicial Branch will lift a voice to stop him...

This may end up being the catalyst that actually breaks this country apart...

At the very least, my short term prediction with this action is to see Obama and his gang of revolutionary thugs take definitive steps to stop all ammunition sales in the US, and possibly begin with gun confiscation...

Also expect to see Harry Reid take more steps to divest this government of that unnecessary obstacle known as the US Constitution... You can bet, Obama's handlers have a definitive plan to put into effect at high speed - They must enslave this nation before Obama leaves office - And a large part of that plan must go into effect before there is a chance for the Dems to lose control of the Senate...

Expect voter fraud in 2014 at levels that dwarf those we saw in 2012... They won't bother even trying to dusguise it anymore...

I will remind everyone here that one the primary doctrines of the Communist is that there is no crime or sin if the act contributes to the expansion of the Communist Revolution... Before 2016, we're going to see the most shocking acts committed in the name of Obama's revoluiton... Things we never thought was possible to happen in this nation...

For those of us who own firearms, I strongly suggest you (1) expand your ammunition supplies now, and (2) come up with some creative ways and places to hide your weapons...

DoctorDoom #conspiracy #homophobia libertydwells.com

Two possibilities: Jeffrey Curley or Jesse Dirkhising.

Crimes against gays become national headlines for months, e.g., the vicious, nightmarish murder of Matthew Shepard, the poster boy for hate crime legislation. His death is used to this day by activists to justify all kinds of oppressive legislation and activities against "homophobia". The fact that there was little evidence to support the charges of gay-bashing never interfered with the shameless, opportunistic exploitation of his death to support gay "rights".

OTOH, crimes BY gays are invariably suppressed or ignored. From the link above:

Jesse William Dirkhising (May 24, 1986 – September 26, 1999), also known as Jesse Yates, was an American teenager from Prairie Grove, Arkansas, who was kidnapped by two men who bound, drugged, tortured and repeatedly raped him. Dirkhising died from drugging and positional asphyxia during the ordeal.

Dirkhising's death received only regional media coverage until a Washington Times article ran a story nearly a month after his death, noting the lack of national coverage in contrast to that given to the 1998 death of Matthew Shepard.

Shepard died violently and became an idol solely because he was gay. Dirkhising died violently and his murder was ignored because his murderers were gay.

This same P/C-darling syndrome affects the coverage of black crime. When a black is killed by a white, it's nationwide news, e.g., Saint Skittles. The OAKM liberals trip over each other in their frenzy to find new ways to call the killer a racist.

When a black kills a white, e.g., the two monsters who shot to death a white baby in a stroller, or another black (over 90% of black murder victims are killed by their "bruthas"), the OAKM hacks put their fingers in their ears, sing "LA DE DAH DE DAH", look out the window and watch the pigeons.

The basic principle: if a member of a politically correct minority commits a crime, any crime, it is not news; if a crime is committed against one of them, cover it to the saturation point. It has become far more brazen and obvious since the Magic Nigga was crowned. The OAKM don't even pretend to be objective any more.

Atty Tude #conspiracy libertydwells.com

[WorldNetDaily article says that newspapers were directed to "cover up black violence."]

This is not new. I remember hearing on a radio show in Maine that all the bird cage liners in the country have to get the green light from the NYSlimes for what will be published and what not. And black and homo crime is right at the top of the list of DO NOT PUBLISH. I think this came out in the wake of that young boy who was tortured and murdered by homos. Sorry, can't remember the details.

Atty Tude #fundie libertydwells.com

I remember a cartoon I saw way back in the 70s. The first picture shows this little girl. She's thinking to herself, "So why won't people elect women for president of the country?" The second pic shows this woman sitting in the presidential chair, reading a Top Secret document with great relish. The third pic shows the same woman hastily reaching for the phone with equal relish. The last picture shows the little girl and she's going "Oh."

I wouldn't confess to a woman priest/pastor, even if the entire Vatican ordered me to.

