
Roger Mills #fundie #god-complex christiscoming777.com


Then the Lord God Jesus said to me “Look, listen and learn. This place, called the Outer Darkness of Hell, is full of the ungodly, the wicked, and the unrepentant and the lukewarm backslidden professing Christians that returned to sinning and would not repent of their evil works. There came a time when they died and immediately they arrived here. These are the disobedient professing servants of God who consist of hypocritical Catholics, Christians, Jews – “And my people are bent to backsliding from me” (Hosea 11,7), and also members of any other religious organisations. There are people of all races and religious backgrounds who are in this place which is now named the Outer Darkness of Hell this very hour.”

The Lord God Jesus said, ”Follow me” so we walked through the gate, and I began to hear what seemed like thousands of people screaming and crying. The smell of rotted flesh filled the air. There were small craters of dim flicking fire, which protruded out of the ground all around us. I was terrified. I began to hold on to Jesus. Then all of a sudden, dark shadows, forms and figures began to dart before us. Jesus said, “Fear not”. And he told me that He had overcome Death, Hell and the Grave.


Before I continue telling you what I saw, I want to say to all of those who read this, especially you preachers, please repent of your sins. All people of the Earth please turn from your wicked ways. Ask the Lord God Jesus into your heart and to save you so that you will not come to this horrible place called Hell.


Now I will tell you what I saw, a huge demonic dark angel, about 8 feet in height, with outstretched wings, holding a big black book. As he read from the book he began to identify different types of ministers that were in the jail cells, human souls that were inside those jail cells, male and female. He also named the different levels of the cellblock.

The dark angel said, “The 1st level contains the unrepentant lukewarm ministers who are evil, backslidden and hypocritical Apostles. The 2nd level contains the unrepentant lukewarm ministers who are evil, backslidden and hypocritical Prophets. The 3rd level contains the unrepentant lukewarm ministers who are evil, backslidden and hypocritical Evangelists (which included some Catholic priests). The 4th level contains the unrepentant lukewarm ministers who are evil, backslidden and hypocritical Pastors. The 5th level contains the unrepentant lukewarm ministers who are evil, backslidden and hypocritical Bible Teachers. The 6th level contains those who the Lord God Jesus called to feed the poor, and they did so, but their works were evil. The 7th level is the smallest level which contains the unrepentant lukewarm ministers who are evil, backslidden and hypocritical overseers; the pastoral Bishops.”

I continued to listen as He identified ministers from different church denominations and religious organisations, even some I had never heard of. The cellblock was packed from top to bottom with countless souls of the living dead. I saw skeletal forms reaching their bony hands through what looked like prison bars, and as I watched the entire call block ignited with Fire, and the skeletal forms began to SCREAM in pain and agony. The dark angel began to laugh.


I pleaded with the Lord God Jesus to let them out. He replied to me “These are the servants who, while on Earth, I called upon to be my ministers, my children, but they refused to serve Me with a pure and whole heart. They were hypocritical in their service to me. They stole from the poor, they took advantage of the sick, and they mocked those that were in prison on the Earth. They had complete disrespect for strangers that would come into the churches where they were preaching. I sent strangers, who were my servants to their churches to see how well they would be treated. As well, I sent my holy angels, often appearing as men and women (Heb 13,2), who were also treated with disrespect and came back to report about the churches activities.”

“The angel who keeps watch over the Apostle’s ministry, which is part of the five finger Church, the right hand of God (the 5 fold ministry, Eph 4,11 “He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers) reported to me that within the churches of the Apostles ministry was racism, hatred, and fornication amongst the people, which the Apostle’s allowed to take place. The angel who keeps watch over the Prophet’s ministry reported to me that within the churches of the Prophets ministry, that there were spirits of greed, adultery, and other sins that the Prophets allowed to take place. The angel who keeps watch over the Evangelist’s ministry (which included some Catholic priests) reported to me that within the churches of the Evangelists ministry that the Evangelists allowed unrepentant mobsters of organised crime to come in and pollute the church and also allowed strong drinks of alcohol, racism and homosexual activity to be performed on little children, as well as others sins.”

“The angel who keeps watch over the Pastors ministry reported to me that within the churches of the Pastor’s ministry, the pastors allowed witchcraft and other occult practices to take place. The angel who keeps watch over the Teachers ministry reported to me that within the churches of the Teachers of the Bible ministry, the Bible teachers, they were giving heed to doctrines of demons, and allowed lies instead of truth to be taught. This type of teaching caused corruption in the minds and hearts of its people. One particular church had given in to the use of illegal drugs.”

The Lord God Jesus continued, “The souls that you see here this hour are being tormented in the Outer Darkness of Hell. They have been here for a long time, many years. They are ministers from around the world. They had plenty of time to repent of their hypocritical, unrepentant, sinful and evils ways, but they did not. I had given them much space to repent, but they ignored my loving grace. They were warned. They knew what would happen to them if they continued to blaspheme my Holy Word, and live hypocritical.” (Rom 3,21-24).


This prison block that you are looking at now contains two types of people in nature. The first kind is the unprofitable servants of God – Matt 25,30 —”And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” The second kind are another group of people who speak of the laws of my commandments, but have no fellowship with my Holy Spirit or my Holy Word which you call the Bible. – Matt 24, 50-51 — “the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that he is not aware of, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”


I could see and hear from the lower level of the prison cell in which the backslidden apostles were imprisoned, many voices began to cry out the Lord God Jesus, and a mans voice said “Let me out of here, Master Lord God Jesus! I am one of your good Apostles!” Then voices rang out from the second level, the Prophets saying ”Let me out of here, let me out of here! Didn’t I prophecy in your name?” Then voices called out from the third level, where the Evangelists were saying “Didn’t I cast out demons in your name?” Voices rang out from the fourth level where the backslidden Pastors were, saying “Did we not work miracles in your name by preaching your word, and did we not raise the dead?” Then voices rang out from the fifth level, where the backslidden Teachers were, saying ”Did we not teach your mighty word and do mighty works in your name? Did we not cast out demons and heal the sick?”

