
Dr. Don Boys #fundie #racist donboys.cstnews.com

Why is it commendable for Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, and others to loudly proclaim their ethnicity and boast of past achievements, but when a white Christian does so, everyone treats him like a bigot?


Last night I saw a video of a young Martin Luther King Jr. declare, "I am proud to be black. Black is beautiful. Someone needs to say it." That was fantastic but why was it right for him to say it about being black but wrong for me to say the same thing about being white? I will expect an answer from my critics.


Of course, I don't want to be identified with the white supremacist crowd or the clowns of the KKK because they are obvious haters. I do think it is not only right but also desirable to be proud of our heritage - whatever our heritage. Mine happens to be white Christian.


The desire to keep our nation historically American with our language, customs, values, religion, etc., is admirable and nothing to be ashamed of. Why should we want a major shift in the racial ratio, language, customs, and religion?

Dr. Don Boys #fundie #transphobia donboys.cstnews.com

Most modern Americans are so shallow and media-struck, they can't think normally. Homosexuals don't exist, only heterosexuals who do awkward, abnormal, even abominable things with the same sex. Likewise, transgenders do not exist, only uncertain, unstable, and unwise people who mutilate their bodies in search of an elusive dream-that always becomes a nightmare.

Look, it's rather simple. A child is born. His or her attending physician holds up the new-born, slaps his or her rear, lays the child on his or her back (don't get hasty, we'll get to the gender soon) and after a quick glance writes "male" on the birth certificate. That settles it and he will be called "Bob," "Bill," or maybe even "Bruce." His parents think they have a boy but he later decides he is a she. Much later in life he enjoys wearing female clothing and identifying with females. He looks down at himself and appears to be a man but "feels" like a woman. The trouble is you can't trust your feelings. Your eyes are telling you the truth while your feelings are lying to you and will end up making a fool of you and destroying your life.


I suggest that each person keep his or her parts that they were born with and not listen to the "voice within them" since it is their body parts that will be removed, not those of the voice within.

No, transgenders do not exist.

Don Boys #fundie #homophobia donboys.cstnews.com

Pastors should inform everyone that they will never perform a same-sex "wedding." Nor will the church ever be used for such activity. It is not enough for pastors not to perform such weddings; they must go on record of that decision.

Pastors should make it clear that unrepentant homosexuals will not be accepted as church members just as unrepentant fornicators, adulterers, thieves, abortionists, killers, and radical Liberals are rejected. Surely no pastor has to be convinced that he should never permit any secular authority to dictate to his church.

Pastors should prepare to lose the 501 (c) (3) tax status. Pastors have been negligent if they have not prepared church members for that event. The loss really should be no big deal since sincere Christians give 10 to 15 percent of their total income because they want to - not because of a tax advantage.

Preachers should continue to preach that homosexuality is perversion and if homosexuals do not repent they will be cast into Hell as fornicators. At the same time the homosexual, like the adulterer, must understand that God loves him and is willing to forgive him at any time. And so is the church.

Pastors must warn members not to attend same-sex "marriages" of close friends or family members and refuse without alienating them if at all possible. With many, it will not be possible and the loss will be heartbreaking; however, any kind of approval will make one "a partaker of his evil deeds."

Sunday school teachers and Christian school teachers should continue to teach that any sex outside of man-woman marriage is sinful requiring genuine repentance.

Christian colleges should continue to refuse homosexuals as students so housing for same-sex "couples" on their campus is a moot issue.


The Court Jesters have made their ruling, now let them try to force thinking and committed Americans to accept perversion as normal, natural, and noble.

Don Boys #fundie #homophobia donboys.cstnews.com

Let me be very clear: no informed, honest Christian can ever, under any circumstances, accept, approve, or applaud "gay" marriage or any other abnormal behavior. Never, even if there is a loss of income, home, job, or threat of prison! The non-thinkers and bigots will accuse me of bigotry followed by their usual diatribe but that is not an answer. The Homosexual Lobby's policy is if we don't approve them then they accuse and attack our lack of tolerance! Hypocrites!


The Homosexual Lobby has taken control of America with the collusion of the media moguls. Even "Christian" churches, colleges, and conventions have been snookered by the loony left. No one wants to appear unkind, unreasonable, or be unemployed; so, religious leaders have climbed on the bandwagon to perdition with a modern Bible version in their hands and a whining, spurious prayer on their lips.


