
Screech The Controversy

You damn communists!

rockpilefarmer #fundie idigmygarden.com

Well, I don't know much about her, but at the beginning of the video, the dude made a stupid comment that "creationism is solely a religious belief, therefore not to be taught in school and that evolution is widely accepted as fact, and should alone be taught."

Sorry, that is incorrect. You must first of all present the information of both sides, and let the young people exercise their critical thinking skills. Let them make up their own minds! I do! We don't live in a communist society (yet) but if we keep teaching students theories as though they are facts, we will certainly end up in a totalitarian situation.

dirty girl #fundie idigmygarden.com

Why is Glenn Beck so worried about the future of Egypt? That is an easy question to answer. It has everything to do with one's world view.

The Bible has foretold world events and they are centered around the Middle East. Much of it has already come to pass. He is just trying to get folks' attention to what was prophesied by the Old Testament prophets and by the New Testament book of the Revelation.

If you have a world view similar to mine, you understand it. If not, you think it is folly and he is a nut case.

For those of you who pride yourselves as "critical thinkers", perhaps you should engage in just that concerning the Biblical World View.

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