
Larry Tonjes #fundie crescent-news.com

The U.S. is a theocracy

This is a reply to Brian Barnett’s letter on Dec. 24 in which he made the following remarks:

• 1.) “Citizens of the U.S. are entitled by constitutional law to hold the religious beliefs of their choosing; Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion.”

Reply: A biblical interpretation called “free will” says that God created mankind with the power to choose but the right to choose evil. The establishment of religion clause was written by American Protestant Christians who didn’t want the Church of England Protestants from eight colonies or Catholics from Europe to insist on one Christian denomination for the U.S.A.

4.) “Jesus taught to love your religion, and not judge others.”

Reply: Actually, in Matthew 22:36-40 Jesus said the greatest law is to love God. Gay marriage is a deviation against God’s sacred act of one man with one woman (Matthew 19: 4-6). We all have the power to break the Ten Commandments (God’s law). But if we don’t know what His law is then we are ignorant of “sin” (deviation from God’s laws).

The U.S. is a theocracy. Our Declaration of Independence says: “we are endowed by our Creator (God) with certain inalienable rights.” Humanists say that Christians don’t have the right to faith in God’s law, so they leave the word “Creator” out and imagine they are gods unto themselves (Genesis 3:5). If Christian culture is canceled, then Jesus returns to cancel the anti-Christs.

Larry Tonjes