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Jordan Henderson #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Replacement immigration views are tightly interwoven with white guilt and beliefs about: white people, about Western civilization, and about the Christian tradition. So this essay will be a whirlwind tour of how I came to recognize that I had unwittingly accepted a whole ecosystem of what I now regard to be anti-white beliefs, and related ideas.

This essay will also illustrate how changing my mind on those related ideas allowed me to see that yes, the Great Replacement is an observable, ongoing phenomena, happening in real time, and to see that no, it is not a good thing.
I’ve always heard about white flight but never thought much about it. And certainly never read about it. When I did read about it I learned that whites were concerned about their physical safety because crime actually did go up as a consequence of the demographic shift in their neighborhoods.
Two more major turning points for me were first, reading the The Dispossessed Majority by Wilmot Robertson where he makes the point that if every other racial and ethnic group can and does organize on behalf of their group but it is taboo for whites to do so, then the groups that take their own side will take over and whites obviously will lose.

For whites to even notice that many minority groups are not working for high minded universal ideals (despite proclaiming those ideals) but instead are working for their own group’s interests, along racial, ethnic, and religious, lines is an immediate charge of being a Nazi.

For example, Hollywood is dominated by a certain minority. It’s no coincidence then that Hollywood produces an endless stream of movies and shows about the thing that is best for portraying that minority in a very sympathetic light – the Holocaust. If we accept the Holocaust narrative, and it’s accompanying numbers, at face value there are still plenty of other tragedies just as brutal, and sometimes at a much greater scale (Soviet and Maoist crimes against their people.)