DoctorDoom #racist libertydwells.com

Sister Atty, I have no argument with your point. However, the welfare parasites are of secondary impact. We have an avowed enemy of the United States polluting the People's House, a confirmed Marxist who loathes this country and everything that it has stood for since its inception. Being the lawless, illegal occupant of the world's most powerful office, he must be removed from any position of authority.

If nothing else is done, rendering the son of a bitch a lame duck in '14 should be Job One. And by the time next November rolls around, there are going to be tens of millions of victims of Obastardcare who will be ready to slit throats at the polls. And the standard RAT mantra, "The Republicans did it!" is becoming ineffectual. Only the terminally stupid still believe that.

The Magic Negro's phony anger at the dismal failure of the Ocare rollout is also wearing thin. It is HIS law. Even the OAKM call it Obamacare. At some point his eternal campaigning and his incessant claims to be fighting against his own policies will bite his 1/16th black ass.

Food for thought: the liberal media exist only to promote liberalism. Their seeming allegiance to the Kenyan nigga stems from his image as the very incarnation of liberalism. If his continued psychotic behavior threatens to imperil the liberal agenda, he is expendable. Ask HRC about what happens to a liberal media darling when an even more radical liberal makes the scene.

Obozo is committing political harikari by exposing liberalism in all its extremist ugliness. The media have to decide whether they will go down with him or defend liberalism at his expense.

They made him. They can break him.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

Hell, just go to Detroit or Chicago. Plenty of it there.

That aside, Pop Sci lost me when it sold out to the Gorebull Warming myth. As for the subject, wanna know WHY there's an obsession with finding dark matter? Here's the undiscussed reason: they are desperate to find something that supports the notion of an endlessly cycling universe of Big Bangs and Big Crunches, so that Event One can become just the latest in an infinite series rather than the one and only Big Bang.

If they can find enough "dark matter" to add its gravity to "light" matter, they can show that the universe will ultimately stop expanding and collapse into itself. They can then reject the necessity of God as the Prime Mover of creation. In short, it's a way to justify atheism.

Old saying: the closer we get to the beginning of the universe, the closer we are to looking into the face of God. Atheists are hoping beyond hope that when we get there, we will see nothing and no One.

DoctorDoom #conspiracy libertydwells.com

Can America survive even one more year of the treasonous Magic Nígger and his DOJ MiniMe working in warpdrive to destroy her?

When a cancer is discovered, it can be fatal to hope that it doesn't metastasize for three more years. Obastard and his gang of thugs are far worse than any cancer. They need excision ASAP, by any legal means necessary, and if they fail, then by powers in high places in Washington using extralegal methods.

The Constitution is very clear on the subject of treaties, but the traitor Obasshole has been very clear on his utter contempt for the Constitution and his oath of office. IMO, he has no intention of leaving the People's House on 1/20/2017. Before then, he and his America-loathing horde of barbarians will instigate a national crisis. They will use it as an excuse to declare martial law and suspend indefinitely all rights and priviliges. There will be no 2016 elections. Obasshole will pronounce himself President for Life.

Who will stop him when he has the race card to play whenever anyone says "NO!" to him? He has been in power for 1745 days and not a whimper of protest has been heard from anyone in Washington when he repeatedly demonstrates that he is an enemy of the state and a clear and present danger to the Republic. Why? A: for the same reason that he was elected and reelected. That reason is the color of his skin.

Ah, yes, his presidency is "historic", so his fawning OAKM idolators told us. But then Stalin, Mussolini, Mao Tse-Tung, Hitler, Ho Chi Minh, Kim Il-sung, Pol Pot and others were also "historic". The fact than the Kenyan-born nightmare established a precedent by being the first black to be elected as the POTUS in no way means that it was a Good Thing, especially when he was elected ONLY because of his race.

We've seen it all before in other countries and other times. Obastard is studing the playbooks of tyrants of past and present. My fervent hope is that the people in very high places in DC, although they most likely don't give a shit about this country, will decide that Obasshole's continued rule will imperil their cushy jobs and will take steps to eliminate the threat. They may have no loyalty to America, but neither do they have loyalty to a treasonous bastard who is threatening their political, social and economic well-being.

