Guess what? I'm not happy with the ethical code the Bible demands. I'm not happy knowing I have to work toward restoring a society where people like you would have to be executed. I would *love* to let people live and believe whatever they wanted. But they can't. God doesn't allow it. And he demands every Christian, including Gryph, Roger, and Adam, to go along along in making this ethical lawsuit against you and your kind.
[Editor's note: Sam has since, thankfully, disavowed Christian Reconstructionism. An email dated Saturday, July 26, 2003 was received by the webmaster and states: "Hi Allan,This is 'Sam Krishna' - the guy who won 'Honorary Post of the Decade (the 1990's)'.Ouch. Yeah - reading that, that definitely sounds like me from 1995. All hot-headed, Pure Christian Reconstructionist, 'ethical lawsuit', etc.I want to apologize to you and anyone else I offended for making those comments. I definitely believe that 'Dominion Theology' is *A Bad Thing* and I tell people about that now. I was going through a particularly rough time in my life when that stuff came from my keyboard. I was wrong to say that - even Biblical truth and theology is quite a bit more nuanced, shaded, and subtle than Dominion Theologians would have you believe.While this email is not a repudiation of Christianity, per se, it is a repudiation of the volcanic fundamentalism of my youth. I hope you'll post the entire text of this email as a postscript to the 'Honorary Post'.Sincerely,Sam Krishna" ]