Lady Checkmate. You have permanently banned people who simply stated comments you didn’t like even though they broke none of your rules. When I simply suggested religion posts might better fit on your religion channel rather than your news channel I was permanently banned. You have a complaint resolution channel where you permanently banned people and deleted their complaints so you could rave on with your own DIATRIBES. You attacked TUS and pre banned his Moderators so they could not object to your conclusions. You blasted people for cursing on your channel, yet allowed yourself to use the same words as long as you abbreviate them. You persuaded your pals who own other channels to ban those who disagreed with you. Your pre perm bans have resulted in tit for tat bans from other sites. When people complained about your actions via other fair channels and invited you to respond, you ignored their invitations. Why? Because you can’t ban their objections and you don’t want to confront their criticism knowing they might win the debate. You set yourself up as a dictator rather than a fair and balanced channel owner.