Donald J. Trump #wingnut

The Radical Democrats have lost another pathetic, unAmerican Witch Hunt. After spending tens of millions of dollars, wasting over 6 years of obsessive work that should have been spent on protecting New Yorkers from violent, rampant crime that is destroying the City and State, coordinating with the Biden/Harris Department of Injustice in lawless Weaponization, and bringing completely baseless, illegal, and fake charges against your 45th and 47th President, ME, I was given an UNCONDITIONAL DISCHARGE. That result alone proves that, as all Legal Scholars and Experts have said, THERE IS NO CASE, THERE WAS NEVER A CASE, and this whole Scam fully deserves to be DISMISSED. The real Jury, the American People, have spoken, by Re-Electing me with an overwhelming MANDATE in one of the most consequential Elections in History. As the American People have seen, this “case” had no crime, no damages, no proof, no facts, no Law, only a highly conflicted Judge, a star witness who is a disbarred, disgraced, serial perjurer, and criminal Election Interference. Today’s event was a despicable charade, and now that it is over, we will appeal this Hoax, which has no merit, and restore the trust of Americans in our once great System of Justice. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
21.2k ReTruths 83.4k Likes Jan 11, 2025, 2:28 AM

Satchidanand #crackpot #magick #ufo #racist #conspiracy


Hey everyone writing about the Fires in Los Angeles: Setting up areas for the coming world Global Satanic Luciferian A.I. Infrastructure build out…
These events should be examined and analyzed in the context of the global pattern of fires in places around the whole world in the last several years, including Australia, Northern California, Canada, Northern Texas, and recently in Maui, now Los Angeles. What is going on, believe it or not is setting up areas for the coming world Global Satanic Luciferian A.I. Infrastructure build out around the whole world, for the future world to come that the Global elite and their minion global Corporations have decided on, and planned to bring to full fruition and materialization, for their “New World Order” which is really “the Plan for New Atlantis”,
So you're saying AI is an electromagnetic silicon interdimensional Interface to the Demons. Yes, and here's the deal.
Anything inanimate can be possessed.
It can be controlled, manipulated. That's the basis of taboo worldwide.

But what's more critical is there are people who have queried AI, and the AI entities, that's what I say, AIEs, have identified that they are…

They are directed by Fallen Angel Demons.
Anybody can be possessed by Fallen Angel Satanic and Luciferian Dark God Demons.

Any Artificial Intelligence can be possessed by Fallen Angel Satanic and Luciferian Dark God Demons.
Black Magician Satanic Luciferian Demons who do not want to die the real death live immortally on the Astral Plane and higher, vampirising the energy of Human beings to live there forever, downloading into, Possessing prepared bodies to manage their Earth Plantation.
They vampirise human energy by connecting to implants they implant into their victims of sex and drug addiction blockages on this plane.

Conservapedia #dunning-kruger #fundie

Hollywood "values" (also known today as HollyWOKE or HollyWEIRD "values") are immoral behaviors originating in or popularized by the American film industry, characterized by spreading sexually-transmitted diseases, public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, abortion, adultery, lawlessness, violence and the promotion of the homosexual agenda and cultural marxism. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death.

Charlie Kirk #ableist

From the January 8, 2025, edition of The Charlie Kirk Show, streamed on Rumble

CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): I'm gonna say this just off the cuff before I introduce our guest. Can we please just go away with half the screen during these emergency briefings to the sign language interpreters? I have nothing against, obviously, people that cannot hear, but there's closed captioning. I mean, this is just over the top. We can't do this. We gotta get back to how it used to be. It's just, oh, it's just too much. It's a distraction is what it is. The reason is they do these emergency briefings for fires or terrorist attacks, and you're looking at this and you're not listening. I don't like it. So we got — we just gotta — closed captioning's perfectly fine. I think we have to — we gotta get back to basics here

Mr Metron666 #transphobia #homophobia

I can still hardly believe it myself. The LGBT community has spent years earning the public's trust and sympathy, convincing them they're not pedos and sexual deviants and managing to get laws passed in favour of them such as the gay marriage & adoption laws. Now they're in danger of throwing it all away with these kinds of antics. Drag kids, Drag Queen Storytimes (seriously, do these people really think that they're increasing acceptance of gays by choosing to represent the biggest stereotype of them to children), gender-neutral parenting, accepting all these made-up genders without second thought, openly displaying their kinks at a public event, and now this. Hell, they even denounce individual gays/bis/trannies like Blaire White who call out this kind of shit and call them "internalized bigots" & "cishet stooges". It'll be their own fault when public opinion turns against them and the aformentioned gay marriage & adoption laws start to get rolled back. By that point, even the crooked mainstream media may turn against them and it may also become acceptable to portray gays as pedos again. Eventually, the left itself may abandon the LGBT Community and they'll end up pretty much how they were pre-stonewall, all because of their own stupidity.

