
seventypercent #fundie adequacy.org

The truth about daycare is that daycare centers are not the "caring, nurturing" environments that they and their defenders claim they are. Daycare centers are liberal slaughterhouses of the mind. And I can prove it.


The first incident involved a set of toy blocks. I had just finished a day of work and had arrived at the daycare to pick Micah up. Normally, this is obviously something that my wife would have done, but she had an appointment with the pastor of our church. On my way into the daycare center, I paused at the window so I could observe my son at play. The daycare provider had opened up a box of blocks, and Micah [seventypercent's first child] had run quickly over to it and helped himself to a large number of them. The other children followed suit, although they did not get quite so many as Micah did. The children then began to sit on the carpet and play with the blocks.

What happened next chills me to this day.

The daycare provider walked over to Micah, looked disapprovingly at his pile of blocks, and then forcibly took nearly half of them away. She then proceeded to give them to the other children, so that they all had roughly the same amount. I thought to myself: What in the name of Heaven is this woman doing? Micah had all of those extra blocks because he had the ambition and initiative to run over to them and pick them up. The other children had missed the boat by not being observant and quick enough! What are these people teaching children when they step in and redistribute their blocks -- by force -- to "equalize" things?

It occurred to me that this type of toy policy (strong central control with an emphasis on punishing the successful and rewarding the lazy) was no different than the style of economics practiced in the former Soviet Union and Communist China. The most important lesson that children can be taught is that hard work yields rewards and that those who refuse to work will go without. Yet the message that this daycare woman sent was "Lazy children, just sit back and we'll bring your fair share of the blocks to you. Assertive children, shame on you!"

The second incident was the straw that broke the camel's back.

My wife arrived at the daycare center to pick Micah up, and the daycare provider was reading to the children from a book entitled (I swear this is true) Gay And Loving It. As you can probably guess, the book was nothing more than a rambling piece of homosexualist propaganda aimed at children, intended to convince them that the chosen "gay" lifestyle is perfectly normal and acceptable. My wife, as you can probably understand, was outraged. She went out to the car, which we keep well-stocked with Jack Chick tracts, and grabbed an appropriate one. She then brought it into the daycare center and politely asked the provider to read it, in the interest of fairness to both sides.

What was the response? You can probably guess.

She was told that "preaching is not allowed" and that "we cannot teach any single religion as the truth." Sound familiar, friends? Of course it does. This is the exact mantra that is robotically spewed by the teachers' "labor unions" that control government (pagan) schools. At any rate; that was it. My wife and I immediately pulled Micah out of that horrid daycare center, and she turned in her resignation at her place of employment the very next day. Enough was enough, we had decided, and my wife has been an at-home parent and homeschooler ever since.

So let's review the environment of a typical American daycare center:

- Forced redistribution of capital; hatred of success
- Institutionalized atheism
- Embracing of anti-Scriptural perversion
- Brutal censorship

If you can't see what the true agenda of America's daycare industry is, then you are either blind or willfully ignorant. There is much evidence to suggest that organized elements of the Communist party either own or control a large percentage of this country's daycare providers. This is a battle that we can win, but we have to win it now, before things get out of hand. Communists are called "Reds" because they have this little habit of spilling the blood of their own people on the soil via assault rifle. It is a thoroughly despicable and dangerous worldview. If we are not committed to saving our children from Communism, how can we call ourselves parents?

Anonymous Reader #fundie adequacy.org

Joseph Stalin, Atheist: 20 million plus dead
Mao-Tse-Tung, Atheist: 40 million plus dead
Pol Pot, Atheist: 2 million dead
Kim-Il-Sung, Atheist: 5 million dead
Fidel Castro, Atheist: 1 million dead

Pope John Paul II, Anita Bryant and Pat Robertson put together have murdered no one. When will people understand this: atheism = mass murder.

MessiahWWKD #fundie adequacy.org

To an atheist, anything that shows respect and etiquette to another person is mindless and meaningless, which is why they refuse to say such simple phrases as "Bless you" and "Thank you" and "Please." Although atheists (claim to) have high IQs, their EQs are surely in the single digits

Thon #fundie adequacy.org

It may interest you to know that...slightly less than one percent of prison inmates actually commited a crime... at least that's what they'll tell you. You see that's the problem with atheists and other christless individuals. They'll say anything if they think it will score them more "rock."

seventypercent #fundie adequacy.org

The main reason that so many atheists are criminals is that they reject the presence of a higher power that is a source of absolute morality. They do not believe that there will be any final consequences for their actions. After all, when they die, they die. End of story. So why not shoplift, and use drugs, and go on a killing spree, and read Harry Potter books, and rape as many people (of arbitrary gender and age) as possible? After all, in the end, it isn't going to matter, is it? This sick worldview is one of the biggest problems with society today.

[Emphasis added]

MessiahWWKD #fundie adequacy.org

Today, I was in a heated debate on MSN Chat about the connection between atheism and crime. Simply by observing atheists in action, one can easily see that atheists tend to be violent sociopaths, but if I hated atheists simply on that fact, I would have been criticized as being "prejudice" and "bigoted." I would have to prove to them that atheism is accountable for all crimes on Earth. I have finally found the connection

As everybody knows, people are born not believing in God. Therefore, they are born atheists, which means "no God." Knowing that, common sense suggests that all criminals were originally atheists. That includes the most heinous criminals, such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Tupac Shakur. Criminals who commit religious crimes against Christianity and other proper religions tend to empathize with other anti-Christian atheists (pardon the redundancy). As for criminals who commit crimes against atheists in the name of Christianity, like homophobes, they are simply trying to repress their atheistic/homosexual tendancies, but rather than act Christian about it, they take it to an atheistic extreme.

All criminals have been atheists at one time in their lives? I don't know about you, but if there was ever a reason to outlaw atheism and other non-Christian religions, this is it.

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