
Matt Forney #fundie righton.net

[On the election of Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines]

Foreign coverage of the Philippine presidential election has focused on Duterte’s womanizing and “outlandish” public remarks, from his offer to sleep with the brides at a mass wedding to his comments on an Australian missionary who was gang-raped and murdered in a prison break during his mayoralty. Soros-funded “human rights” groups have lambasted him for his support for killing violent criminals. In another parallel with Trump’s campaign, near the end of the race, outgoing president and feckless inbred Benigno “PNoy” Aquino III urged contenders to drop out and unite behind a single anti-Duterte candidate.

To both the Filipino chattering classes and the international media, Rodrigo Duterte is a murderous, misogynistic madman who will dismantle the Philippines’ hard-won democracy and pile the skulls as high as the sun. The only reason the Left hasn’t been insulting his supporters in the same way they insult Trump’s is because they’re afraid of being seen as racist. None of them have bothered to examine Duterte’s record as Davao’s mayor.


Duterte Harry’s innovative solution to dealing with bandits, insurgents, and drug smugglers was to allow death squads to shut them down, doing an end-run around the city’s hopelessly corrupt judicial system. If this offends your Amnesty International sensibilities, I’d like to know how you’d react if Muslims and Communists were waging war in your backyard. Actually wait, you don’t need to imagine that, because it’s already happening across Europe.

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