Stanley McDaniel #transphobia

It will be interesting indeed to see how and whether the Senate follows up on the bill. What remains absolutely clear is men have unquestionable physical advantages over women in sports. That’s why, until the Biden Administration began to support the Trans Superiority Narrative, men did not compete against men. It makes a mockery of the concept of fair competition. It’s also why there are weight classes in contact and strength competitions for men, and for women.

But it’s not just a matter of unfair performance advantages. At least one female high school volleyball player suffered brain damage from being spiked in the face by a trans player, and in the Olympics, a female boxer had to forfeit after being punched harder than she had ever been hit in her life by a man pretending to be a woman. The potential for serious injury or death is very real, which is why until schools, coaches and sports bodies lost their minds, men did not compete against women.

A never-mentioned fact is there is no parallel controversy over women pretending to be men competing in men’s sports. That’s because a mediocre female athlete can’t pretend to be male and immediately vault to the medal stand, quite the opposite. That fact of nature rather proves the point that men and women are very different, and trans women aren’t women, but guys pretending to be women.

Marjorie Taylor Greene #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut

Marjorie Taylor Greene targets former Biden official’s religious faith in House hearing

During a House Oversight Committee hearing on Wednesday, U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) invoked God and religion to harshly question Martin O’Malley, the former Commissioner of the Social Security Administration and a former Governor of Maryland, about his personal views on abortion and his Catholic faith.

In her highly confrontational interrogation of O’Malley, a longtime Democrat who also served as Governor of Maryland for eight years and ran for president in 2016, Congresswoman Greene, a self-avowed Christian nationalist, invoked his Catholic faith to attack his beliefs about abortion.

“Since you’re very interested in being DNC chair, you are after all a lifelong Democrat politician — I don’t even know if you had a job in the real world, but you have been an elected politician for years,” Greene accused (video below). “Mr. O’Malley you’re also a Catholic, are you not?”

“I am,” O’Malley confirmed.

“Do you serve God or do you serve the Democrat Party?” Greene asked.

“I serve God,” O’Malley responded.

An off-camera committee member interjected: “Mr. Chairman, as a Roman Catholic, I take offense at the suggestion that somebody has [inaudible] to God and their service as a Catholic.”

Greene tried to talk over the objection, which went unaddressed by the Republican majority chair.

“Mr. O’Malley, will you be supporting the murder of the unborn up until the day of birth like your party does? As DNC chair, will you be supporting the murder of innocent unborn people? Is that in line with your faith in God and the Catholic Church?” Greene said, appearing to grandstand.

Stand For Truth UK #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

The Wireless Radiation (5G) Liability Notice delivers a powerful message to those advertently or inadvertently causing harm or trespass, and that by doing so, will result in them being held individually liable.

It is highly unlikely that you will receive a response, this is a good indication of success. The respondents may well remain silent through fear of self incrimination. Our notices contain some hard truths spelling out a massive fraud and injustice through which the respondents are a guilty party.

As we operate in good faith and honour, we ensure that we give plenty of opportunity for the respondents to provide a remedy, this is done through a three-stage process.

If they do not respond, or if they provide an insufficient response. For example; if they fail to rebut the Witness Statement, or offer blanket denials and not applicable statements, or send responses from a third party who lack first-hand material factual knowledge. The respondent agrees, by default, with all of the terms and provisions set out in the Liability Notice.

Round One – Liability Notice for Non-Consent, Harm, Trespass, Injury by Wireless Radiation.
These initial documents allow the respondents 21 days to rebut our claims.

Round Two – If after 21 days there is no response, the respondents are now in dishonour of the contract that they initially instigated.
Round Three -Final Notice. If after the 10 day extension period there is still no response, a third and final notice will be sent.
If you choose to send through the post make one copy as a master file with the wet ink autograph and witnessing and then make the relevant copies. Keeping the original safe in a file.
Autographing – Never sign the documents and never use cursive (joined-up) writing. Signing signifies sinning. Writing in cursive signifies cursing.

Liability Notice – Autograph in Upper and Lowercase using blue ink :John-michael:Doe.

Witness Statement – Autograph in Upper and Lowercase using :John-michael:Doe.

Patrick O'Carroll #wingnut #racist #crackpot #conspiracy

HATHOR PENTALPHA <Talmudic super-lodge> is a prime example of Freemasonry controlling both sides when planning wars, refugee "crises", and other long-term projects, even as the mainstream-media presents all the events as taking place by "happenstance" or "coincidence".
Most members of the PNAC <Project for the New American Century> Group were members of HATHOR PENTALPHA too, which was founded in 1993 after communist Russia faked its own death on 25 Dec 1991. The PNAC Group called for the Zionist US military to gain "full spectrum dominance" over all nations, especially Mid-East nations, and later over all the slaves (or Goyim "Livestock") of the world via brainwashing.