I still wake up every morning hoping to read that the Kenyan cancer has been removed.

Gonzo #racist libertydwells.com

[RE. a man accused by a black waitress of writing the N-word on the tip line of his check at Red Lobster.]

My response would have been quite eloquent.

First, a lawsuit against red lobster. She was employed there, they are responsible for her actions while at work.

Then a lawsuit against the N***er (and yes, that's EXACTLY what she is, based on her own actions) for posting that lie on facebook and inciting death threats against innocent people, simply because they are white.

Then I would be all over the press, DEMANDING that Al Sharpton and Jesse jackson BOTH publically apologize to me. I want photos, video, live news coverage of them doing it. And I would demand that Jackson, Sharpton, AND the NAACP cover ALL my legal fees. After all, it was one of THEIR "Protected Species" that caused it.

I would have made sure ALL that shit went viral. not just the parts that the n***ers wanted shown.

Now, much like the post I made about the blacks who were running around in gangs playing "kill whitey" was, I fully expect to see THIS post lifted and trasfered over to FISTED as well, so the good little race baiting liberal assholes can lament over and over about what an "evil white racist" I am, while they (like they did with the OTHER post) somehow fail to mention the racism on the part of the BLACK community that PROMPTED the post.

But hey, when you get a website like FISTED where they delight in competition with one another, to see which white liberal can suck the most black dick, what can one expect?

This post made by a white boy who would DEARLY love to see Sharpton, Jackson, and each and every supporter of racist organizations like the NAACP laying down with their heads tastefully decorated with bullet holes.

DoctorDoom #conspiracy libertydwells.com

In a warehouse somewhere are signs for resrticted areas, curfews, detention centers, military zones, and all the other trappings of a nation governed by tyrants. The more I see of the Kenyan nígger, the more I am convinced that he will not leave peacefully. It will take a coup or an act of violence by high-level personnel to remove him from power. Whether those who can achieve that end have the nads to do it is another matter.

DoctorDoom #racist libertydwells.com

The monomaniacal obsession of the Obots with defending their indefensible, Kenyan-born traitor is becoming palpable since the 1/16th negroid asshole has been publicly self-immolating.

If one ever finds himself in need of a recognized authority on the taste of Obastard's pubic paraphernalia, he need only enlist the services of a pathetic useful idiot like this "I won't register at WLD because I'd be sliced, diced, shredded and pureed in the forum!" liberaloser.

Has he played the race card yet?

BTW, kid, BOTH of the BCs that the son of a bitch produced are documented frauds. And why does the commie wannabe have a SocSec nuimber for the state of Connecticut, where he has never lived or even visited? Shouldn't it be a Hawaiian number, O Enlightened One? Oh, BTW kid, why have he and his lawyers spent millions of dollars to bury every trace of his past if he has nothing to hide?

Admit it. kid, you worship him only because his skin is melanin-surfeited.


A 37% approval rating for the Magic Lawn Jockey, for Mr. Yes We Can, for the Neo-Messiah? Golly gee willikers all gosharootie, how can that BE? Is it possible that even the braindead jackoffs whose votes were bought with Obamaphooones and promises of more handouts have begun to see through the lying sack of dog shit's phoniness?

Wyatt Junker #fundie libertydwells.com

Listen. If I came from an ape, then I will eat like an ape and F like an ape and pick up a rock and kill like an ape. Its that simple. Why is evolution hard to understand? King of the Fking Mountain, yo. IF, I really believed it. I mean really really really believed it, tomorrow I'd be robbing banks after raping the tellers. Lucky for you and everyone else here, I don't believe I came from apes buttsexing each other, or retards screwing into newer, better mutants with extra cool super powers.

Wyatt Junker #fundie libertydwells.com

Hitler was just following Darwin's script, that's what Aryan eugenics was based on. Its also why scientists used calipers to measure the heads of black people to try to determine they were intellectually inferior to whites in order to enslave them.

If we came from protoplasm, then abortion makes perfect sense. Its also protoplasm. If we are mutants from panspermia, jizz on a comet or a space rock colliding with fertile ingredients in mother terra firma, an accident, then there are no rules. There is no right and wrong. No intent. No purpose. No meaning.