The Lord God Jesus said to them, “You Hypocrites! Truly, you did those things, but your works were for your own good.” They all screamed, “No my Lord! Those works were all done for you” Then the Lord God Jesus said to them, “Even in the Outer Darkness of Hell, you are still telling lies!” Then the voices cried from the sixth floor, from those who were called to feed the poor, a man cried “Lord, Lord remember me? Did I not feed the poor, visit the sick, cloth the naked and give shelter to the homeless?” The Lord God Jesus said those pitiful souls, “You Hypocrites! Surely you all did these things, but you only did them half-heartedly. The money that I entrusted you with to take care of the poor, you wasted it on other things, mostly yourselves!”

Then cries and unexplained woes of pain and grief erupted form the seventh floor, where the backslidden Bishops were. I listened in fear as Bishop after Bishop gave the Lord God Jesus many reasons why they should not be in Hell. The Lord God Jesus looked up at the pitiful souls on the seventh level with tears running down his face as He said “You Hypocrites! I gave you the highest office within my Church. I gave you perfect instructions (1Tim3,1-7) on how to love and care for the church. You yourselves I told to be holy and blameless and you lived a lifestyle of un-holiness and sin. Not only were you responsible for your own conduct, but also you were responsible for the conduct of the church that I placed under your authority. That is why you are in Hell, even in rank over all other souls in this cellblock. You are in cellblock level number seven. The number seven is the very number of perfection. You knew perfectly well what your duties were as a Bishop. Therefore, this hour I say unto you, your punishment for disobedience will be perfected this very hour. All of the souls that are here in these prison calls beneath you Bishops, they are now being punished because of a lack of responsibility and authority I entrusted you with in care of my five finger (5 fold) ministry in my right hand. I will let you out of here on the day of my Great White Throne Judgment (Rev 20,11-15 – to be sentenced to the Lake of Fire) but as for now you must stay and face your punishment for your unrepentant hypocritical and evil works. Depart from me, you that work iniquity, I know you not.”

– Matt 7, 21-23 — “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’


I looked to the right of me, and I saw a huge shadow racing across the ground. As it came closer to where the Lord God Jesus and I were standing, I saw it was thousands of tiny black spiders. I watched in horror as the spiders raced across the ground in masses, crawling up the bars to the very top of the jail cells, where the Bishops were. I noticed that they had teeth and red eyes. I watched as they entered the jail cells, and began to crawl all over the Bishops, attacking them and biting them all over their bodies with their teeth. There were masses of them; so many that they covered all the cells. You could not see the cells or the poor souls that were in them because thousands of those black spiders covered them like an enormous black blanket. Oh what screams and cries came from within the cells, from the Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists, Pastors, Bishops who were disobedient children of God. Then the Lord God Jesus said to me, “These are the cursed ones, the disobedient children that I called into my Kingdom, but this hour they are here in this place of Outer Darkness, tormented and suffering for their disobedience”

– Romans 1,18-19 — “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them”


Then the Lord God Jesus said, “Look, listen and learn. Those spiders you see are demonic spirits who were assigned by the Prince of Hell to go to the Earth and seduce the ministers of God. Those demonic spiders have the power to cause men and women to be sexually seduced. They are sexual seducing spirits, better known as unclean spirits. They are part of the blame for those ministers that you see in those prisons cells to be here this very hour. These preachers became involved in all sorts of fornication, adultery, homosexuality, masturbation, pornography, lust, the ways of Sodom and Gomorrah, sexually taking advantage of little children and bestiality. Had they gained control over their sexual appetite, they would not be here. If only they had not given heed to those seducing demonic unclean spirits that appear as spiders. All demons spirits do not look like this, there are different shapes and forms of many sizes.”

