
billpuntonsghost #fundie iron-bru.co.uk

A few atheists on here try to refute the existence of God with the argument ,”There is so much evil in the world ( they give examples of Stalin,Hitler ,concentration camps,Holocaust etc) why wouldn’t an all powerful loving God stop these things from happening ?”
The first question that should be asked is “What do you mean by evil?”
Or “What,I your mind ,is the conflict?”
As it turns out ,evil doesn’t prove good evidence AGAINST God,but FOR God,since God must exist to provide the objective STANDARD OF GOOD by which any evil is measured.
To say there is so much evil in the world therefore God can’t exist is a false claim.
God has morally sufficient reasons for permitting the evil that exists.

billpuntonsghost #fundie iron-bru.co.uk

At a time like this we need to provide comfort and that’s exactly what we should do.
But there is no peace when sin is in the equation.
Why this is happening,that is beyond my realm.
But God is Holy,God is just and that is good news for mankind.
He’s also righteous and being righteous that presents a great problem.
The goodness of God presents one of the greatest problems to men because men are not good.So what does a good God do with men who are not?
God can’t simply overlook sin.
The Bible says that God is love,it’s what he is,it’s an attribute,God can’t cease to be love anymore than he can cease to be just,and he can’t cease to be just anymore than he can cease to be love.
So the justice of God looksat the sin of mankind and there’s alienation,there’s judgement leading to condemnation.
How can a man who is not good be righteous before God and acceptable to God?
Our good works are the things we fall back on,that’s the first thing mankind is going to fall back on because of self-idolatry,we think that if we have more good works than bad works,or we haven’t done some atrocious thing that God is somehow going to accept us.
Mankind has sinned against God and it doesn’t matter the quality or the quantity of sin,we have sinned and are separated from God.
There’s nothing mankind can do to set themselves right with God-
But God has done the impossible,he has done what the individual can’t do,he has done a work of redemption that he planned out before even the foundation of the world,before the fall of Adam and that is this-
That God and his Son would become a man and he would live the perfect life we could not live and then he would go to the Cross and he would die under the penalties for all our transgressions against God.
And in doing that,he satisfies the demands of Gods justice and makes it correct,makes it possible for a Holy and righteous God to demonstrate compassion to man,But that’s just in the person of a Jesus Christ and the resurrection of Christ is Gods approval,his demonstration that what Christ did on that tree was sufficient for our salvation.
If I die today I would go to Heaven for the same reason the thief on the cross went to Heaven,Jesus Christ died for sinners.
My life adds nothing to his work of salvation.
If someone becomes a Christian today they go to Heaven for the same reason I go to Heaven or some martyr goes to Heaven.
It’s because Jesus Christ died for sinners and what we must do,we must recognise our guilt,recognise our total inability and trust exclusively in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

billpuntonsghost #fundie iron-bru.co.uk

[After someone joked that they would obviously leave those dying be and not save them because they are an atheist who must have no moral values.]

You obviously think (Christians think)atheists can’t be moral -They can.
You obviously think (Christians think)atheists don’t know morality-they do.
Some atheists live better moral lives than Christians.SHOCK!

What Christians are saying is there is no moral or immoral,just or unjust,or good and evil unless God exists
Atheists can’t JUSTIFY objective morality.
Atheists can theorise about HOW we know Murder is wrong(for example),BUT atheism provides NO OBJECTIVE STANDARD that establishes WHY Murder is wrong- UNLESS THEY STEAL FROM GOD!!

billpuntonsghost #fundie iron-bru.co.uk

A number of years ago,a terrible mid-winter air disaster occurred in which a plane leaving the Washington D C airport smashed into a bridge spanning the Pontomac River,plunging its passengers into the icy waters.As the rescue helicopters came,attention was focuses on one man who again and again pushed the dangling rope ladder to other passengers rather than be pulled to safety himself.Six times he passed the ladder by.When they came ,again he was gone.He had freely given his life that others might live.The whole nation turned its eyes to this man in respect and admiration for the selfless and good act he had performed.And yet,if the atheist is right(no Heaven)that man was not noble-he did the stupidest thing possible.He should have gone for the ladder first,pushed others away if necessary in order to survive.But to die for others he did not even know,to give up all the brief existence he would ever have-WHAT FOR? FOR THE ATHEIST THERE CAN BE NO LOGICAL REASON.And yet the atheist,like the rest of us,instinctively reacts with praise for this man’s selfless action.Indeed,one will probably never find an atheist who lives consistently with his system.

billpuntonsghost #fundie iron-bru.co.uk

If there is no God,then there can be no objective standards of right and wrong .
Without God, moral values are either,
1)Expressions of personal taste,or
2)The by-products of socio-biological evolution and conditioning .
In a world without God,who is to say which values and right and which are wrong??
Who is to judge that the values of Adolf Hitler are inferior to those of a Saint?
The concept of morality loses all meaning in a universe without God——..
“To say that something is wrong because—it is forbidden by God(is)—. Perfectly understandable to anyone who believes in a law-giving God.But to say something is wrong —even though no God exists to forbid it,is not understandable—.
The concept of moral obligation is unintelligible apart from the idea of God.The words remain but their meaning is gone.In a world without God,there can Brno objective right and wrong,only our culturally and personally relative,subjective judgements.This means it is impossible to condemn war,oppression,or crime as evil.Nor can one praise brotherhood,equality and love as good.Without God,good and evil do not exist-there is only the bare valueless fact of existence,and there is no one to say you are right or I am wrong.

billpuntonsghost #conspiracy iron-bru.co.uk


A staggering 30,000 scientists have come forward confirming that man made climate change is a hoax,perpetuated by the elite in order to make money.
One of the experts is Weather Channel founder John Coleman who warns that huge fortunes are being made by man made climate change proponents.
One example is Al Gore,his wealth has grown from $2 million in 2001 to $100 million in 2016-largely due to investments in “green tech” companies and the effective embezzlement of numerous grants and loans.

billpuntonsghost #conspiracy iron-bru.co.uk

Tata Steel windfall from carbon emissions permits.

Yet another example the politically motivated climate change agenda hits the poor and needy.
Tata Steel made an estimated £700 million selling surplus permits to firms wanting to pollute.
Analyst Simon Evans from Carbonbrief believes the windfall was double that.
Instead of making polluters pay,energy intensive companies are allowed to pollute for free.
Even worse they are able to profit from their pollution to the tune of billions of pounds at the taxpayers expense.
No wonder the poor are the people who suffer-when there is insufficient money in the coffers.

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