
sobercommunist #fundie sobercommunist.tumblr.com

keep in mind that this person is HIV positive

probably dont go to sex parties unless you want to give more people HIV.

*leans in and whispers seductively in ur ear* i’m gonna fuck a bunch of dudes without condoms and there’s literally nothing you can do to stop me

Tags: #gay #hiv #serophobia

sobercommunist #fundie sobercommunist.tumblr.com

But seriously, ask anybody who’s HIV positive, they’ll tell you they aren’t offended that someone doesn’t wanna go out with them, let alone sleep with them.

I remember in one class my teacher invited one of her friends who was diagnosed with HIV in the 80’s. He talked about how it’s always difficult, but he always feels it necessary to confess to whatever girlfriend/boyfriend on 2nd or 3rd date. Most of the time he tells them it’s okay to not be willing to go out with him. He also talked about how he has rarely ever had sex, and almost never willing to sleep with someone. So honestly, people who actually have HIV don’t think people who have a completely natural fear of disease are scum.

This is such a fucking lie. You think that because you had one fucking dude who was diagnosed at a time when HIV was actually a death sentence tell you “oh it’s totally OK that I never get to have sex and that people constantly reject me,” you can speak for the entire HIV+ community? Fuck you.

The prospect of never getting to date or have sex is deeply fucking hurtful to HIV+ people. It’s so hurtful that a significant minority of poz people refuse to sleep or date anyone who isn’t poz, because the ignorance is too much to handle.

And the kicker is that the NEG4NEG attitude does fuck-all to actually protect anybody, because most transmissions occur due to one person having an undetected HIV infection and an out-of-control viral load. You dumbfucks cluck about disclosure and how NEG4NEG is “just playing it safe!” and ignore the fact that for many, many HIV+ people there wasn’t even the possibility of disclosure, because the person who infected them did not know they were HIV+.

Stop talking about shit you know nothing about.

sobercommunist #fundie sobercommunist.tumblr.com

Why exactly is it ok to not tell your partner you're hiv+? I mean... you can give it to them. I'm not arguing with you btw I'm sure there's a good reason I just want to know what it is.

there are multiple issues with “omg you MUST disclose your HIV status or you’re evil!” Number one, I actually can’t give HIV to a partner, because I have an undetectable viral load and high CD4s. Even without barrier protection, I am not a transmission risk. The medical community has been aware that antiretroviral treatment prevents transmission since 2008, but because of political concerns, HIV stigma, and homophobia, this fact has not been widely promoted in the public.

It also indicates a level of complacency on the part of the person saying it. Your sexual health is your responsibility as much as it is your partner’s, and the people who are high-risk for transmission are people unaware of their HIV infection, i.e. people who believe they are HIV-negative. In communities where HIV is a reality, the only responsible thing to do is to treat all potential partners as if they are HIV+ and unaware, rather than to take anyone at their word (get on PrEP!!!)

The reality is, it is SAFER to have sex with a partner who is aware of their HIV status and managing their infection than it is someone who belives they are negative (and how often is that person getting tested? Be honest, how often do YOU get tested?).

It also paints HIV+ people in an unfair, predatory light. Most sex is non-transmissible. Most HIV+ people are decent human beings (lurid exaggerated news stories aside). If an HIV+ person engages in oral sex (one of those non-transmissible sex acts) without disclosing, why does it matter? Why are the irrational, medically-inaccurate stigmatizing fears of HIV-negative people given overwhelming precedence over the well-being of poz people?

Do I think is is “ok” to withold your status, or to lie about it? Not really. It is not nearly as big a deal as it is made out to be, but honesty is still better than dishonesty. After all, you never know when a hook-up might turn into a relationship, and “so I know you thought I was negative when we met” is a messy, un-fun conversation.

The TERFs who insist that non-disclosure=rape are unaware of any of this, and they don’t care so they can burn, but that’s the long and short of it.

Tags: #Hiv #serophobia #terf

sobercommunist #fundie sobercommunist.tumblr.com

[Anyone who has an STI and doesn’t disclose it to someone they’re about to sleep with because they think that person will remove their consent is participating in sexual coercion. Full stop. That is not a negotiation. It’s a fact. It doesn’t change this fact just because that person is afraid to disclose.

If someone does not feel safe disclosing their status to someone, then they should not sleep with that person. No one is entitled to sex, people have the right to say no for whatever reason and if someone says no because they don’t want to sleep with someone with an STI, they have every right to remove their consent, even if the transmission of that STI is impossible or low.

There is literally no difference between this and someone saying they will wear a condom and then they don’t. It’s sexual coercion. And it is a crime.]

oh fuck off you stupid ignorant fuck. “even if the transmission of that STI is impossible” seriously? just expose yourself to the potential for violence, HIV+ person, even if you know that transmission is impossible, because if you don’t you’re a rapist.

take responsibility for your sexual health and stop foisting it off onto sick people.