Roger Mills #fundie christiscoming777.com

The Lord God Jesus pointed toward a huge black door directly in front of us. The door must have been 8 feet tall and looked like to was made of black iron. There was a chain around the door with a strange shaped lock hanging from it. I noticed that there was something else on the door. It was a written inscription in English which read – ‘GEHENNA – THE SECOND DEATH’. The Lord God Jesus said to me “Come”. We approached the door, and the Lord God Jesus asked me “Would you like to see the lake which burns with fire that is also called the Lake of Fire?”
Before I could answer, I watched in amazement as the lock dropped to the ground and the chain unwound, as though some unseen hands had released them from the door. With a horrible, high pitched screech, the door began to open. An awful tormenting heat, accompanied by a deathly odor resembling the smell of burning flesh penetrated the air. The Lord God Jesus and I walked to the entrance of the door and we both looked in, and what I saw reminded me of an ocean that had been set on fire by gasoline. The liquid fire went as far as the eye could see. It was continuous in length and width. It also reminded me of looking into a Volcano erupting.
As I stood there with my eyes transfixed at the ocean of lava, I heard a mans voice speaking through what sounded like thunder and a windstorm with great authority saying ”Rejoice, oh you Heavens and Earth, for the devil your adversary has been cast down to the Bottomless Pit. He knows that he has but a short time. It shall be a time of one thousand years that he shall be bound, and then loosed from his prison for a short season. However, the Captain of His saints, who is the Lord God Jesus, shall prevail over the Hater of all good. Behold the place of the Second Death! This is the place for wicked men and women.” The voice then continued to say “Behold the place is prepared for the devil and his angels”
— Matt 25, 41 — “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels’”
— Rev 20,10 — “The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” ((forever and ever – its never ends – eternal torment))
Then I saw an angel bearing the likeness of God ascend above the midst of that lake of fire, and I heard thunder within the room of the Lake of Fire. That same voice, with such authority spoke and said to the angel that was in the midst over the lake, “Measure the depth, length, and width of the Lake, record it in the Book of the Future Dead.” Also I heard the voice say to the angel, ”Take the temperature of the Lake of Fire and record it in the Book of the Future Dead, and keep it for the appointed time of the end.” The angel had within his hand, a long rod. White and gold was its appearance. I watched as the angel threw the golden white rod into the midst of the lake, and when he did, a huge flame of fire jumped out, almost splashing on me. I ran from the door screaming in horror!!
The Lord God Jesus came, put His right arm around me and said “Peace I give to you. Listen, look and learn. I brought you here into the Outer Darkness of Hell, on this particular hour to reveal to you the place of Final Judgment, prepared for the devil and his angels. This place, which is named Gehenna, the Second Death, and the Lake that burns with fire, will one day consume all those who hate their brothers or sisters, who speak from the heart and call their brothers and sisters fools, he and she that blasphemes (speaks against) the name of the Holy Spirit, all those who unrepentantly worship idols, unrepentant liars, unrepentant murderers, unrepentant adulterers, unrepentant thieves, and those who wilfully break my Commandments.”
— Matt 5, 22 — “I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ (a term of contempt) shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of Hell-fire.”
The Lord God Jesus explained to me that people who wont repent of the following occult practices will also be cast into this place, which is named Gehenna, the Second Death and the Lake that burns with fire. Those things are cursed and those who practice these things without repenting will be in danger of the fires of Gehenna.
WARNING: The Lord God Jesus said to all persons who get involved with the occult, that by practicing those things listed below, and not being willing to stop , they will be cast in the fires of Gehenna.
– Those who work many forms of occult practices
– Those who consult demonic familiar spirits
– Sorcerers
– Wizards
– Those who practice witchcraft
– Those who practice magic (black or white)
– Those who practice psychic demonic powers
– Those who practice astrology
– Those who practice Satanism
– Roots and Root Bags
The Lord God Jesus continued to say “This also includes those who practice immorality”. Sexual Immorality that the Lord God Jesus said would send unrepentant souls to Gehenna:
– Those who practice all forms of ungodliness
– Male and females who have sex outside of marriage
– Men who have sex with men
– Women who have sex with women
– Child molesters
Other sins that the Lord God Jesus said would send unrepentant souls to Gehenna:
– The unbelievers in God
– Those who are disrespectful to their parents (Exo 20,12)
– Any person who participates in any acts of abomination
The Lord God Jesus continued to explain to me, “ALL WORKERS OF SIN AND INIQUITY SHALL BE CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE THAT BURNS WITH BRIMSTONE. The place that I named the Outer Darkness of Hell and everything within it shall be cast into the Lake of Fire. I brought you here into the Outer Darkness to reveal to you the wages of sin”.
— Rev 20,13-15 — “The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.”
— Rev 21,8 — “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
— Isa 66, 24 — “And they shall go forth and look upon the corpses of the men who have transgressed against Me. For their worm does not die, And their fire is not quenched. They shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.”
— Rev 2,11 — “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death.”’
And there are many other scriptures in the Bible about who ends up in Hell or the Lake of Fire. Read them and Take heed!
*** As led SHARE with others to save souls ***

Philip Mantofa #fundie christiscoming777.com

January 1st, 2000, 5am in the morning, I arrived in what was like a large desert, dry and infertile. The wind was so heavy and the weather was so hot. I saw a lot of weird and disgusting animals that I’ve never seen before in my life. I walked step by step through the desert till I found my self in a gloomy place. I had strange feelings that time and I could feel the pain spread to all of my bones. The situation was silent and dark. No wind blew. Dark cloud appeared and surrounded that place. I could not describe it in better words.

A huge gate appeared in front of me. I felt nervous and worried but I tried to open that gate anxiously. It was not difficult to open it. I opened it and was shocked because there was another gate bigger than the first one. It was written on top of that gate “VALLEY OF TORTURE”.

There was a doubt in my heart implicitly, whether I should continue this trip or not. But something so powerful inside of me made me to go on. My heart beat was loud as I could hear it myself while I opened the next gate and Oh my God!— I could not believe, I could not believe what I saw but it was real.

There was a long dark path in front of me. I stood in the side of the gate watching and predicting how large and long that path was but I could not see it clearly. I saw a flame rise up in the end of that path. I thought it was a terrible ocean of fire!

Along the way I walked in that dark path, I saw many people were tortured by creatures wearing black clothes and having horns in their heads. I saw they were so cruel in torturing everyone there before they were put into the fire ocean at the end of the path. I heard affecting tears and pain mix up with dirty laugh sounds in that dirty place.

At the edge of the path, there was a young woman whose hands were bound at a piece of wood and she was surrounded by a lot of horned creatures who made fun of her and laugh at her. I saw her face was pail and white filled with fear. A strange weapon that I have never seen before was swinging in front of her face. I did not know exactly what it was but it was like a fork with a sharp cutting edge in the top of it. That weapon was carried by one of the horned devils which surrounded that woman. I heard the devils were threatening that poor frightened woman, “Lie!— Come on, lie!!!” I saw her become more frightened. She completely fell into the power of the horned devils so that she obeyed them whatever they wanted. That woman answered, “Yes, yes, I lied! I lied!” All of the devils were laughing, seems that they were satisfied with the young woman’s answer. I thought after that woman did everything that they wanted, they would’ve released her. But what happened next really shocked me! The devil stabbed that horrible thing into her face! The fresh blood squirted from her face! It was so horrifying! Her face did not have a shape anymore and her cry of pain was so heartbreaking!
“Stop! Stop it!” I yelled.

But strangely, they could not hear my voice; even more my appearance seemed invisible for them! I felt disgusted for everything that I saw, but there were a lot of other views that surprised me and made me shocked!

Then, I saw a man whose hair was burnt, only rotten skull remained. There were unburnable maggots coming out of his skull cavity. He was lying and carrying from the end of the path not far from fire, I thought that they tortured him for a long time. His body was burning and his flesh was melting because he was lying near the hottest fire ever!

The devils who carried him were laughing at him. There was nothing he could do besides surrender himself to them. He was dying but he could not die. He looked like having terrible pain, seemed he wanted to say something for mercy. One of those devils said, “Come on, masturbate! Masturbate!!” That man while shaking answered, “Yes, I masturbate! I masturbate! Aaaahhhhh!” He was screaming and a lot of maggots came out from all of his body so many!! I felt disgusted when I saw them, even when I heard his screaming it was so horrible!!!

