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Mark Christopher, Matthew Martin, Shiza Harper and Sean Harper #conspiracy #pratt #crackpot #dunning-kruger

Cult leader Mark Christopher concludes his speeches and everyone is cheering[…]How did he end up persuading his followers to storm a court and attempt to kidnap a senior coroner?

Lincoln Brookes was driving to work on 20 April 2023 when he took a panicked call from his colleague

"Those people who are in that letter... they are coming to get you," he was told by area coroner Michelle Brown[…]
Had he turned up on time, the widely-respected senior coroner would have been handcuffed, bundled into a car and kidnapped from Chelmsford

Only Mark Christopher, 59, Sean Harper, 45, Shiza Harper, 38, and Matthew Martin, 47, know what would have happened to him next

They were all found guilty at Chelmsford Crown Court of conspiracy to kidnap and conspiracy to commit false imprisonment in July

On Monday, Christopher was jailed for seven years and the other defendants imprisoned for 30 months

It was a plot masterminded by Christopher, the so-called chief judge of an online anti-establishment movement called the Federal Postal Court

"My jurisdiction runs over any language within governments, courts and corporations," the 59-year-old states on his website

Gaining his wisdom comes at a cost though. For £7,449, students can take part in his eight-part online university course that teaches people how to clear debts, win legal redress and pay their taxes

But the highlight of the webinars is the insight into what Singapore-born Christopher preaches to be the hidden meanings of words used in everyday language

Normal words such as person, nice and even smart meter all have covert, sinister meanings, the cult leader tells his followers[…]
In letters written to Mr Brookes, Christopher accuses him of being a "detrimental necromancer" and says the coronial process is illegal as "you can't be dead on paper"

Other accusations include Essex Coroner's Court "interfering with the dead" and warning Mr Brookes he would be subjected to corporal punishment