
Erik Manning #fundie isjesusalive.com

Clay Jones of Biola University has looked at the killing of the Canaanites extensively and I think he hits the nail on the head – we don’t like the killing of the Canaanites because we don’t hate sin as God does. In fact, if you look at our culture we look an awful lot like the Canaanites.

While still mostly taboo, we have philosophers at Princeton and critically-acclaimed movies in Hollywood that condone bestiality.
While also still thought taboo, there are films in Hollywood that celebrate consensual incest and some lawyers who wish to overturn laws against it.
We murder our unborn children to the gods of career and Mammon at alarming rates.
Netflix has a movie that “features ‘female breast nudity of a minor,’ ‘shots of breast, bums, and spread crotches of scantily clad’ children”
We have a vice presidential candidate endorsing legalizing prostitution.
Ashley Madison – a website designed to assist people to find willing partners to adultery – boasts of having 53 million users since its inception.
And we now have a strange yet steep increase in people practicing witchcraft in America.

Jones’ conclusion in his paper We Don’t Hate Sin So We Don’t Understand What Happened to the Canaanites, brings it home:

“We do not appreciate the depths of our own depravity, the horror of sin, and the righteousness of God. Consequently it’s no surprise that when we see God’s judgment upon those who committed the sins we commit, that complain and protest arises within our hearts: “This is divine barbarism” or “This is divine genocide” But studying these things over the years has led me to wonder if the Canaanites might not stand up at the Judgment and condemn this generation.”

That’s quite an indictment but I can’t help but think it’s true.

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