There were more screaming and commanding that I heard. “Come on, drink! Drink! Gambling! Deceive!” and those devils were laughing and enjoying the moaning of pain and tears, as they were listening to wonderful music. I was afraid to walk in through that path. I only saw as far as I could and I was sure there were more kind of tortures at that place which is more appropriate to be called barracks of torture.

I found a view that made me really shocked, there were many righteous and religious people there!! I did not believe it but I did not have power to deny all that I saw. I heard all their screaming when they were being tortured. They cried out for God, “God, help me! God, do I always be together with You? You taught us at our towns and I served You Lord!”

They were begging to God but salvation had already been closed for them, till I heard they abused Him! My heart was breaking when I saw it! After that I was in the top of the horrible situation I could not continue that journey anymore. And I believed if I continued this journey, I would have been dead! “God! I cried Please bring me out from here! Please God!” All of these were a vision, a horrible vision, a vision of Hell! I was so happy when I found out that I was at home, even though after that I got ill for a couple days. All of my bones and pivots were hurt; I suffered stomach disorder and got shocked day by day.

I prayed to God and wondered what it’s all about, what He wants through my experience. God gave me understanding and deep burden for people around me. God wants me to tell you what happened and will be happened to everyone living in sin. A lot of them are having fun, eating, drinking, having party, free sex, drugs and others and it seems to them that they can enjoy them forever. They do not realize that hell and the horned devils are waiting for them. They are the next victims.

I know that God really loves you. This vision that was showed to me is proof that He’s still giving you a chance to repent.

My dear friend, I have to write this article to warn you. I do not want you having the same experiences as those people there. Truly, I love you all and I hope you will meditate on all of these and repent. Accept Jesus Christ as your saviour personally and start a new life and do not come out from the road that Jesus has giving to us from his blood that was shed.
God Bless You

Joshua Udeji #fundie christiscoming777.com

God showed me somthing that trembled me in my dream, in that dream, i look up to heaven and saw a window opened in the sky, inside the window i saw an angeal with a trumpet fixed in his mouth ready to sound, then i had a voice that spake to me saying : A chosen should be holy accoding as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love he quoted Eph 1:4, the voice told me that many pastors are into this that i have to go for medical treatment, that time i was into a terrible sin of lust and masturbation, imidiatly i wake up, i remember the quotation he gave me and i opend my bible Eph 1:4 and it was saying thesame thing, then i know that the revelation is real, then i discover that what the engel mean by medical treatment is deliverance, i started going for deliverance, after deliverance it will become worst, at a time i stop going to deliverance, and went into seriouse fasting 21 days 6-6, 1day dry fasting, 2days dry, 2days plus dry fasting and prayin, this is how by the grace of God i overcome my flesh and now i am free from lust and masturbation, listen to me, if you are into masturbation, and you find it dificult to overcom, go into dry fasting, 2days dry, 3days dry not once, you may do it more than 5 times, it will help to motify your flesh, God is trying to tell me that there is no more time by showing me an angel with trumpet, the devil aflicted me with this sin even as a pastor and a born again but thank God who deliverd me

Angelica Zambrano #fundie christiscoming777.com


Then an angel asked me “Are you ready? The LORD has sent us for this purpose” I answered “Yes, Im ready” as the Lord had taken away all my fear. This experience was different from the other two experiences. This time I did not travel to Heaven in the same manner as before. This time I instantly entered the Kingdom of Heaven. When I looked around I realised I was wearing a beautiful white dress. We began walking and the angels were just worshipping the LORD and said “Look around for we have many things to show you”. I began to see the same places I had seen in my first experience such as flowers and a beautiful garden.


When we passed the garden we arrived in a place that was filled with children. These children were about 2-3 years old. They danced, played and sang. The angels said “Look, to such as these belongs the Kingdom of Heaven. Remember, only for those who open their hearts. Many of these children were killed. Many were aborted. Their mothers took their lives”. The children worshipped the Lord and played on what appeared to me to be a swing set. As I approached them they got very close to me. The Archangel Michael said to me “Today the Lord gives you a great love for children”. Previously I liked children but sometimes I hated their behaviour, crying, whining or talking too much. I just liked them to sit still. Michael said “God gives you a new love for children. When you return to earth, you will be like honey to them. They will look for you and you will be a blessing to them. Do you know why God places this love in your heart for children? God wants you to win their souls. There are many children in Hell. You must speak to their parents so they will know”.

Many children in this generation are rebellious. They do not obey their parents. Nowadays, children are being deceived by satan through the television. Most of the shows they watch do not edify in any way. Parents don’t realise it but there are many kids that watch pornographic videos. The cartoons that come through TV are not educational, they are evil. Children are influenced by these shows and they become rebellious. They continually disobey their parents. For these reasons children end up in Hell. (See Angelica’s 2nd Testimony for more info)

Eph 6, 1?Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honor your father and mother,”which is the first commandment with promise: 3 “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.”

In Heaven, the children were praying, laughing and worshiping the LORD. I had great joy to see their happiness. When the angel told me that many of them had been aborted, it really hurt my heart. And you know what is sad? Many women have had abortions. Young and old, married and single. These women did not want their children. Sometimes the fathers would accompany them to the clinic. Those babies go to the presence of God. But the men and women of the earth become murderers. The word of God says that no murderer shall enter the kingdom of Heaven (Gal 5,19-21, Rev 21,8). If you have done this Repent today. If you do not repent and ask God for forgiveness this is what will take place on your day of judgment. Your children will come as a witness against you and say “You were my mother , you were my father, and you took my life”. They love you, they forgive you, but if you do not repent of that sin, you will go to Hell for eternity. Inside of the churches this sin has been committed.

Angelica Zambrano #fundie christiscoming777.com


From a heavenly viewpoint an angel said “Look you are seeing the earth. Look at all the churches and congregations of the earth. This church has 20,000 members. There is another with 10,000 members. This other church has 1000 members.” He continued to show me many congregations and then said “But there are very few people in these churches who are actually the true church.”

