
Roger Pearse #fundie groups.google.com.my

I've still not quite worked out why atheists, as a species, are so nasty. So they tell us that don't believe in God -- yes, fine, whatever; so what. But why on earth do people who tell us that they believe that they have no life but this want to spend it fouling themselves with abuse and hate? It doesn't make sense, rationally, in their own terms.

I suppose their real position is to worship convenience and hatred for Christianity which they see (were brought up to see) as a barrier to this. But it's not as if Christians were in any position to obstruct their whoring and drinking and doping (or whatever), is it?

All the best,

Roger Pearse

roger_pearse #fundie groups.google.com.my

Any fool can vituperate. But this sort of low-rent atheist excuses for drink and fornication went out with the ark.

[Why would an atheist need an excuse (low rent or otherwise) for drinking and fornication?]

Bad conscience, I would guess. The excuses are real, tho. Why else would anyone bother with atheism?

roger_pearse #fundie groups.google.com.my

[Nope. I refer in particular to those [deaths] caused by the Catholic church's opposition to safe sex. ]

You're an infected little shit aren't you? You get all those hideous diseases because of your life-style, and then you blame the *Catholics* for the consequences?

Piss off, you disgusting excuse for a human being.

[A few posts later in the same thread.]

The sheer hate and bile that atheists show online by itself would indicate people who shouldn't be placed in charge of anything.

Those who all but murder their fellow man in usenet would gladly do the same in person if the chance occurred.

All the best,

Roger Pearse

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