The top actions of HATHOR PENTALPHA and the PNAC Group (members of both are in the same "Big Club."

1. Grab as much territory as possible from the "fallen", ex-communist Russia (by expanding NATO).

2. Grab resources in the Mid-East in the absence of opposition from the "fallen" Russia or "fledgling" China.

3. Plan Wars for Greater Israel to increase the death-toll of the Arab-Semitic Holocaust to over 10 million.

4. Plan Wars for Greater Israel to increase the number of Arab-Semitic "refugees" dumped into Europe.

5. Implement Freemasonry's "Clash of Civilizations" credo as its paramount doctrine for the twenty-first century. Under this "Clash of Civilizations" doctrine (credited to political "scientist" & HATHOR PENTALPHA member Samuel Phillips Huntington), the Kalergi Plan must be expanded to increase the proportion of Muslims in Europe and North America, to in turn induce civil wars that will bring a "new" order from the ensuing chaos. But avoid the term "White Genocide", by preferably calling it instead "Weaponized Replacement Migration".

6. Develop race-specific bioweapons to kill political opponents, "nasty" racial groups, and other "undesirables".

7. Ultimately, also acquire "full spectrum dominance" over the minds of the slaves through total brainwashing.

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy

MESSAGE TO JUAN AND TRUMP. Area 51 = Secret Space Program = USAP …this trail is key as I hope you know. So you say Area 51 is run by the dark side military …this is known… So what about ALL THE UNDERGROUND BASES / CITIES/ OFF PLANET COLONIES… and how do you and Trump plan to deal with them? I know you won’t answer me and probably not read this but as you know I have been asking about this for months if not years. To take our planet back from the Reptilian/Draco/Grey Luciferian alliance is not going to be easy. Humans have a right to know this is a slave colony here on Planet Earth.
FYI….I have had a long running argument with many. MAGA people over whether the “white hats” are “in charge”. Especially _____ and _____. In my view it is insane to think the white hats are “in charge of the entire Earth”… But they continue to spout this out at every opportunity. Note: Juan has already said they are not “in charge of everything” but these MAGA people persist in repeating the white hats and Trump “know it all, have it all and are in charge”… But clearly these are people who do not acknowledge the Secret Space programs, underground cities and going off planet etc. It makes these MAGA people appear dumb and uninformed about the nature of reality to those of us who see the bigger picture.
Further religious programming is thick and unrelenting among the MAGA group and continues to fog and obscure their vision as to the multidimensional nature of reality. Juan and others that continue to promote the reptilian infested Vatican views are simply contributing another brick in the wall (to quote a famous band) preventing humans from seeing the true nature of existence or "life" on Planet Earth.

Much of this reptilian religious dogma acts as "comfort food" and furthers the deception with regard to how humans are toyed with, persecuted, trafficked, tortured, and otherwise the play toys for Reptilians, Draco and other negatively based alien races, vampires and the dark alliance.

Patricia Cota-Robles #ufo #magick

The awesome success of the various activities of Light Awakening Humanity Cocreated with the Company of Heaven in 2024, has accelerated our Ascension process in wondrous ways that we will experience throughout 2025.

One of the most life-changing things that occurred in 2024 is that Mother Earth was able to reclaim her rightful place in our Solar System. This is something that she has been striving to accomplish since her fall from Grace aeons ago.

This seeming miracle occurred when ALL of the Solar Logos from the Suns beyond Suns in Earth’s lineage were, at long last, Breathed into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun. The Solar Logos from that System of Worlds are known through all Creation as Sanat and Luz.

The other Solar Logos from the Suns in Mother Earth’s lineage consist of Helios and Vesta from our Physical Sun, Alpha and Omega from our Central Sun, Elohae and Eloha from our Great Central Sun and El and Ela from our Great, Great Central Sun.

Since Mother Earth and all of the Suns in Earth’s lineage were Breathed into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun, ALL Life evolving on Earth has been daily and hourly Ascending into new Solar and Cosmic Coordinates. With every Breath we take, Earth’s adjusted position in the Universe is allowing all Life on this Planet to receive higher and higher Solar Light Codes through the Portals of the Suns in Earth’s Lineage and our Grand Central Sun.

This vibrational shift Created the sacred space that enabled all Life on Earth to safely experience the most intensified 40-Day purging process that Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth had ever been able to safely withstand.
Light is infinitely more powerful than darkness. Since the dense psychic astral veil of illusion, which the Company of Heaven often described as “almost tar-like”, has been purified and Transfigured into what they now refer to as a “transparent, gossamer veil”, everything has changed.

pennygadget #transphobia

RE: dear "allies": this is how they view you.

This is what the handmaidens fail to understand. They don't get any grace or good girl points for being allies to men in drag. When these dudes succeed in their goals to subjugate women into a servant class for men; the female "trans allies" will be at the bottom rung of society along with us TERFs

TIMs don't respect a woman more for "being kind" and acting as a mouthpiece for gender ideology. On the contrary, they respect their handmaidens less because they can plainly see how servile and pathetic they are.