The angel said “I must tell you what the Father wants me to tell you”. The Archangel Michael was the one speaking to me. He said “Look at the earth. The churches are filled with sin, there is so much sin in these churches. Many of the people are spiritually dead”.

Through the angels the LORD showed me that 80% of the Evangelical Christian Church on earth will be Left Behind. They will be left behind because they are cold. Because they dont seek God’s presence. Because of their sin. Because they are discouraged. Only 20% will be caught up (Raptured) to be with Jesus, this is only for true Christians. That is why His word says `Many are called, but few are chosen’ (Matt 22,14). We are all called but we not only must be called, we must be chosen.

Let me explain what takes place inside many of the churches. There is very much religiosity. There is no loyalty to the word of God. Inside church, brothers and sisters happily praise the Lord. They rejoice, they dance and they speak in tongues. But when they get home they are completely different. They act like the devil himself. This is what takes place. People go home and speak things that hurt God’s heart. At home they dont pray, read God’s word or seek His presence. God does not want any of us to be left behind. It hurts me that 80% of the Church congregants are not ready for the Lord’s return. Because few of the churches truly demonstrate the true love of Jesus.

There were angels all around, then Jesus spoke to me, while the angels remained silent. The LORD said “Daughter my heart breaks to see how many people are discouraged. To see how many people have backslid. Tell my people to return to the old paths, to the First Love”

Church, you must encourage the believers. Tell them to seek God, to reject hypocrisy. Listen to what the LORD told me. The LORD said “Do you know which commandment my church has forgotten? Some think its love. Some think its faith. The forgotten commandment within my church is Holiness. My Word say ‘Be holy, for I am holy.'” (1Pet1,16). This is what the Lord says, we have to be holy inside and outside. We must have a pure heart, a clean heart that is filled with His presence. A heart filled with His love. A heart filled with God.

Ricardo Cid #fundie christiscoming777.com

Then the angels started motioning for me to look more closely and they showed me the faces of these creatures and that many of these horrible beings are already shown to us on television. These beings were MONSTROUS!! I saw the Thundercats and Power Rangers and caricatures from animations and horror movies in real life. All of the creators of these movies and animations have formed a pact with the devil to produce these things for television and cinema!! All of those drawings come from that spiritual realm that I experienced. Why do you think that nowadays children are so rebellious?? It’s because those demons enter into your children as they view these shows that depict them. That’s why we need to learn to teach our kids how to discern what to watch on TV. The angel told me that this is all a reality and truth. All these demons exist and people are making pacts with the devil to bring these demons to the earth. These demons started to curse me, and the church, and the Father, and the Lord Jesus and the earth because they don’t respect God or any his creation.

Then, I saw in the flesh a goblin named Hugo, who is a popular cartoon caricature in Chile. He was horrifying to look at. He came near me and told me, “We will go to the earth and kill all the children!” Why do you think that children are killing children? It’s because some of them said that something came out of the television and told me to do this or that. These demons are planting hatred on the earth, may the Lord deliver and cleanse Chile!! One of the angels told me “Continue to look!” And the demons said, “We’ve tried to destroy the church, but we can’t because when we kill one, then thousands rise up to replace that death!” Since the beginning of the church, Satan has tried to destroy it, the church that preaches the true Gospel and does the work of God, but he can’t because the Lord Jesus protects us! Glory to God!

Then the demons said, “Let’s do something new, let’s go inside churches, because there are many in the churches that belong to us! We are going to use these people to spread gossip and division amongst the brethren in church. We will cause churches to fall by gossip and the Holy Spirit will be grieved and leave the church.” The devil goes everywhere looking to destroy those who love the justice of God. Just like in this scripture verse: 1Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour.:

I didn’t want to see anymore, but the angel told me to continue to look at the events occurring. I saw the demons fleeing everywhere as a single bright shining star was coming. As this star was approaching, it was bringing much praise and worship to the Lord. This star wasn’t a star, it was millions of angels riding on white horses praising the Lord of Hosts!! They were shouting “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the One who lives from age to age! The Lord is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end and let all that has breath praise the Lord!” And then I saw a great battle and could not find the demons anymore. “Don’t fear anymore because there are more angels with us then those on the enemy’s side!”

Angelica Zambrano #fundie christiscoming777.com


As we left that place and He told me, “I want to show you something else— There are also children in this place.” And I replied, “Children in this place, Lord? Why are there children here? Your Word says, ‘let the children to come unto Me, and do not stop them: for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)Jesus replied, “Daughter, it’s true, of such is the kingdom of Heaven, but that child must come to Me, for he who comes to Me I will not throw out.”(John 6:37) Instantly, the Lord showed me an eight year old boy being tormented in fire. The boy cried, “Lord have mercy of me, take me out of this place, I don’t want to be here!” He kept crying and screaming. I saw demons around this boy, that resembled cartoon figures. There was Dragon Balls Z, Ben 10, Pokémon, Doral, etc. “Lord, why is this boy here?” Jesus showed me a large screen of this boy’s life. I saw how he would spend all of his time in front of the TV, watching these cartoons.

Jesus said, “Daughter, these animated cartoons, those movies, those soap operas that are seen daily on TV are satan’s instruments to destroy humanity—Look, Daughter how this came to be.” I saw how the boy was rebellious and disobedient toward his parents. When his parents talked to him, he would run away, throwing things and disobeying them. After this happened, a car ran over him and ended his life. Jesus told me, “Ever since then, he has been in this place.”

I looked at the boy as he was being tormented. Jesus said, “Daughter, go and tell parents to instruct their child as is written in My Word. (Proverbs 22:6)” The Word of God is real, it tells us to correct a child with the rod, but not every moment, only when the child has been disobedient to his parents. (Proverbs 22:15)

The Lord told me something that is very sad and very painful. He said, “Daughter, there are many children in this place because of animated cartoons, because of rebellion.” I asked Him, “Lord, why are animated cartoons to blame for this?” And He explained, “Because they are demons that carry rebellion, disobedience, bitterness and hatred to children; and other demons enter these children, so that they do not do good things, but do that which is bad: whatever children see on TV, they want to do in reality.” Hell exists, hell is real, and even children must decide with whom they will go. I said, “Lord, tell me, why are there children in this place?” And Jesus answered, “Once children have knowledge that there is a heaven and a hell, then they have a place to choose.”