In recent days we have seen the governors of Indiana and Arkansas show cowardice in face of the Homosexual Lobby. Governor Pence committed political suicide when he cowed to the screaming homosexuals who bullied, badgered, and browbeat him. If he can't stand up to perverts, he sure can't stand up to Putin.


The issue is not sexual rights but the obsessive desire by the Homosexual Lobby to suppress Christians' freedom of religion. Homosexuals will brook no disagreement and in this new America they have more rights than normal, decent people.

Homosexuals want acceptance of their beliefs but refuse Christians the same right. They want to have their cake and eat it too. That can't be done, just as Christians cannot compromise and become an enabler of perversion.

Don Boys #fundie donboys.cstnews.com

[About Donald Trump's wife and the Cruz campaign slut shaming her.]

I would have been horrified if my future wife had posed like that and would have broken our engagement. If she had been my adult daughter I would have broken fellowship with her although still loving her. A husband is responsible for his wife and daughters’ actions. Are you ready for this? They are accountable to him and once a daughter is married the accountability transfers to her husband!

Since I am in deep, deep water I might as well go deeper. I have been to Rome and Greece many times and have seen their famous paintings and sculptures and I think many of them are scandalous, salacious, and even slutty. I’m aware that it is supposed to make a difference because it is “great” art, even religious art but that is a silly, shallow, and shameful defense.

Here’s the bottom line: it is wrong to display one’s body to satisfy anyone–except a spouse. Often it is done by teens to get attention and that often comes back to bite them in their derrière a few years later. Then, they usually complain about an invasion of privacy! Simple answer to that: keep your private parts private except for your spouse.

Celebrities who whine about leaked nude photos are hypocrites as well as sluts. They never should have posed nude for the camera.

At a gallery of nude photos and sculptures all the spectators must be fully clothed as they look at totally naked bodies! Would it be acceptable if all the spectators were nude like the art? Why not?

Don Boys #fundie donboys.cstnews.com

Hit Muslim Terrorists Where it Hurts - Their Religion!

If we are going to have any sense of security in a world dominated by fools, fanatics, and fascists then we must crawl into the minds of Muslim fanatics and try to "work their system." I think I have succeeded in doing that and might be able to suggest a plan that could assure a length, mutual, but unsteady peace. [...] Let's do what other national leaders have done to defeat Muslim fanatics.

Just before the September 11, 2001 Muslim terrorist attacks on New York City, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania, Deputy Israeli Police Minister Gideon Esra suggested in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot that Palestinian suicide bombers be buried in pig skin! That is reminiscent of General "Black Jack" Sherman's alleged execution of six Muslim rebels in the Philippines in the early 1900s following the end of the Spanish American War. It is said, although without authentication, that he killed six Muslim rebels with bullets dipped in hog fat, wrapped the bodies in pig skins, dumped pig entrails over them and buried them face down so they could not face Mecca. That ended the insurrection.


While there is no guarantee of anything except God's salvation, taking advantage of the Muslims' superstitions could save many lives and maybe the destruction of American cities.

The President should speak to the United Nations in a message to Muslims everywhere: "We don't hate Muslims and we want to live in peace with them at home and abroad; however, we will no longer permit innocent Americans to be butchered anywhere in the world. Moreover, we will not permit any further terrorist actions against our nation.

"Therefore, hear this warning from the Oval Office, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the U.S. Congress. The next time an American hostage is killed by Muslim terrorists or after the next attack on our nation, excepting a lone wolf attack, the U.S. will bomb the sacred Kaaba in Mecca. At that time we will also bomb the holy cities of Mecca and Medina with pig poop from Iowa - the hog capital of the nation. There will be no warning other than this one."

Dr. Don Boys #fundie donboys.cstnews.com

Middle East Refugees Will Destroy American Culture!

I have problems with much of American culture - movies, television, music, etc.; however, America is still the best place in the world. Our culture has degenerated for many years and it is only reasonable to attempt to slow its decline. Illegal and poorly managed legal immigration has had, is having, and will have a divisive, debilitating, and destructive influence on America.