And if that's the case, in this giant black F-hole of empty space, don't blame me for my actions in any damn thing I do any damn time I want, any way I want. You are just protoplasm too and in my way. Might makes right, in that world view.

Connect the dots.

Timberwolf #fundie libertydwells.com

I CAN'T believe in the Big Bang, until someone explains to me how our universe got here without violating the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.

WHAT "banged"? You explain WHAT "banged" and we can then have a discussion...until then, "not even close, let alone no cigar".

Oh, and for the record, evolutionism is far more religious than creationism. At least creation doesn't violate the laws of physics.

DoctorDoom #racist libertydwells.com

Horseshit!That fascist son of a bitch hasn't spent a day governing since 1/20/2009. He has been in campaign mode since 2006, on a 24/7 war against his own policies for the benefit of the unfathomably stupid assholes who blindly elected him because he's a nigga. He's a wannabe third-world dictator, not a leader.

IMO, the US cannot possibly survive three more years of that treasonous, tyrannical, psychopathic cocksucker. If he is not deposed ASAP, America will die as a nation.

Gonzo #racist libertydwells.com

Wrong. Oh, not the shoot [black people] part, that's 100% correct. I fully support that.

What I do NOT support is "cleaning up the mess" nor do I support "burying them". F**k them. Leave them lying in the street to rot. Let them serve as a message to the ones that did NOT get shot that day. This can, and WILL be you next time. Let their crack-whore momma's see their little bastards bleeding out in the gutter. Let their dead-beat dads see the end of their chimp line. Yeah, that's right. I said CHIMP. And I meant that in every negative, derogatory, racist way possible. They deserve nothing less.

Venus de Smilo #racist libertydwells.com

This "[knockout] game" has been going on since shortly after obastard was elected in 2008. "We beez prezdint now!" It gets worse every day and certainly has made its way into the suburbs. Urban areas are far worse but by no means confining this savagery. Understanding that the justice department is being run by an enword is simply one more component in white situational awareness that all whites should practice no matter where they are. These people are feral savages and hate all whites. If we don't start shooting these cowards in self-defense whenever possible, we will become South Africa writ large.

Wyatt Junker #racist libertydwells.com

Balls Barry is Putin, word & deed.

It was the Kentucky Fried Kenyan that said Amurrica wasn't exceptional his first month in office on his Arab Tour when he went around kissing camel ass.

So why is everyone now pretending that Obloviot didn't say that shit just like Vlad?

DoctorDoom #racist libertydwells.com

If the asshole even attempts to do it, the grounds will exist for immediate impeachment. Will it happen? Hell, no.

Count on the Magic Nigga's autocratic increase to be some nominal amount so that he can go through the charade again in six months. The frequent debt "crises" are a political gold mine for the DemonicRATs to screech that the Pubs are starving children and denying granny her heart meds and ... and ... and ... They've been doing it for many years. It's as predictable as cauliflower farts. And the stupid, zero-information people, whose attention spans is only slightly higher than that of goldfish, buy the horseshit like it was new.

Aned across the briny deep, our allies and our enemies are laughing their asses off at what a pathetic joke America has become since The Black Guy was elected only because of his epidermal hue.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

Earth to DemonicRAT: there IS no "budget debate". YOUR party has not presented a budget for five fukking years, since the NO_LIMIT_NIGGA-In-Chief polluted the People's house with his vile, odious presence. Reality time, rectum with legs: you don't WANT a real budget. You prefer the CRs so that you can throw fukking tantrums about the Republicans blocking your hyperleftist agenda.

In my not even slightly humble opinion, you are all traitors. You should all be deposed, tried, convicted of treason, and put down like rabid animals.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

It would appear that the militant queers have competition for the most outrageous, repulsive "parade" in the Big Rotten Apple.

How about a Christian Day parade? Or a Conservative Day parade? How about nuking that urban cesspool?

Lubbock #conspiracy libertydwells.com

[About the D.C. Navy Yard shooter who killed 12 people.]

