
Michael Aydinian #conspiracy gmmuk.com

What’s as clear as daylight is once again we are being deceived by the corporate media. It’s safe to say nearly everyone who possesses a relatively functional brain is aware of this along with the fact an evil, hidden agenda simply has to exist. What’s undeniable too is the level of deceit we’re being subjected to. In an analogy with earthquakes, it’s off the Richter scale! Since the media is owned & controlled by Zionists whose allegiance is strictly confined to a banking dynasty hell bent on establishing a New World Order, it is beyond the boundaries of sanity for us to continue to cower in fear & not call out those responsible. Our lives depend on it so saying nothing is a recipe for disaster. As the great man Albert Einstein once said – ‘evil thrives because good people do nothing.’

The good news is their lies have become so obvious, more people than ever are speaking out. This has pushed the power-brokers into a corner. They simply have to stop the hemorrhaging but as I explained in my piece yesterday, freedom of speech is sacrosanct, a fundamental right & therefore anyone tampering with it is committing nothing less than a crime against humanity. So no surprise we’re fed a heap of unadulterated drivel. Apparently this is to tackle hate speech which ironically is something the media are specialists in creating. The harsh reality is way too many people are now prepared to be labelled anti-Semitic. This slur has long since worn thin & it’s only purpose is to stifle meaningful debate. Here’s the long & the short of it – the reason for this assault on Freedom of Speech & all the baloney regarding anti-Semitism – IT’S THE ONLY WAY THEY CAN STOP THE TRUTH COMING OUT!

Yesterday I posted a piece about the ‘massacre’ in New Zealand. Since the attack was against Muslims I erroneously assumed this act of madness couldn’t have been staged. Why would they do this? Since 9/11 media & politicians have pounded the totally fabricated notion the world is bedeviled by terrorism due to Muslim extremists. What earthly reason would they now have to donate worldwide sympathy on a plate to the very people they’re demonising? So I wrote a piece assuming this lunatic, in fit of Islamophobic rage, had indeed gunned down innocent worshipers. Since the media is entirely responsible for fomenting Islamophobia, I put this massacre down to them.

This is why one should never rush to judgement & significantly, be big enough to rectify an error. In fairness the first video I saw looked real but always in the back of my mind was the dilemma – the attackers are supposed to be Muslims who rip their tonsils to shreds screaming Allah-u-Akbar! They’re not supposed to be the victims. So I assumed—— First, I must thank all the people who marked my card. I will tag everyone who commented—— so——now the truth.

Straight away several friends stated the video was staged, fake & edited.
My good friend Joan Roth commented, ‘it seemed like a video game.’ When I watched another clip I felt yes. That’s right. Certain crucial factors then became obvious.
50 people dead! Scores more injured. Where’s the blood? What we saw was not possible. There was hardly any blood. This has happened before.
Moreover, victims that were shot hardly displayed the normal body reactions when one is hit by bullets.
Alex Quarmby said it looked like blanks were being fired & when one considers how there were no shell casings, hardly any holes in walls or any debris – again, this is simply not possible.
When I saw the 2nd clip it seemed dummies were on the floor.
Apparently the shooter had no criminal record. Are you kidding me? Thanks to Matthew Moore for that heads up.
Way too many red flags but perhaps the big giveaway is why are Google, U-tube & FB busting a gut trying to take down videos of the alleged massacre. There can only be one answer to this – IT WAS A RIGHT ROYAL SCREW UP!

One thing for sure, like I tried to explain yesterday, the hierarchy would love nothing more than every human being (except themselves) to be stripped of their firearms. I also have said many times, the greatest problem they have, perhaps apart from Russia & China, is the fact Americans are armed to the teeth. I’ve also said to my American friends, ‘do not whatever you do allow them to take your guns. This would be tantamount to unconditionally surrendering to the most evil, vicious mass-murderers.


But we still have the problem of Muslims being the victim so this time around I’ll try to connect more dots. Sadly it’s somewhat of a scarier scenario. What if this massacre of Muslims is merely a precursor for a series of false flag attacks against Western targets? We know initiating false flag events is exclusively the domain of Zionist warmongers. This way the media can say this is payback for the attack on the Mosque but more importantly they can rekindle hatred & fear towards Muslims & thus open the way for politicians to pass legislation that would otherwise be deemed as Treason. Or perhaps it will give them the excuse to attack Iran because let’s face it – THIS IS PRECISELY WHAT THEY WANT! The plan to create Greater Israel may have been conceived in 1982 by Oded Yinon but it commenced with 9/11 & this goal has been pursued with zest ever since. For me, this makes more sense.

Michael Aydinian #conspiracy gmmuk.com

So what we’re seeing today is a step by step process. Wrestling power away & seizing control is one thing; doing so without it ever becoming common knowledge is another thing altogether—. & you’ve got to hand it to them. How many people are aware the Rothschilds already virtually control the worldwide printing of money? Any time they like they can initiate economic meltdowns, which opens the way for more conflict & war. They’ve the media to not only cover their back but to continually instil fear into the populace as well as drive wedges between various groups of people. Divide & conquer has always been part of their modus operandi.

They control almost all the West’s politicians. I’ve said it a million times – it’s not just Palestine – the US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Australia – all the major Western nations ARE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES! Moreover any country brave enough to defy & not capitulate to these Zionist mafiosi banksters—.. well, can’t we see what’s occurred in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Malaysia, Venezuela & a host of other countries? They’ve but one thing in common – THEY WERE SINGLED OUT BECAUSE THEY DEFIED THE ROTHSCHILD ZIONISTS!

Then when one conducts meaningful research into the horrific level of systematic exploitation that’s occurred in the past 250 years in Africa, Asia, Central & South America where the vast wealth of these entire continents have been siphoned away leaving billions penniless, it doesn’t take long to realise who’s ultimately behind this. Almost all Diamond & Gold production is under the control of agents of the Rothschilds. One can hardly imagine how much of the world’s petroleum they now control.

So, along with their control over the world’s major natural resources, they have the entire banking system, the mass-media, Wall Street, industries of Energy, Armaments, pharmaceuticals & anything else that matters, well & truly locked up! NOW THEIR GOAL IS TO ENSURE THERE IS NO POSSIBLE CHANCE WE CAN EVER CHALLENGE THEM. That means ultimately they have to be able to eradicate millions, if not billions of people & to get away with it as if nothing untoward has occurred. THAT’S WHAT THEY WANT!

At least we have democracy. Wrong! There does not exist one aspect of our elections process in the UK which hasn’t been compromised. Zionists control all the key facets including our politicians, the media, the judicial system & law enforcement. This is why war criminals & child molesters not only evade justice but are rewarded financially for being loyal servants to their despicable cause. Freedom of speech exists accept when Zionists or Israel is criticised. It is crucial to recognise one is perfectly able to criticise pretty much anyone else.

To counteract this blatant anomaly, Zionists have mastered the art of labelling critics anti-Semitic, as well as the technique of making out Jews are the victims, forever living in fear. Many Jews genuinely believe this because they too have fallen foul of the monstrous propaganda & lies Zionists specialise in. Saying more of us need to wake up is patently obvious. However, for the time being, we need to make it absolutely clear to our traitor politicians – A CORNERSTONE OF DEMOCRACY IS THE RIGHT TO PROTEST! DO THIS AT YOUR PERIL!


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