Various YouTube Commenters #transphobia


The fact that the oldest was pretty much “jealous” that the younger was “trans” as well, tells you all you need to know. They like the attention, as kids usually do


The first words out of the kids mouth “I felt something was missing” yeah… puberty.


The boy doesn't look healthy, dark circles under his eyes, seems depressed... not really happy....


As a trans guy, this is not okay. These children show no signs of actual gender dysphoria. I came out at 11, and my mom sent me straight to therapy. It sucked, but I understand why she wouldn’t allow me to transition medically until I was 18. This isn’t okay.


They say they want their children to accept themselves, when they can’t teach them to accept the way they were born and that changing themselves drastically is ‘acceptance’

Bro. Eric Kalinowski #fundie

Sermon 17: Backsliding
By Bro. Eric Kalinowski
Revelation 2:4-5 “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.”
John 10:29 “My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.”
To address the latest changes, Pastor Steven is out on spiritual leave, and Pastor William will be taking over as Interim Project Leader for SimplyChristian while Pastor Steven steps away to address his spiritual needs. I will continue as Lead Preacher for the indefinite future.
We are all weak and need Christ in our lives. Pastor Steven, after a meeting with Deacons and Elders, acknowledged he has a spiritual sickness and needs help from the Lord as well as the church community. With prayer, godly communion and worship, and camaraderie with strong steadfast believers, Pastor Steven we believe will be back to living godly and faithful to the Lord.
Pastor Steven fell to one of the most insidious things, something designed by the enemy to be of utmost temptation to break even the most ardent believers in Christ. This is how the enemy wins, by isolating believers and keeping them in sin and away from accountability through other believers who can shine the light on these vile acts like scattering cockroaches of sin. What Pastor Steven fell to is uniquely evil and dangerous and affects the brain chemistry in a permanent way, hence why he’s on extended spiritual leave to fight the demons and disease of licentiousness and the resultant backsliding.
I challenge you, believers in Christ, to examine yourselves as well. Are you living holy and virtuous lives, or are you backsliding? Are you facing your own temptations alone without the light of Christ through accountability? Do you need spiritual guidance as well to keep yourself pure and holy? Please reach out to us if you too feel you’ve backslidden and need a helping hand to face the wily snares of the devil!

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 #transphobia #wingnut

Democrats just put a mentally ill congressman, who parades himself as a congresswoman to thrill his disturbing sexual fetishes, in charge of democrat policies.

Democrats really are the party of they/them.

imageSarah McBride
I'm thrilled to be named a Deputy Whip for Policy in the 119th Congress, advising House Democratic Leadership on policy priorities and plans for our caucus. Just as I was in the State Senate, I remain focused on lowering the cost of housing, health care, child care, and helping families make it through the inevitable challenges of life.
2:08 PM · Jan 17, 2025 · 184.2K Views

Rev. Terry Jackson #fundie #sexist

A teenage girl was recently compelled to publicly apologize for her pregnancy at True Vine Apostolic Church in Hampton, Virginia. The incident, captured on video and shared widely online, has drawn sharp criticism and prompted broader discussions about shame and accountability within religious communities

The video, originally posted by journalist Jemele Hill, shows the visibly emotional girl standing before the congregation. “I want to apologize to everybody in here because I am pregnant,” she says tearfully. “I’m sorry y’all. I just hope that y’all all forgive me.” After her remarks, the congregation applauded, and she requested prayers as she stepped away from the podium

The church’s pastor, Bishop Terry Jackson, then addressed the congregation, making his position clear. “If you sin, you don’t wait till the baby come to repent,” he said. “We ain’t gon’ condone your sin now… Ain’t no baby showers going on. That’s what you lose out on.” Bishop Jackson emphasized the importance of repentance and stated that no member of the church should attend a baby shower for a child born out of wedlock

Reactions to the video have been mixed, with many expressing support for the teenage girl and condemning the church’s actions. Television personality Sunny Hostin offered her support, writing, “I will host the baby shower. Pls contact me sweetheart. Your baby will be celebrated and loved”

However, a woman identifying herself as the girl’s grandmother, Dee Myles, defended the church’s approach. In a Facebook comment shared by The Neighborhood Talk, Myles wrote, “We were not forced or manipulated to stand before the congregation. My daughter willingly approached the congregation and was welcomed and embraced with open arms.” Myles also expressed frustration over the public backlash, stating, “You all are interrupting my peace and causing more damage than good”

The Flat Earth Society #crackpot

Thus it is admitted by those who teach, that the moon is a spherical world, having hills and dales like the earth, that such things can only be seen in imagination.

"Nothing but unmeaning figures" are really visible, and "the students break off in disappointment, and have their faith in such things rather diminished than increased, until they previously learn from drawings and explanations how to interpret everything seen."