Somebody --or some entity, was running this guy.

The Wet Dream of the Left --right after Socialized Medicine [mission accomplished], is to disarm the citizenry.

He was being treated by military psychiatrists for serious mental disorders. He was filled with hate for White America.

Somebody was running him.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

[A Christian bakery in Oregon would rather close down than make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple.]

There are gays and lesbians, and there are faggots and dykes. From Mexifornia North...


This is typical militant faggotry. There are no doubt gay-owned bakeries that would have served them. However, they deliberately chose a Christian bakery specifically to have a reason to whine and bitch to the state because there was "dis-KRIM-inashun". That's the way the insufferable homosexual extremists operate. And then the militant homos feign amazement and shock when straights express contempt for them.

For the record, those two dykes and the heterophobic fagtivists who are making life hell for the Kleins are a loathsome, hateful minority of the queer minority. They are textbook latte-drinking, Prius-driving, Birkenstock liberals, virulently anti-Christian and totally intolerant of anyone who does not grovel obsequiously at their feet.

They are no more loved or respected by the majority of gays and lesbians than by the straights. If anything, they are even more detested by gays because they create a grotesque, offensive public persona that undoes years of patient, constructive, out-of-the-limelight dialog and interaction.

The bitches are getting their 15 minutes of unmerited fame at a great cost.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

[About the 1970 Kent State massacre.]

The "massacxre" was itself a leftist bad joke, with outside pinko agitators stirring the shite on campus (the same loathsome vermin who spat on returning Nam vets and called them baby-killers). The infamous photo of the wailing bitch kneeling over the body of a vicftim was a photo op, with the non-student slut running over to exploit the moment for the press cameras.

Far from abhoring the violence on the campus, the useful idiots were hoping for it. Thet were instigating it. They were constantly provoking the National Guard members, including, by some rerports, offering them iced drinks with glass shards in the ice.

If Kent State had anything to regret, it was allowing the hateful, treasonous neo-commie assholes to invade the campus and turn the demonstrations into a "massacre".

DoctorDoom #racist libertydwells.com

The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA-In-Chief ALWAYS gets what he wants because he's black. Being black makes him omnipotent, omniscient, brilliant, wise, perceptive, and always right all the time. Opposing him on any subject for any reason makes his opponent a RACIST.

That treasonous asshole gives me new respect for Jimmy Carter.

Franko #fundie libertydwells.com

[RE. an article about a Creationist who claims T-rex was a vegetarian.]

They still can't even figure out if they were cold or warm blooded. What they claimed was evidence for one or the other is later discounted by more study.

Teeth don't necessarily decide who is a carnivore - human teeth for example. If humans had only lived at the times of the dinos, (going along with the long ages to make a point) - and some other intelligent being other than human had found their remains, going by their teeth they would probably think humans were all vegetarians. And they would be terribly wrong.

Chimpanzees will not eat meat, unless they can't find enough food; then they will kill small animals and eat them.

It seems to be more a matter of environment. Why chase down food if you can just graze around and find plenty?

The great flood changed the ecology. Food was scarce. Man lived in caves until civilization could be built back up. Creatures that could not adapt in the new environment died out. There's flood legends among people all over the world. There's evidence for massive flooding all over the world, from Australia to America to Europe.

2 Peter 3:3

Dinos ate meat or veggies? They don't know. And anyone who tries to tell you they know for a fact what they ate, doesn't really know.

Xantrawler #fundie libertydwells.com

[Pope Francis says that atheists can go to Heaven if they follow their consciences.]

I don't know if -od will send the non believers to Hell or some other form of punishment, but I find it hard to believe he would allow them into Heaven. If you can get into Heaven and not believe then why would you want to follow any other of -od's rules? Who needs to honor him and worship on Sunday? Why can't I cheat on my wife? No mater what I do I go to Heaven. Of course the other question is, Why would a non believer care if they get to go to Heaven, they don't believe anyway. They are nothing more than a meat computer doing what they have been programed to do by the great nothing.

