8th Grader (On Evolution) #fundie sorryitwasaprivatemessage.com
You can't seriously believe everything just kind of snapped together, had chemical reaction, produced life, and slowly worked it's way up over millions of years.
I believe in intelligent design. What's more, my Creator also became a man and died for your and my sins. All the proof you need is in the Bible. I don't care if you disagree, but those are my beliefs.
Why don't dogs who have their tails or ears clipped have babies with those features clipped already? What about the women in Africa who break their necks at birth and put a ring on for every year, why aren't their children automaticly born with broken necks and cracked collar bones? Can you anwser that?
How would the missing 'missing links' survive their transitions? How would mouse changing into a bat live if it couldn't run, yet couldn't fly with it's half-wings? If you can answer those questions easily, with proof, I'll be stunned.