But who first made the drawings? Who first interpreted the "unmeaning figures" and the "confused mass of light and shade?" Who first declared them to indicate mountains and valleys, and ventured to make drawings, and give explanations and interpretations for the purpose of biassing the minds, and fixing or guiding the imaginations of subsequent observers? Whoever they were, they, at least, had "given the reins to fancy," and afterwards took upon themselves to dogmatise and teach their bold, crude, and unwarranted imaginings to succeeding investigators. And this is the kind of "evidence and reasoning" which is obtruded in our seats of learning, and spread out in the numerous works which are published for the "edification" of society. ”

Distressed Parent #transphobia

If only I could have read this essay before my son was pushed off the sanity cliff by nefarious Planned Parenthood. That said, my husband and I tried with substantial effort to help our son escape from the poisonous gender cult tentacles when they first infected him as a teen. Likely curtailing more of his social media access may have helped. He was an excellent student often on his laptop working to achieve all A's, and we didn't suffienctly realize how utterly corrupting social media was/ is. I may always beat myself up about this regret. But in high school, my son went into remission from his "trans" obsession with the help his father and I did offer, and we thought we were out of these dark, treacherous woods. Unfortunately (a massive understatement as words to convey this horror are invaribly inadequate,) while he was sealed in his dorm room during his first semester at college in 2020 when the fear of COVID was peaking, the "trans" virus resurfaced to claim his mind, health and his potential, and simultaneously torpedoed the hearts of his parents, inflict loss on his clear-thinking sister, and destroy our once close family. As time in this psychological hell went on and on, I recognized the need to let go of short term hope as necessary to emerge from profound despair. But I need to allow long term hope that my son will somehow wake up. In reference to the title of today's lucid PITT essay, I also allow yearning for a "trans"-educated society to emerge and pummel the idiocy, indifference, virtue signaling, greed, and the cruelty of this evil cult back into the depths of hell where it burns to oblivion.

Andrew Tate #dunning-kruger

Pain is the ingredient.

Pain is the magic.

I’m better than you because I have suffered more than you ever have.

More than you ever could.

Pain is the elixir of excellence.

Batman is only Batman because they killed his parents.

Do you understand?

Pickles & VestalVirgin #transphobia

GOP lawmaker says trans bathroom ban must pass to stop lesbians from “getting off” in women’s room

( Pickles )
Reddit commenters are having a normal one.

This should really tell the "LGB without the T" folks that their turn on the chopping block is coming. Once the right has decimated trans people, they'll come for us other gays too. Pushing the trans community in front of us in line for the meat grinder doesn't mean we aren't headed in there ourselves.

So he’s worried about lesbian women getting off to the sounds of other women in the bathroom? But what does that have to do with trans people….? And why is he only opposed to it happening with gay women in women’s washrooms? Is he just projecting and indirectly admitting that he masturbates in public bathroom stalls at work?

( VestalVirgin )
"Other gays"? Autogynephile men are not gay.

Did the reddit commenter only read the inaccurate headline? But if "trans women are women", he should have known exactly what "lesbians" have to do with trans people. (He knows that TIMs aren't women, so I guess that is why he was deceived by the headline. That, and he's an idiot. I knew immediately that it was "lesbians" ... because it would not be possible to ban actual lesbians from women's bathrooms.)

( Pickles )
Omg wow. I have seen some misleading titles in my day, but this one might take the cake. Rather than "GOP lawmaker says trans bathroom ban must pass to stop lesbians from “getting off” in women’s room", it should read "GOP lawmaker says providing women-only restrooms will stop some straight men from “getting off” in women’s room". What a damn doozy of a title.

Then there is this gem:

Hinkle then brought up a cisgender male janitor who would “go into women’s restrooms and sit and listen to women going potty because that is how he got off.” The implication being that lesbians shouldn’t be allowed to use the women’s restroom because they experience sexual pleasure from bathroom noises.

No, you absolute dish rag. The implication is that men shouldn't be allowed to use the women’s restroom because some of them experience sexual pleasure from bathroom noises.

Mark Zuckerberg #sexist

Over the weekend, somewhere between overhauling Meta’s fact-checking team and dismantling the company’s DEI programs, Mark Zuckerberg found time to record a podcast episode with Joe Rogan, gold chain and all. During their nearly three-hour-long sit-down, the CEO suggested that more corporations should embrace their “masculine energy”

“I think a lot of the corporate world is pretty culturally neutered. Masculine energy is good, and obviously, society has plenty of that, but I think corporate culture was really trying to get away from it,” Zuckerberg said. “I think having a culture that celebrates the aggression a bit more has its own merits that are really positive”