DoctorDoom #conspiracy libertydwells.com

The functionless parasites in Washington dare not challenge or question anything that the Kenyan-born Marxist says or does. That would of course be RACIST! and the critics would be attacked as Klansman. That hell-spawned monster could rape a Girl Scout (or a Boy Scout) on the Capitol steps and anyone who criticized him for it would do so solely because he is 6.25% black.

He will be utterly unimpeded in his psychotic quest to destroy the United States because the spineless, gutless, nadless, surrenderist asswipes in Congress sold their worthless souls to him. He owns them. They are his slaves on his plantation. He is their massa.

Anyone who believes that he will gracefully step down on 20 January 2017 is living in NeverNeverLand. Before then, there will be a Washington-engineered "crisis" that will "require" the imposition of martial law and the suspension of Constitutional rights, including (if not especially) the right to vote. That raving, self-worshipping psychopath is on a monomaniacal quest to become a dictator. He fully intends to be El Jefe for life.

He is obsessed with achieving what America's enemies have failed to do: killing America. Only one thing will stop him, and no one in DC has the balls to do it.

Philly Rabbit #racist libertydwells.com

Black On White Crime Is Enormous, Happens Every Day, But It'sTaboo to Discuss.

All you ever hear about is Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Zimmerman from his haters with many of them wanting him dead. But what about black on white crime and especially black on white murder homicide? If it wasn't for the internet, the media would have all these crimes buried and out of sight for the viewing public. The recent outbreak of media stories on the internet involving crimes committed by blacks on whites are too numerous for me to paste here including the story of the world war two vet who was murdered but this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

A black activist on another site explained that these crimes of murder against whites should be expected out of payback for three hundred years of black oppression by whites. So this I suppose means that whites are supposed to grin and bear it as their punishment for being white whenever black punk thugs lay slaughter to their children and loved ones.

This is political correctness absolute insanity and it's high time white people start discussing this openly among themselves and with everybody else.

DoctorDoom #racist libertydwells.com

[DoctorDoom now supports mass lynchings.]

In these times, it is not "profiling" to say that a gang of blacks are 99.9% certain to be criminals. "Black" is a description of the suspects.

The niggas are obsessed with starting a race war. They may get their wish, and one thing is certain: it will thin their herd. Black racism is the norm even as their "leaders" condemn as racists anyone who does not stand in line to fellate their tarpaper rolls.

Want to fight, niggas? Keep going the way you are. You'll find that there are a growing number of whites who want you dead. All of you. You assholes are too young or too ignorant to remember this.

[Graphic photos of lynchings from the early 1900s.]

It's what happens when whites have had enough. You thugs might steal everything we have, but there is more than enough rope to go around.

[Photo of a hangman's noose.]

One size fits all.

Lubbock #fundie libertydwells.com

[Emphasis added.]

How long before an American soldier here leaves his base and is beheaded on an American street at high noon by a Muslim?

It seems to me that it’s not going to be long until the only Islam-unconquered land/continent left on earth is the contiguous United States --forget Canada, and I don’t know how long that’s going to last. If you get your hands on a globe, and draw a circle around all of the Muslim dominated, or soon-to-be-dominated lands, it’s pretty obvious that it’s going to take a Second Crusade to stop it. I don’t know if any nation on earth has the will, the United States included.

Look at Merry Olde England. Mohammad is the most chosen boy name there now; their soldiers are beheaded at high noon on public streets and citizens are told not to over-react, don’t judge Islam by that one act. One act? Have you followed the Muslim-perpetrated crime in England against infidels? It’s out of control, and no one is doing anything about it over there. Everyone is frozen in their tracks by Political Correctness –just like the United States of America.

England fought back Hitler and the Third Reich, but today they have no will to fight Islam; indeed, they seem perfectly content to roll over and play dead –and dead will be exactly what they all are when the Church of England goes out of business.

Dearborn, Michigan. Christian churches can not ring their chimes there now because it offends Muslims. Muslims took it ot court, and the Muslims won.

We all know what it's going to take to put a stop to the march of Islam, but to date, no one has the will to engage the enemy on the battlefield. It's easier to kow-tow and gravel and give in, than to gather up the guts to say, Enough!

