
.... #fundie iambilly.wordpress.com

You and your elk really do disgust me. and our new ‘president” does disgust me to. when hussane was running, we warned the world that he was a secret muslim. we warned the world that he would take American away from the path of God and righteousness and down the road of perdition. he has removed God’s loving protection from our great Christian country throu the inclusion of athiests and satin worshppers. By inlcuding muslims and nontbelievers and the hindu, husseen has show his true colors. he is a mulsim out to change America from a Christian nation t oa statanic nation. The proces has already began. now my taxz dollaars are paying to kill babies all over the world. my tax dollaras will help the terrorists in guantanomo to become citizens. my tax dollars will be used to force Americans of faith real Americans to do things like provide abortions or abortion pills or abortion condums which is against their relgion. hussane is out to deny our Christian heritage which inspired our founding fathers to create a Christian nation. Only Christians and Jews who follow the same book and will be perfect in God’s time, are truly Americans. Atheists adn other satin worshippers are only Americans out of the generosity of teh real Americans. I weep for what has become of my nation. God’s protection has been removed. the only way tat America will survive is through all atheists and devil people to freely accept the love provided by our one loving God through the sacrifice of his only Son to wash away our sins. All must be saved by the love of he blood of Christ or America will fall. You, and all of your sinner friends must freely accpet Gods love or be cast into the pit of hell to be tortured for all eternal by the one loving God.

Reginald Genovese #fundie iambilly.wordpress.com

Now we may all sit back relax, and watch the detruction of the Vermont economy. Governor Douglas’s position is the right one: he knows that allowing rights to perverts, law-breakers who falsify civil law, break criminal law, and disobey God’s law, will destroy the economy of not only his state but also our nation.

Ten years ago the supreme court of Vermont ruled that the state must allow civil unions for perverted residents who want to live in sin before the eyes of God. Five years ago it was predicted that this would lead to perverted marriage in five years and the destruction of America’s economy. Lo and behold, God’s prediction has come to pass.

I lament for what used to be my country. We must return to God’s law: the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence. Our Christian founders, bathed in the holy blood of our Savior, created the potential for a perfect Republic. But perverts and the Democrat party have derailed our Republic and the Republican Party. We must return to God’s Law or become a colony of true Christian nations. It will happen unless we change.

This change includes obeying law. Including God’s law. We need no longer stone perverts, but we cannot allow them to endanger our country.

Reginald Genovese #fundie iambilly.wordpress.com

<b>This is a comment on my blog. The thread is regarding a post I did about the Florida hospital which denied a life-partner's request to be with her dying lover, despite having documents proving the relationship.</b>


You must look at the totality in order to appreciate what America has done for all humanity. Would England still exist? Would Cuba still be a Spanish colony subjected to inhuman Catholic tortures? But America is losing itself, and thus, by extension, losing the entirety of humanity.

Our Constitution includes a paeon to our Almighty. Our President swore to uphold the Constitution so help him, God. Without the liberty of free will gifted us by the Almighty, our Constitution would not have been written.

Now we, as a nation, have begun to turn away from God, the Everlasting, the Almighty, the Eternal, the Loving. By granting rights to those who willingly engage in perversity, we risk losing our blessed covenant with the Lord. By all that is right, those who practise such pervisities should not even be allowed to live.

God ordained that marriage is between man and woman, or, in some cultures, women. No culture allows man to marry man, nor woman to marry woman. No society condones such perversity. Or, at least, no society has until now.

Massachussets allows perverts to marry. California tries, through judicial activism, to force through the same. And now, we face a financial and economic disaster to rival the Great Depression. And it is not just America. We bring down the world with us.

In the 1920s, America turned away from God. We were punished with depression and war, both of which reawakened American religiousity. Today, we have war and a burgeoning depression. Our only hope for America, nay, for the world, is to embrace God in all His infinite reason and infinite love so that the world may be born again through the cleansing of disaster.

Better one woman be denied a visit to her partner than America be damned. Better two men are kept out of pervisity than the world be lost.

Reginald Genovese #fundie iambilly.wordpress.com

God bless the party of God. steele has come out and said what the vast majority of Americans believe and know to be the truth. God ordained marriage as between a man and a woman. adam and eve, not adam and steve.

God has blessed us with steele’s leadership. he is willing to stand up to the loud immoral minority who wish to promote perversion for their own sick and twisted agenda. this is the difference between the republicans and the democrat party. republicans are willing to take a stand on principle whilst the democrat party will bend which ever way the far left perverts agenda tells them to bend.

slavery was not a founding principle of our country. slavery was forced into the constitution by liberal slave owners in the southern states. the true conservatives of new england tried to block it, but were overwhelmed by the minority much as is happening now. discrimination was not written into our constitution. it was forced in by those who want to create victims because victims become liberals. remember that it was the conservative republican president lincoln who freed the slaves, not the liberal democrat party.

mark my words. this depression will continue to get worse and worse and worse until Americans rediscover the morality of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as expressed the the infallible Holy Bible. we must as a nation stand up to the perverts and their holocaust agenda to destroy Christians. we must stop the liberal socialists.