
Gail-ann S. #fundie planetfeedback.com

"Religiously offensive holiday card at Hallmark"
I went into my local pharmacy chain to purchase holiday cards. I picked up what I thought was a cute Channukah card to send to my college daughter. It read (on cover)"Dreidel? Check Latkes? Check Menorah? Check"
The inside reads "The fortitude to put up with all that goyim Christmas music? Oy"

As a Christian as well as a polite person I find this extremely offensive. There were NO Christmas cards making fun of any other religion or tradition. Nor should there have been. Oh, did I forget to mention that this is a Hallmark Tree of Life card?

An apology would be nice but most importantly I feel that Hallmark should pull this offensive card from CVS stores and anywhere else it was distributed. I think this is fair since Hallmark is the premier seller of Christmas cards.

"Nona Yourbiz" #fundie planetfeedback.com

Children and married people are people too! Another incident of injustice is when I was driven from my brand new home in a brand new neighborhood in Indianapolis, Indiana by my middle class wanna be DINK neighbors. DINK = DOUBLE INCOME NO KIDS. In today's disposable consumer driven society the traditional values of marriage and children are seen as the enemy. Let's not forget Christianity, that is also first on the hit list for new age hate mongers.

If you people don't stop believing the vain ideologies that the media preaches, then you are all going to end up aborting your babies because you are afraid of what the neighbors will think. Of course children should be taught to behave respectfully, but laughing or singing because one is glad to be alive is a lot better than you idiots that are more satisfied with a culture of death. Yes, YOU moron!

I had to move out of my new house because a few of the new homes were occupied by new couples without kids, that had an agenda to get rid of all of the kids and sincere Christians and fatties. Well, we were on that list and got vandalized by this college educated group of thugs that daily vandalized and attacked us, including my then 18 month old son who was temporarily blinded by one of the dog attacks. They didn't think they were doing anything wrong and reassured each other of that lie.

After I tole the President of the Home Owner's Association, he of course didn't believe me because it sounds ridiculous. To prove me wrong he casually rode his bike down my street and was attacked by the bully's dog and the bully. The bully said he would have gone for blood if some of the neighbors hadn't physically held him back. The only thing the HOA president did to incite this was to put his hand out to defend himself against the dog attack.

The war we are fighting is life versus death. Choose life or earn eternal death.

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