“It’s one thing to say we want to be kind of, like, welcoming and make a good environment for everyone, and I think it’s another to basically say that ‘masculinity is bad,’” he added. Later in the episode, Zuckerberg credited martial arts for helping him to redefine his relationship with masculinity, telling Rogan that hanging out with his male friends while they “beat each other” has been a “positive experience”

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist

Our Unfair God
The men who had worked hard for 11 hours, thought it was UNFAIR when the householder in charge paid the men the same wages who only worked for the last one hour. I can completely understand why they were upset. I'd be upset too! But the Scripture teaches that since it was the householder's land and operation, he had the right to pay whomever he chose, whatever amount he wanted, if they agreed to it. The men who had worked for 11 hours agreed to a certain wage for their time and labor. I love this Scripture passage because it teaches a very important principle—that when we oftentimes think something is totally unfair, is in fact fair.
I could go through the Bible and give you hundreds of similar situations that seem unfair. But dear reader, God is always fair. At some point in everyone's life, we will either place God on trial in our own mind, or else we will just have to blindly trust God's goodness and righteousness. God is incapable of being tempted with or doing evil (James 1:13-14).
If I were God, I would make sure that every Christian man has a good wife. I would make sure that no righteous man was ever alone without a loving gal by his side, to be his help meet, and be his cheerleader, and be his nurse when he's is sick, and his best buddy. It saddens me to be alone, and to see other Christian men alone. Feminism has ruined women by indoctrinating them to be empowered and rebel against their husbands. The U.S. government has ruined marriage by allowing the sin of divorce. These are perilous times (2nd Timothy 2:1-7).

Fred S #conspiracy #crackpot

[on a review of the book On The Masons and their Lies, by a former Mason]

This is a tame book about Freemasonry, like a "Dummies' Guide to Freemasonry," that is based on previous published writings.

Because the book does not actually reveal insider secrets, it is questionable whether the author ever actually left the cult. Many Masons/Satanists pretend to leave the cult, so they can infiltrate righteous institutions and corrupt them. (As this author admitted, Masons are master liars and manipulators.)

This author does not give any personal, insider details about what occurs during the cult's rituals. In addition, he claims that the Masons do not promote any evil or deviant behavior, though the 33-degree Masons intentionally disobey the Ten Commandments by committing incest, gang-rape, child sacrifice, etc. (The notorious Illuminati are Masons.) This author reveals nothing about the crimes that occur during the high-degree blood ceremonies.

There are two possible reasons why this author does not reveal more than what is common knowledge about the Masons: 1) he took a Masonic oath of secrecy, and he is scared that he will be murdered if he reveals any secrets about the cult; or 2) he is still a secret member of the cult, and he is trying to deceive Christian true believers by pretending to have left the cult. This book provides a good general summary of LOWER-DEGREE Masonic beliefs. But because it perpetuates the falsehood that all Freemasons behave righteously, even the satanic 33-degree elites at the top, it gets three stars for its insincerity/inaccuracy.

cockroach #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #racist #transphobia

Freedom= being a faggot with aids, women being whores, black people stealing stuff.

Democracy= two same parties that worship Jews

When you look at all the dictatorships they look much better.

North Korea

No lgbt, no whores, no diversity.

“But communist 1984 Animal Crossing!!!” No one gives a shit about communism scare anymore sorry. We all know it’s the Jews that are the problem now. I don’t give a fuck if the government owns the means of production.

“Bbbut the lower standard of living. You don’t get to have cool stuff.”

How good is the standard of living in America? Everyone lives in shitty apartments with roommates and can barely afford their car. What is so great? I guess you can buy more consumerist goods. Are you really happy here though? It’s not that great.

“Muh evil dictator no elections.”
Dictators are like kings that actually care about the greater good of their country. When you have different parties and elections you get all these Jews that don’t give a shit about their country or people and just want to make money.

Jinna #sexist

The patriarchy is a child-centered society. It is interested in birth and survival rates of children, and that is why males were drafted. Male disposability led to more children.  The patriarchy comes from difficult times, it was born in hard times, it is a very social system, an efficient system, and it’s a survival mechanism.
We know it leads to successful societies because many of the major cultures that dominate the world today have a patriarchal history. And we can see this most clearly through the fact that the world’s major religions like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Confucianism all come from cultures which support the patriarchy. All of these religions and the cultures that support them speak of female obedience to her husband and male responsibility and dominance over to his family.
Most of the world’s major cultures have patriarchal roots, this is a map showing the major religions of each country as it was in 1960. It is taken from Hans Rosling’s talk on religion and babies.

Since people who share the same religion also often share common cultural practices with respect to structuring family life, and the cultures associated with the major religions in the picture above are all patriarchal, we can see that the patriarchal way of structuring society has had a lot of success.
What happens in such a society is that men do not take care of or even know their kids. Women work and take all the steady, easy and good jobs. Men, who only need to take care of themselves, take the unstable and unreliable jobs, the hard jobs.

