
Mike Olcott #fundie webx.tennessean.com

I do not understand why some Evolutionists are so passionate about the Theory of "Life Just Happening" for no reason or purpose. It there were just 3 to 10 species of living beings, this would better support their theory. However, millions of very distinct creatures with a unique ability to reproduce no matter how small, large, unusual let's us know that there is a Creator.

Tim Weatherly #fundie webx.tennessean.com

['Panderichthys (380MYA) - earliest known fish with bone structure of ulna, radius, humerus in pectoral fins, and femur/tibia/fibula in the hindlimb. Originally classified as an amphibian, until complete skeletons were unearthed demonstrating an attached pectoral girdle, delicate vertebrae, and a long caudal fin. (Thompson American Scientist, 79(Nov/Dec 1991))

Acanthostega and Ichthyostega (363MYA) - Fish with 8 or 7 fingers on each pectoral and hind fin, respectivley (Coates and Clack, Nature, 352, July 18, 1991, p. 234-236). Four legs, internal gills, lungs, detached pectoral girdle, but weak ribs, delicate vertebrae, weak pelvic girdle, preoperculum, and abundant foramen throughout the skull indicating vascularization of the gills, indicating that they were still functional.']

And Panderichthys is a FISH! It has no limbs. It has fins. There has never been found a fossil of a "fishbian," if you will, which has partially developed limbs. Indeed, how could a partial limb have been an advantage but if no partial limbed "fishbian" ever existed, then the question of how could a fish change into an amphibian without intermediate stages. The problem is making sense of necessary evolution tales.