Angelica Zambrano #fundie christiscoming777.com


The Lord showed me a place where many people were walking to hell. I asked Him, “Lord, how is it that they walk to this place?” He replied, “I will show you.” He showed me a tunnel with many people walking through it. These people were chained from hand to foot. They were dressed in black and carrying a load on their back. Jesus said, “Look Daughter, those people that you see there, those people don’t know Me yet. That which they carry on their backs is sin, but go and tell them to turn their burden over to Me, and I will give them rest; that I am He who forgives all their sins—Daughter, go and tell those people to come to Me, for I await them with open arms, and go tell them that they are walking to this place.”

As I was watching the people walking, I said, “Lord, that person over there is my cousin; that young man is my cousin, Lord, and that young girl coming down is also my cousin; my family is coming to this place!” He replied, “Daughter, they are walking to this place, but go and them where they are walking, go and tell them they are walking to hell. Go and tell them that I have chosen you as my watchman—I have chosen you as my watchman, for it means that you are to tell the truth. You must go and tell all that I have shown you. If you do not speak out and something happens to that person, his blood will be poured over you, but if you go and do as I have told you, then that person has an account with me. If the person does not repent, then the responsibility resting upon you will be lifted, for the account will rest upon that person and his blood will not be poured over you. (Ezekiel 3:18)”


Jesus told me that many famous people were walking to that place, famous and important people. Take for example, Michael Jackson. This man was famous all over the world but he was a satanist. Although many people may not see it that way, but it is the truth. This man had satanic covenants: He came to agreement with the devil in order to achieve fame and attract many fans.

Those steps that he performed, that’s the way I saw demons walk while tormenting people in hell. They would slide backward and not move forward, while they shout; enjoying the anguish they impose upon the people. Let me tell you that Michael Jackson is in hell. The Lord showed him to me after Michael died. He let me see Michael Jackson tormented in flames. I cried to Jesus, “Why?” It wasn’t easy to see how this man was being tormented and how he would scream. Anyone who listens to Michael Jackson’s songs or sings them or who is a fan of Michael Jackson, I warn you that satan is trapping you in his web so that you will end up in hell. Right now, renounce it in the name of Jesus! Jesus wants to set you free, so that you will not be lost.

The Lord said, “Daughter, there are also people who know Me, that are walking to this place.” I asked, “Lord, how can people who know You also come here?” He replied, “That person who has left My ways and that person who is living a double life.” He started showing me people who were walking to Hell. They were tied from their hands to their feet.


They each wore a white garment, but it was torn, stained and wrinkled. Jesus said, “Daughter, see how My people have walked away from Me. Daughter, I want to tell you that I am not coming for these people. I am coming for a holy people, ready, without blemish, without wrinkle and without defilement—Go and tell them to return to the old paths.” (Eph. 5:26-27) I started to see many of my uncles and many other people who had walked away from the Lord’s ways. “Go and tell them that I am waiting for them, to surrender their loads to Me, and I will give them rest.” Jesus was weeping, “Daughter, they are coming this way. Go and tell your uncles; go and tell your relatives that they are coming this way! Daughter, many will not believe you, but I am your faithful witness, I am your faithful witness. I will never leave you. Even if they do not believe you, Daughter, go and tell them the truth, for I am with you. I will also show you, Daughter, how people arrive at this place.”

We went to a tunnel where there were a multitude of people falling into the abyss. Not 1 thousand, not 2 thousand, but as many as the sand of the sea, countless. They were falling by the second, like handfuls of sand being thrown down. The souls were falling rapidly. Jesus was weeping, He said, “Daughter, this is how humanity perishes; this is how it is lost!—Daughter, it hurts Me to see how humanity perishes.”

Jesus said, “Demons also hold meetings in this place.” And I said, “Demons hold meetings?” Jesus said, “Yes, Daughter, they meet to plan, to plan what they will do to humanity. They hold daily secret meetings.” And with that, Jesus took me to a cell, where I saw a wooden table with chairs around it. And there were demons – all types of demons. Jesus explained, “Daughter, they are now planning to go and destroy the pastors’ families, the missionaries, the evangelists and all of those who know me. Daughter, they want to destroy them; they have many darts.”

The demons would laugh and mock and say, “Let’s destroy humanity and bring it to this place.” Jesus said, “Go and tell them that I am with them. Tell them to not leave open doors, to leave no place to satan, for satan walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.(1st Peter 5:8)” But the Word says, “he walks as”, because the only real Lion, is the Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth(Revelations 5:5)! Jesus said, “Daughter, they especially want to destroy the pastors; family.” I asked, “Why do they want to destroy the pastors’ family?” And Jesus responded, “Because they are in charge of thousands of people that are the sheep of the fold; the sheep of the fold that the Lord has given them. They want these people to return to the world again; to look back and end up in hell—Go and tell the pastors to speak the truth. Go and tell them to preach the truth and to speak everything that I tell them and to never keep to themselves what I tell them!”

Angelica Zambrano #fundie christiscoming777.com


The Lord told me there were many famous people in Hell, and also many people who had known about the Lord. He said, “I am going to show you another part of the furnace.” We came to a place where a woman was surrounded by flames. She was in great torment and would scream, begging the Lord for mercy. Jesus pointed to her with his hand and told me, “Daughter, that woman that you see over there, surrounded by flames, is Selena.” As we started getting closer, she screamed, “Lord, have mercy on me, forgive me Lord, take me out of this place!” But the Lord looked at her and said, “It’s late, it’s too late. You cannot repent now.”