Vox Day and Mel Gibson #quack #conspiracy

[From “Ivermectin and Cancer”]

Mel Gibson has witnessed several cases of Ivermectin curing cancer:

Joe Rogan was left stunned when Mel Gibson revealed the controversial way his friends treated their terminal cancers. On the latest episode of the Joe Rogan Experience, Gibson said three of his friends were diagnosed with stage four cancer and all had ‘some serious stuff going on’

Gibson claimed they took ivermectin and fenbendazole, drugs usually given to treat infections caused by roundworms, threadworms, and other parasites. The Lethal Weapon star then sensationally claimed all three friends ‘don’t have cancer right now’

‘This stuff works, man,’ he added

I am fortunately mostly ignorant about cancer in humans, but we do have a dog who had a large and inoperable tumor. And two CT scans, one taken before a radiation-and-ivermectin regime, the second taken four months later, clearly showed that most of the tumor was simply gone

If you, or anyone you know, has been diagnosed with cancer, I would not hesitate to recommend taking ivermectin and fenben. It is far less likely to hurt you than help you, and it appears to have the potential to save the lives of cancer victims. And the fact that Big Pharma and its pet doctors don’t approve of it should be seen as evidence in support of the anti-parasiticals, not disproof

Andrew Tate #wingnut

Trump accused of sex crimes

Tates accused of sex crimes

Trump vilified by old recordings making jokes

Tate vilified by old recordings making jokes

Trump false court cases and lawfare

Tate false court cases and lawfare

Trump wins

Tate wins
2:46 PM · Jan 14, 2025 · 531.5K Views

Taki Theodoracopulos #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #elitist

I no longer read today’s shysters, those grubby-fingered leeches called journalists, mostly because they’re as far removed from fairness and the truth as I am from LGBQTVMGM. The fact that Trump has won has not reminded them of their primary duty, which is to inform, not to convert. Most of them are envious creatures who erroneously believe in their moral superiority and their left-wing ideology, which is par for the course. One such jerk, writing in The New York Review of Books after November 7, announced the following: “There will be mass round ups and treason trials….” In other words, Stalin- and Hitler-like methods in the Land of the Free. The author of such rubbish is one Fintan O’Toole, probably the kind of wokester who thinks opening a door is unpaid labor.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

The Khazarian Mafia have activated their plan for mayhem and destruction in the US to prevent President-Elect Donald Trump from taking power on January 20th. The attack on Los Angeles with directed energy weapons and UN-sponsored arsonists has already caused the largest fire in US history. You can be sure this is just the beginning. This means open warfare between the US military white hats and the KM owners of the mega-corporations has begun in earnest.

The important thing about the LA fires is that they have woken up the majority of the people in the US to the fact they are being attacked by corporate interests. That is why corporate shills at places like the AP (Absurd Propaganda) are coming under heavy attack when they pretend we are dealing with “wildfires.”
Then of course we have multiple reports of illegal immigrants with UN-issued debit cards carrying out arson attacks in LA.

It turns out that, just as in Maui, Acapulco and other places that have experienced such attacks recently, a “smart city” is being planned for LA just where the fires burned.

So who benefits? The answer of course is the usual suspects: BlackRock, State Street, etc. and their pet politicians like California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Of course the forensic trail of the ultimate owners of these corporations will take you inevitably to the Octagon group in Switzerland.

What we need to realize is that these criminals have been running the planet for over 20,000 years and do not intend to go quietly into the night.
Even though the KM have illegal immigrant mercenaries, DEWs and weather weapons at their disposal, they are human beings who can be hunted down and brought to justice.

This means the US military, the National Guard and civilian militias can deal with the problem.
That is also why a huge secret war is being waged over which “Donald Trump” will take power a week from today. Will it be the real one or the short avatar at Mar a Largo working for the Satanic P2 Freemasons?

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut

(Two anthropomorphic donkeys in blue suits are sweeping a dusk cloud with the words “Ashli Babbit Murder” under a rug.)

Cartoon published 01/06/2025

We at GrrrGraphics can’t let the anniversary of the January 6 Capitol protest go by without an acknowledgment, so here is a belated cartoon.

We MAGA-minded were outraged when Joe Biden magically received 81 million votes—many coming in the dead of night—and thus claiming victory even though Trump had led throughout the evening. Biden received far more votes than Obama and in fact, far more than any other presidential candidate in history. This despite his resounding unpopularity. Biden was way behind in many of the primaries until Obama made the decision that Biden would get the nomination and that was that—it was all rigged for Joe subsequently. He didn’t even have to run—he mostly stayed in his basement.

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Arenlaef #transphobia #conspiracy

RE: Discussion: Is the tide really turning?

If there's one thing I've learned about "progressive" elites, it's that they're never wrong. Ever. That's a hard group of people to debate with.

