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rsm30,scrum #psycho #sexist

I don't see why this has to be an issue, that mom is just overprotective, kids are kids sometimes they choose to have sex with people older than them, so theres nothing wrong with this and now England is sending an innocent man to jail for 4 years just because he wanted to be in a sexual relationship.

The girl is 12. You don't see anything wrong with a 20 year old, who has had sex with other young kids before, having sex with a 12 year old? Now, I'm going to ask this in all seriousness. Are you a pedophile? Like seriously, are you?

Hey, even Meidou somewhat has a same opinion on this as me, so its not like I'm only saying this cause I'm biased or anything. And yes I find nothing wrong at all about a 20 year old being in a sexual relationship with a 12 year old. Why is it wrong? Besides finding it "disgusting" because of the age difference, how is it bad? That seems to be the thing no one can answer.

Scrum: “I don't see anything wrong if the girl isn't clever enough to object. She was saved by her Mum. She obviously couldn't get out herself. Which is stupid.”