Think Dresden. That's what it will take. A few billion dead Muslims --"innocent" men,women ad children, to stop it. If you kill enough of them, then tell the rest to stop it or they're next, you will stop it.

Now. Shooter will be along shortly to tell me how stupid I am.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

[On an upcoming "Million Muslim March" on Washington D.C.]

When a Muzzie claims to be loyal to America, he is either a non-practicing Muzzie or a liar. When a Muzzie demands civil rights in America, it is the "right" to impose sharia on the country.

"We are demanding that laws be enacted protecting our 1st amendment ."

Apparently a word is missing in the sentence, but one assumes that it is "rights".

First, pagan assholes, who is suppressing your 1A rights? Show us ONE incidence where you barbarians were silenced? If anything, America is fellating you in its obsession with catering to your evil lot.

Second, show us ONE example of an Islamocracy where non-Muzzies are allowed free speech. We won't hold our breaths waiting for your reply, because we all know that such a country is equivalent to NeverNeverLand.

"Lastly we are asking for the release of the 9/11 commission report to the American people."

Are you really sure you want that? Do you seriously think that it will say anything other than that pagan moon-god worshippers committed the atrocities?

"On 9.11.01 our country was forever changed by the horrific events in New York. The entire country was victimized by the acts done on that day. Muslim and Non Muslim alike were traumatized ..."

Well golly gee willikers all gosharootie, OF COURSE the Muzzies were "traumatized". That "trauma" evinced itself in worldwide celebrations by you hell-spawned savages, cheering the deaths of thousands of Americans. The video and printed evidence is overwhelming.

Don't even try to bullshit us, barbarians. You have only one goal and it is antithetical to everything that America represents. Serve your moon god and your psychopathic pedophile "prophet" if it pleases you, but unless Washington sells America out to you, your goal of an Islamic America is just a pipe dream.

BUCKEYEPETE #racist libertydwells.com

I will admit it. I am a racists.

On the odd numbered days of the month, I HATE the black side of that Kenyan that resides in OUR White House. And, on the even numbered days of the month, I HATE the white side of that Kenyan that resides in OUR White House.

So, you see, I'm racists towards mulatto's.

He is neither black nor white. He is just another figment of the Democratic Parties claim to having the first BLACK! dictator. He is a MULATTO. He is neither. He is a non-person.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

The faggots (yes, it's an offensive word, but they are offensive people) create the public persona of all gays. The large majority of gays detest the behavior of the radical queers, but the problem is that they don't want to get involved and thereby reveal their sexuality to people who have no knowledge of it nor any need to know.

One knows that the megaqueers are riled when they screech "HOMOPHOBIA!" to gays who speak up against their extremist agenda.

DoctorDoom #fundie libertydwells.com

Evolutionists have been obsessed for decades with crushing all opposition to their egregiously bad junk-science religion. They cannot debate the issues intelligently. They rely on indoctrination and censorship of all opposing viewpoints.

The cult of evolutionism proves that outside of their fields or affected by peer pressure, scientists are every bit as ignorant and dogmatic as they proclaim their critics to be.

Wyatt Junker #fundie libertydwells.com

If an atheist family of a fallen soldier wants to be 'consoled' by an atheist chaplain, I think it should be allowed. Just videotape it cause I wanna watch that funny ass shit go down.

'Ahem, we're sorry about your son who died while serving, and while they're rotting corpse is lying stinking outside in a pine box out in our truck, its going to be okay. They don't even exist right now. They're... gone, like totally, just fukkin like erased from existence man. Its cool. No more misery for them. You'll never see them again either, so that kinda sucks, but hey... as the saying goes, once dead, always dead. Can't do anything about that now. So, sorry, I guess. Oh, I dunno what to say really. I got nothin.'

DoctorDoom #racist libertydwells.com

The Kenyan n*igger's treasonous ass must be protected at all costs. What amazes me is that the survivors haven't vanished or been found in Fort Marcy Park. I would not be startled to learn that the regime has murdered Obomination's critics.

This brazenly criminal "administration" puts the Mafia to shame.

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