She saw me and said, “Please, I beg you, go tell people about this, please speak out and do not be silent; go and tell them not to come to this place; go and tell them not to listen to my songs, nor sing my songs.” (1 John 2:15) So I asked her, “Why do you want me to go and say that?” And she answered, “Because every time people sing and listen to my songs, I am tormented even more, the person who does this, who sings and listens to my songs, is walking to this place. Please, go tell them not to come here; go tell them that hell is real!” She would scream and demons would hurl spears from afar into her body and she would cry, “Help me, Lord, have mercy on me, Lord!” But sadly, the Lord told her, “It is too late.”
I looked all over that area, it was full of singers and artists who have died. All they did was sing and sing, they wouldn’t stop singing. The Lord explained, “Daughter, the person who is here, must continue doing here, whatever they did on Earth, if they had not repented.” ((TAKE HEED of this warning regarding worldly music and throw it away!!))


As I was observing the area, I noticed a lot of demons that were spilling down some type of rain. I actually thought it was raining. But I noticed the people in flames running away from the rain and shouting, “No, help me, Lord!—No, this can’t be,” and the demons would laugh and tell the people, “Praise and worship because this is your kingdom forever and ever!” I saw the flames increase and people’s worms would multiply! There was no water there, it was brimstone that would multiply the flames and increase each person’s anguish. I asked Jesus, “What’s happening?—Lord, what is this?” The Lord replied, “This is the wages of anyone who has not repented.” (Psalms 11:6)


Then the Lord took me to place where there was a very well-known man. Before now, I used to live as a double minded young Christian girl. I used to think that any person that died would go to Heaven; that those who celebrated mass, would also go to heaven, but I was wrong. When Pope John Paul II died, my friends and relatives would tell me that he had gone to heaven. All the news on TV, on Extraand many other places would say, “Pope John Paul II has died, may he rest in peace. He is now rejoicing with the Lord and his angels in heaven” and I believed all of it. But I was only fooling myself, because I saw him in Hell, being tormented by flames. I looked at his face, it was John Paul II! The Lord said to me, “Look, Daughter, that man that you see there, is Pope John Paul II. He is here in this place; he is being tormented because he did not repent.”

But I asked, “Lord, why is he here? He used to preach at church.” Jesus replied, “Daughter, no fornicator, no idolater, no one who is greedy and no liar will inherit My Kingdom.”(Eph. 5:5) I replied, “Yes, I know that is true, but I want to know why he is here, because he used to preach to multitudes of people!” And Jesus responded, “Yes, Daughter, he may have said many things, but he would never speak the truth as it is. He never said the truth and they know the truth and although he knew the truth, he preferred money over preaching about salvation. He would not offer reality; would not say that hell is real and that heaven also exists; Daughter, now he is here in this place.”

When I looked at this man, he had a large serpent with needles, wrapped around his throat, and he would try to take it off. I pleaded with Jesus, “Lord, help him!” The man would scream, “Help me, Lord; have mercy on me; take me out of this place; forgive me! I repent, Lord; I want to return to Earth, I want to go back to Earth to repent.” The Lord observed him and said to him, “You very well knew. You knew very well that this place was real—It’s too late; there is no other opportunity for you.”
The Lord said, “Look, Daughter, I am going to show you the life of this man.” Jesus showed me a huge screen on which I could observe how this man offered mass many times to the multitudes. And how the people who were there were so idolatrous. Jesus said, “Look, Daughter, there are many idolaters in this place. Idolatry will not save, Daughter. I am the only One who saves, and outside of Me, no one saves. I love the sinner, but I hate sin, Daughter. Go and tell humanity that I love them and that they need to come to Me.”

As the Lord was speaking, I began to see how this man received multitudes of coins and bills; money, all of which he would keep. He had so much money. I saw images of this man seated on a throne, but I was also able to see beyond that. While it’s true that these people do not get married, I can assure you, I’m not making this up, the Lord showed it to me, those people do sleep with nuns; with many women there! [1 example]

The Lord showed me these people living in fornication, and the Word says that no fornicator will inherit His Kingdom. As I was watching all of this, the Lord told me, “Look Daughter, all of this which I am showing you is what goes on, what he lived and what keeps on happening among many people, among many priests and popes existing.” Then he told me, “Daughter, go and tell humanity that it’s time to turn to Me.”

Angelica Zambrano #fundie christiscoming777.com


Being with Jesus, made me feel safe. I thought, “If I let go of the Lord, I’ll be stuck here!” I asked, “Jesus, do I have relatives in this place.” He looked at me as I was crying and He said, “Daughter, I am with you,” because I was so scared. He took me to another cell. I never could have imagined seeing a relative of mine in that cell. I saw this woman being tormented, she had worms that would eat her face off, and demons would plunge a type of spear into her body. She would scream, “No, Lord, have mercy on me, forgive me, please, take me out of this place for one minute!” (Luke 16:24)

In Hell, people are tormented with the memories of what they did on Earth. Demons would mock people and tell them, “Worship and praise because this is your kingdom!” and the people would scream remembering that they knew God, because they knew the Word. Those who had known the Lord were tormented twofold.

The Lord said, “There is no other opportunity [for those here]; there is still opportunity for those who are alive.” I asked Him, “Lord, why is my great-grandmother here? I don’t know if she ever knew you. Why is she here in hell, Lord?” He replied, “Daughter, she is here because she failed to forgive—Daughter, he who does not forgive, neither will I forgive him.”

I asked, “Lord, but You do forgive, and You are merciful.” And He answered, “Yes, Daughter, but it is necessary to forgive, because they have not forgiven many people, and that is why many people are in this place, because they failed to forgive—Go and tell humanity that it is time to forgive, and especially My people, for many of My people have not forgiven. Tell them to rid themselves of grudges, of resentment, of that hatred in their hearts, for it is time to forgive! If death were to surprise that person who has failed to forgive, that person may go to hell, for no one can purchase life.” When we left that place, my great grandmother was engulfed in fire and she screamed, “Aaaah,” and began to blaspheme the name of God, she would curse Him; every person in hell blasphemes against God.