And sadly, these people are all journalists, academics and politicians. They hold a lot of power. They create the narrative. They're failing a bit, but make no mistake, we are at a massive disadvantage. They have Google turning up biased search results for them. They have Wikipedia pretending to be non-partisan but pushing their agenda. They have nearly the entirety of the entertainment industry in their palm. Virtually every celebrity young kids enjoy is out there praising gender ideology.

This will not be a quick fix. And in the end, it will likely be conservatives and heterodox men who receive the credit for defeating gender ideology. A lot of the women involved will likely remain cancelled. No one will remember why, just that hating women is really fucking fun.

Sorry to be depressing, but I think anyone saying stuff like "it's over" is being unrealistic or overly optimistic. Powerful people don't like being defeated.

Elizabeth Nickson #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

Like everyone I am horrified by the devastation in Los Angeles. The scale is beyond imagining, and the incompetence of city and state government so blatant, they will all need close security for the rest of their lives. Of course people are pointing to the Olympics in ‘28, and the inclusion of Los Angeles in the Smart Cities transition which basically means monitoring your very outbreath. Easier to do with fewer residents. Just build thirty-thousand high-rises, and house the cattle to be monitored and monetized.

Still, if I were God, I would want retribution. As actor and Christian Steven Baldwin says, “It’s all of them”. He is referring, of course, to the Luciferian or Satanist use of migrant and foster children and babies in the tunnels and party houses of Los Angeles. I’ve done enough research to know a) this is pervasive and b) nothing is stopping it. I also had/have friends in the business, scriptwriters, who were highly paid and one of whom was award-winning. So I know how fast and deep gossip in the business runs. <...> It might not be “all of them”, but certainly they all knew.
What has happened in Los Angeles can happen in almost every city vulnerable to the elements. We have been starved of water and in fact there is enough water for several hundred million more of us on this continent alone, all of us using the earth’s resources, building healthy effulgent lives and businesses as was intended by the divine.

Our water was taken from us by a combination of vicious, stupid bureaucrats and politicians, and conscienceless oligarchs. Or, as we are coming to know them, the usual suspects.
Why the Trump revolution? It started here, in America’s vast Edenic middle, where criminals dressed in Patagonia and Mountain Equipment with degrees from once respectable universities, decided to destroy the ground and being of America’s wealth.

The fires in L.A.? They voted for them. In all kinds of ways.

Clif High #crackpot #racist #ufo #conspiracy

The Pharisees are a group of evil fucking cunts who took over judaism in the time of the second temple. Way back then.

The Pharisees worship what the Cathari call the ‘demiurge’. At a more base level, the demiurge is Evil. Not incarnate though, that adds complexity.

Anyway, the Pharisees want YOU to understand your REALITY as they do. They want to control your mind by shaping your understanding of your own Life Experience to fit their paradigm.

They believe all of our common shared reality to be based on ‘grit’. They believe that random chance meeting of grit led to the formation of consciousness.

This is wrong.
The UFOs are Here, and Now.

Our paradigm let’s us build and use nuke weapons. This is a bad thing, not just for us, but for ALL Life in this Matterium.

The Pharisees paradigm won’t build you a UFO.
The Pharisees are really stupid, as well as being fucking evil cunts.

The Pharisees have captured our global education, and ‘science’. The Pharisees have imposed their fucked view of reality upon our species.

The space aliens do NOT operate on the same paradigm.
Most of Humanity doesn’t want to be galactic level BUTTHEADS. The paradigm of the Pharisees blinds us to the view of reality seen by the space aliens.

We are NEVER going to get our own UFOs if we keep using this Pharisee paradigm. And it makes the space aliens think we are ALL retarded.

We need, IMO, to get the Pharisee paradigm out of our heads.

It fucks over our communications with the space aliens. That, and shooting their ships out of the sky.

IMO we have little time left before our actions FORCE the space aliens into a more aggressive stance. They have been speaking to us for over 80 years.
You certainly have every right to think me batshit crazy. And there would be no denial from me. BUT just because i am crazy does not make me less accurate with this than any of many other predictions that have been made by me, and manifested into YOUR reality.

Care to take the chance that this one is wrong?

Marianne #transphobia

They only “think” and “feel” like women. But they obviously don’t know how women think and feel, so they are acting the way they think women think and feel.
They think we worry about being “misgendered” as much as they do. Although we don’t worry about it at all, they never really “pass” because there is always something that is a dead giveaway, usually the voice, but also man hands, huge feet, wide shoulders, narrow hips, skinny legs, course facial skin, Adam’s apple, male pattern baldness, and being someone you immediately feel your born in female compassion kicking in because they are so pathetic and really just so darn ugly.

I think of poor Jazz Jennings talking about his “seven inch deep vagina” and saying he “wants big boobies”. As much as they whimper about being afraid in the ladies room, they know they can overpower a woman if they want to. Yes, they are fools, but they can’t fool us all the time. I will be so glad to see them go away.