Moreover, it is not racist but realistic to declare that accepting immigrants from most European nations would have less negative impact on America than immigrants from non-white and non-English speaking nations. Now, if my critics will stop screaming incoherently and try to stop the knee jerking (left one, of course) they will be forced to admit the statement is true. My motives can be legitimately questioned but the accuracy of the statement cannot be.

If potential immigrants have never used an indoor toilet; or never driven an automobile; teach that women are inferior to men; believe in multiple wives; think it is normal to behead a "loved one" for being raped; think it acceptable to mutilate baby girls; have no experience with freedom and no desire to be taught such; are committed to sharia law not American law; believe that death is acceptable for one who leaves "the only true religion"; have no money, skills, or desire to attain them; then only a fool would suggest they can be absorbed in American life as easily as people from European nations. Why welcome such people knowing what it will do to our nation?

Any who disagree with the above should take a trip to Dearborn, Michigan as soon as possible. Seeing is believing - except to the willfully blind.

Legal immigration should be halted for a few years although I think exceptions should be made for those Americans who marry foreigners. In addition to temporarily ending immigration we should raise our standards requiring all new citizens to recite the Preamble to the Constitution and whistle "This Land is Your Land, This Land is my Land" at the same time! Well, maybe not quite that extreme, but almost!

Stop all legal immigration now; build the wall and penalize any US business that hires an illegal alien; fine and deport all foreigners who overstay their visas; and demand that Muslim nations absorb the "refugees" fleeing from other Muslim nations.

Hey, if unlimited immigration is good, then let European and Muslim nations take in the immigrants who are "yearning to breathe free...." If it is noble, kind, and compassionate to take in an unlimited number of foreigners, then let the other advanced nations get the "blessings" of immigration. Furthermore, if Muslims are offended when I sing patriotic songs, fly the American flag, and pray to Christ, then tough luck. This is a big world so they can find somewhere else to live. There is plenty of empty space on the Arabian Desert!

If America continues to permit massive legal and illegal immigration we will eventually become a banana republic - without bananas and without a republic!

Dr. Don Boys #fundie donboys.cstnews.com

This week Dr. James Dobson predicted that American Christians would soon be a hated minority; however, his timing is wrong: True Christians are already a hated minority and they always have been.


Genuine Christians are still hated because of creed, conduct, and character. We demand that the abortion holocaust cease; that marriage has always been, is now, and will always be between a man and a woman; that government butt out of our homes and permit parents to rear decent, loving, and obedient children; and that all governments stay out of our churches and Christian schools.

Don Boys #fundie donboys.cstnews.com

Not only is it immoral for anyone to demand a minimum wage, it will always result in unemployment especially among threshold workers. If a worker does not produce more profit than his salary then he will be fired. The owner will adjust by working more hours himself, raise prices, or cut some benefits or restrict hours of operation. After all, he must make a profit. He does not run a non-profit business nor is he in business to provide a workplace for employees. He is in business to make money. No money, no business.

Don Boys #fundie donboys.cstnews.com

No True Muslim Should be a U.S. President!

Americans need to understand, contrary to all the radical leftist propaganda, that the barbarians are not at the gates; they are inside the gates while U.S. politicians and religious leaders stand around sucking their thumbs as a strange wooden horse has been pulled ever deeper inside our national borders.

Few people know what lurks behind the Black Curtain of Islam. Muslim lackeys in America dance, joke, sing, and pretend to be normal Americans; however, they never show the true face of Islam - until they take control. The plan is: take total control of every nation peacefully if possible through conversion, immigration, high birth rate, but with the sword if necessary. If every educated Muslim (or non-Muslim) denies that fact, he is a liar, lackey, or lunatic - literally.


Keep in mind that Muslims are permitted to lie if it furthers the Islamic push toward a world caliphate and make no mistake, that's where they are headed.

Dr. Don Boys #fundie donboys.cstnews.com

Angry, audacious, asinine atheists profess loudly to all who will listen - even to those who won't - that God does not exist. They are especially overbearing and offensive even obnoxious during the Christmas season. Atheists also do not believe in Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Peter Pan but they do not try to convince others of their non-existence! However, I don't believe in atheists and neither does God! The Bible clearly teaches that God loves the world and wants everyone to place faith in Him to guarantee forgiveness of sins and a place in Heaven. Atheists don't exist because God will not permit it!


No, neither God or I believe in atheists. Atheists don't even believe in atheism!