As we left that area, I could see that hell was full of tormented souls. Many people would extend their hands out, begging Jesus to help them and take them out of there. But the Lord could not do anything for them and they would start blaspheming God. Then Jesus would weep and say, “It hurts Me to hear them, it hurts Me to see what they do, because I can no longer do anything for them. What I will tell you is that I still have opportunity for he who is still on Earth, who has not yet died, who is still alive; he still has time to repent!”

Angelica Zambrano #fundie christiscoming777.com

At that moment I hear the Lord’s voice, a beautiful voice with thunder and love, “Fear not, Daughter, for I am Jehovah, Your God, and I have come here to show you what I have promised you. Arise, for I am Jehovah, who holds you by your right hand and tells you, Fear not, I will help you.” Suddenly, I arose. I had been kneeling down, looking at my body, wanting to get back in but not being able to. When I heard His voice, fear had left me, and I was no longer scared.

As I started walking, the angels began to open a path. There was a strong light shining, and as I gazed at it, I felt peace. As I looked, I saw a beautiful, tall, elegant, muscular man. Light was projecting from Him. There was too much light for me to see His face! But I could see His beautiful hair of brilliant gold and a white garment with a wide golden girdle that crossed His chest. It read, “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”

I looked at His feet, He was wearing shiny golden sandals, of brilliant gold. He was so beautiful! He extended His hand to me. When I took His hand, it wasn’t like when I touched my body, my hand did not go through it. I asked, “What is happening?” And He said, “I am going to show you hell, so that you return and tell humanity that hell is real; that hell exists. And also, My glory will I show you, for you to tell My people to be prepared, for My glory is real and I am real.” He said, “Daughter, do not fear”- He said it again and I said, “Lord, it’s just that I want to go to heaven, but not hell, because I’ve heard that it’s horrible!” He said, “Daughter, I will be with you. I will not leave you in that place and I am going to show you that place because there are many who know that hell exists, but they have no fear. They believe it’s a game, that hell is a joke, and many don’t know about it. That is why I am going to show you that place, because there are more that perish than those that are entering My glory.” When He said that, I could see tears streaming down to His garments. I asked Him, “Lord, why are you crying?” He replied, “Daughter, because there are more that perish, and I will show you this, so that you will go and tell the truth and so that you will not return to that place.”


Suddenly, as He was speaking, everything started to move. The Earth shook and split open, and I saw a very dark hole below. We were standing on a sort of rock with angels surrounding us. I said, “Lord, I don’t want to go to that place!” He said, “Daughter, do not fear for I am with you.” In a split second we descended into the dark hole. I tried to see but there was a terrible darkness. I did see a huge circle, and hear millions of voices.

I was so hot, I felt my skin burning. I asked, “Lord, what is this? I don’t want to go to this place!” The Lord said that this was just the tunnel to hell. There was a horrible, repulsive and nauseating smell, and I begged Jesus not to take me. He responded, “Daughter, it is necessary for you to come and know this place.” I cried, “But why, Lord, why?” And He said, ‘so that you can tell the truth to humanity; humanity perishes, it’s lost and few are entering My Kingdom.” In saying this, He would weep. His words strengthened and encouraged me, so I continued walking.

We arrived at the end of a tunnel, when I looked down I saw an abyss covered in flames. The Lord said “Daughter, I give this to you.” It was a large binder with blank sheets of paper. “Daughter, take this pencil so that you can write all that I will show you, what you will see and hear. You will write everything as you are observing it, as you will live it.” I said, “Lord, I will do it, but I am already seeing so much, Lord. I am seeing souls being tormented, and immense flames.” Then we started to descend into the abyss! I started to cry and scream, “Lord, no, no, no, no- I don’t want to go!” and He would reply, “You need to see this.”

I saw horrible demons, of all types, both large and small. They were running so fast, and carrying something in their hands. “Lord, why are they running like that and what are they carrying?” He answered, “Daughter, they run that way because they know their time is running out, because time is so short to destroy humanity and especially My people. That which they carry in their hands are darts to destroy humanity, because each demon is given a name and according to the name that is given to them, they have a dart to destroy that person and bring them to this place; their goal is to destroy that person and bring them to hell.” And I would see the demons running and exiting toward Earth and He told me. “They are going to Earth to bring and throw humanity into this place.” As He said this He would weep, He would weep so very much. He was weeping all the time and I would cry too.

Angelica Zambrano #fundie christiscoming777.com


The Lord said to me, “Are you ready to see what I am going to show you?” “Yes, Lord,” I said. He took me to a cell where I could see a young man being tormented among the flames. I noticed that the cell was enumerated, though I couldn’t understand the numbers, they seemed to be backward. There was a huge plaque in that cell, and the young man had the number “666” on his forehead. He also had a big metallic plate that was encrusted into his skin. The worms that were eating him, were unable to damage that plate; neither did the flames burn it. He screamed, “Lord, have mercy on me. Take me out of this place. Forgive me, Lord!” But Jesus would respond, “It’s late, too late: I gave you opportunities and you would not repent.”

I asked Jesus, “Lord, why is he here?” Then I recognized him. On Earth, this young man knew the Word of God, but abruptly he walked away from the Lord, preferring alcohol, drugs and walking on the wrong path. He did not want to follow the way of the Lord. Jesus warned him many times on what could happen to him. Jesus said, “Daughter, he is in this place because anyone who rejects My word already has a judge: The Word that I have spoken will judge him in that last day,” (John 12:48) and then Jesus wept.

When the Lord weeps, it’s different than we do. He would weep with this pain in His heart and He would sob profoundly. “I did not create hell for humanity,” Jesus said. So I asked Him, “Then why is humanity here, Lord?” He answered, “Daughter, I created hell for satan and his angels, who are the demons; (Matt. 25:41)but, because of sin and the lack of repentance, humanity ends here, and there are more that perish than those who reach My glory!” (Matt 7:14) He continued weeping and it would hurt me so much to see how He cried. “Daughter, I gave My life for humanity, so that it would not perish, so that it would not end up in this place. I gave My life out of love and mercy, so that humanity would proceed to repentance and could enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Jesus would moan as someone who could no longer withstand the pain, that’s how much pain He felt watching the people here.

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